Some things haven't changed in 20 years
# ¿ Jan 8, 2020 18:10 |
# ¿ Jan 24, 2025 04:29 |
Out of all the dumb and terrible things in Kevin and Kell, what irks me the most is the weird underbite on rabbit-turned-rat.
# ¿ Jan 9, 2020 05:57 |
fondue posted:Well see, half the buildings were really old back in the late 80s and were heated with boilers. The temperature of a room would vary from comfortable to tropical. If you lived in an apartment or dorm near the campus you could endure a little cold so you could wear clothing appropriate for the rooms. Sure, but that picture is from 2019. I'm just tickled that Boondocks provided early documentation of a weird white boy flex that continues to this very day.
# ¿ Jan 9, 2020 17:38 |
Encyclopedia Brown also had one where a stolen key was hidden in a hotdog and the giveaway was that the mustard and sauerkraut had been added in the wrong order and apparently "nobody eats hotdogs that way"
# ¿ Jan 14, 2020 03:29 |
riderchop posted:Is the Zits an edit. Did one of you get a job drawing Zits. Lol no, the hot flash strips appear every once in a while and have ever since I can remember
# ¿ Jan 18, 2020 03:02 |
At this point I want it to be true that Gunther is in fact fuckin, and he's just really annoyed because it's not anyone's business but theirs holy poo poo
# ¿ Jan 18, 2020 21:24 |
this strip has broken me
# ¿ Jan 18, 2020 22:05 |
Michelle is definitely being drawn strangely as of late. Also I think some colleges require RAs to host a certain number of events as part of having the job
# ¿ Feb 29, 2020 23:24 |
Manuel Calavera posted:Wait is that egg selling thing real? drat. Egg donation is very real and donors might receive 10 times that depending on things like education level, etc.
# ¿ Mar 3, 2020 15:21 |
Professor Wayne posted:The Far Side IIRC Larson got a LOT of complaints about this one Somebody fucked around with this message at 23:54 on Jul 24, 2022 |
# ¿ Mar 6, 2020 03:39 |
Is it too late to get a tag as well? Re: Edda's birth plan, I assumed it was related to whatever unnamed complication kept her on hospital bed-rest. The bed-rest where she spent her time drawing cheesecake pictures of herself and making out with her gay ex-roommate. Don't forget all the sweet money she made as a model, which cause her to be fired from her ballerina job. I don't think the strip has ever broached the fallout of that.
# ¿ Mar 13, 2020 15:13 |
Rhymes with Orange isn't my favorite but drat that one really gets it. That or "time spent scrolling past the author's longform blog entry"
# ¿ Mar 15, 2020 21:18 |
IIRC someone did post Kliban regularly some time ago, and just put the NSFW ones under a link. It was good stuff.
# ¿ Mar 19, 2020 15:32 |
I like Zelda because it's very aware of how lovely its protagonist can be. It's refreshing after the Luanns and Les Moores of the comics page
# ¿ Mar 25, 2020 19:26 |
Cul de Sac
# ¿ Mar 29, 2020 22:10 |
My understanding is that one might expect that phrasing for a particularly difficult or dangerous machine, but here it's just...an actual tub of lye.
# ¿ Mar 31, 2020 04:35 |
The is only the second time I've seen "the urge" but it speaks volumes! I love TDIET
# ¿ Apr 2, 2020 12:58 |
Wondering what the lead time is on Family Circus, today's strikes me as...in very poor taste
# ¿ Apr 17, 2020 17:12 |
Mister Olympus posted:I had to google this one and I'm still confused https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2017/01/20/gwyneth-paltrows-goop-is-selling-jade-eggs-for-your-vagina/ Presumably she wants to sell moonrock eggs
# ¿ Apr 18, 2020 04:05 |
For those curious, this is the portrait mentioned in 9CL
# ¿ Apr 19, 2020 01:18 |
Just wanted to say thanks for posting Dykes to Watch Out For and providing so much historical context! It's been a fascinating read and my experience is vastly enriched by your footnotes.
# ¿ Apr 20, 2020 23:44 |
9CL isn't an edit
# ¿ Apr 22, 2020 02:10 |
I think my main issue with HoTC's new art style is all the shading. Something about it makes my eyes slide off the strip and blurs out any features that are meant to make the characters distinct.
