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Oct 14, 2012

Wikipedia says RIR creator Pat Brady is originally from Kentucky, graduated from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and lives in New Jersey.

I also found a 2000 interview where he said "Brooke McEldowney is doing fascinating art with '9 Chickweed Lane.'" :catstare:


Oct 14, 2012

The church lady hat strips in Curtis are some of my favorite, just for the hat designs he comes up with :allears:

Oct 14, 2012

Would defs try Zeldadad's hot dog order

Oct 14, 2012

I genuinely want things to work out for Ella Cinders

Oct 14, 2012

Green Intern posted:

Nobody reported her for the scam because...?

I wanna say that someone tried and Ann spun a sob story about being duped by a sham company.

Re: DtWOF, that moment of Lois realizing she's not the transgressive element in the room is hilarious and reminds me of many of my college friends. It was a shock for them to move from small towns into a major city and realize nobody gave a poo poo.

Oct 14, 2012

Count me in among people who are SHOCKED that Luann's narrative didn't delve further into opportunities to poo poo on Tiffany.

In the context of Luann as a whole it's bittersweet but hell, I'll take any victory for the last two likeable characters in the strip

Oct 14, 2012

curtadams posted:

I think the idea was that the fake pregnancy was her backup plan for getting married if Tiff's dad didn't propose to her.

It was this, hence its being hidden until Tiff went snooping

Oct 14, 2012

bad posts ahead!!! posted:

i’m ashamed at how much i enjoyed seeing bernice cry


it's a damning indictment of how utterly unlikeable she is

Oct 14, 2012

Excellent BCN avatar material but the last panel's "I'm turning around 17 times and then I am GOING TO SLEEP!" is my favorite

Oct 14, 2012

For how often things are described as the best invention since sliced bread, it's fun to see a comic actually acknowledge when that shift started

Oct 14, 2012

That first Zelda strip reading me for filth

Oct 14, 2012

Ah yes the DeGroots sleep in because they're not awake and bustling at 6AM

I hate that this strip has me defending Luann characters that aren't Tiffany or Les

Oct 14, 2012

1) crab Lupin is wonderful

2) I want so badly for Lucas Honeycutt to get sloshed and tank his chance at getting published, but I know in my heart this isn't what will happen. I was picturing a drinking spree meltdown like that guy's sister had right before this story.

Oct 14, 2012

EasyEW posted:

Ted Forth's Brave New World

The choreography isn't great but the song owns

Oct 14, 2012

A glimpse of the real reporters behind Breaking Cat News:

Oct 14, 2012

Batiuk could never write a love story as beautiful and compelling as Aunt May and the Moleman

Oct 14, 2012

The snow angel thing Les is talking about...was that when St Lisa decided to enter hospice care?

Oct 14, 2012

My hatred for Lucas Honeycutt burns hot enough that I'm kind of hoping he's loving dead instead of massively hungover

Oct 14, 2012

I just want to point out that Brooke uses the wrong form of discreet to describe his creepy loving eavesdropping. Discrete means "separate/distinct from"

Oct 14, 2012

drat that's a fine Goya

Oct 14, 2012

Vargo posted:


The seagull is gaming with them :kimchi:

40th birthday being "over the hill" always weirded me out as a kid bc my mom was 40 when she had me. Though tbf that's how I feel about turning 30 next year.

Oct 14, 2