# ¿ Apr 29, 2020 13:26 |
This bit with Puddles strikes me as extra weird since there have been strips in the past centering on how he's an older dog who's getting lazy
# ¿ Apr 30, 2020 20:20 |
computer angel posted:I think the idea is that now the mom isn't with him all day so he's newly anxious. That's exactly where this is going isn't it
# ¿ Apr 30, 2020 22:16 |
No, God is a whole separate guy from Thorax's Pappy (the tiny old man he is sometimes seen with). God is a balding mustachiod man in a suit who we saw when the old nun had some weird metaphysical experience while one of her former nuns was giving birth.
# ¿ May 1, 2020 05:42 |
StrixNebulosa posted:dun dun DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN The finding-your-birth-mother story doesn't particularly interest me but there is a strip after the meeting where he has a very sweet interaction with his adoptive mother regarding the whole situation. Hoping you post that one since it shows Batiuk is occasionally able to do a decent thing.
# ¿ May 12, 2020 15:55 |
amigolupus posted:And I don't know if putting a baby down and letting them cry for a while is a good solution or not, but it feels terrible coming from Lynn "throw my child out onto the snow" Johnston. This was written in the 80's, right? Letting the kid cry it out* was common advice at the time. Of course, knowing what we know now about her parenting makes this look a lot worse in hindsight. *assuming the baby is fed, dry, and not injured in any way. CIO is still a thing today, but I'm going off my mom's memories of being a new parent in the 80's and how this method was recommended. edit: ah gently caress, as the FOOB lj community pointed out, the crib is in Elizabeth's room so guess who really gets to deal with the nonstop crying! Now THAT'S poo poo parenting! coronatae fucked around with this message at 18:14 on May 12, 2020 |
# ¿ May 12, 2020 18:10 |
This is the one I was remembering! I thought it was sweet when I first read it as a teenager and I still think it's sweet. gently caress those videos though, especially the one we'll eventually see labeled "for the other woman" Also what does she even go to Congress to talk about? Guess I'll find out
# ¿ May 13, 2020 04:01 |
His Divine Shadow posted:And here I was conditioned into thinking it probably had to do with blow jobs or something. Same Front-facing Jon gives me Animal Crossing vibes but in like the most unsettling way possible
# ¿ May 18, 2020 16:49 |
I missed it by several pages but I hate the realization that this is the second time Holbrook has done a strip about kegels in K&K
# ¿ May 21, 2020 00:51 |
EasyEW posted:9 "How Many Years Have I Been Reading This Pretentious Garbage And It Never Came Up That Thorax Was The Father Of Another Character?" Lane hWHAT
# ¿ May 21, 2020 05:21 |
"Broken more dishes than Nurmi has records" refers to famed Finnish distance runner Paavo Nurmi. I remember him being name-dropped in a Skippy strip several years back as well.
# ¿ Jun 1, 2020 02:39 |
StrixNebulosa posted:goddamn Calvin and Hobbes is so good at drawing funny faces. I know as a kid I tried to re-enact a bunch of those. Somewhere in The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes Watterson mentions how much fun he had practicing different faces in the mirror for strips like these
# ¿ Jun 4, 2020 17:03 |
Cul De Sac knocking it out of the park
# ¿ Jun 7, 2020 23:53 |
Also I loving hate the author guy in Apartment 3G. I don't know if it's just a product of its time and we're supposed to see him as a wide-eyed earnest young aw-shucks author but he comes off as a creepy condescending piece of poo poo.
# ¿ Jun 12, 2020 17:00 |
Manuel Calavera posted:Bizarro once in a while Bizarro owns
# ¿ Jun 18, 2020 13:15 |
-My guess is the "Vaca" in "Mr. Vaca" is supposed to be pronounced "vaycay" as in "vacation." I've seen people abbreviate vacation that way before, though it doesn't read very well. -Les being excited at the prospect of a younger sibling is really sweet. Poor kid probably wants to spare them the neglectful childhood he had. -Safe Havens doesn't show up on my app unless I actively click on the image link but reading amigolupus' description of what's happening was bonkers and made me really happy I don't see it unless I really want to.
# ¿ Jun 19, 2020 12:18 |
kidcoelacanth posted:women this, and there have been some strips dedicated to her insecurities about being older than him as well
# ¿ Jun 24, 2020 03:45 |
# ¿ Jan 24, 2025 04:29 |
FrumpleOrz posted:Wait, is garlic like a hot pepper to the target audience of Rose Is Rose? I don't understand why they're skulls. That's the strip's long-standing visual representation of garlic breath. I wish I was constantly orbited by little green skulls
# ¿ Jun 28, 2020 22:25 |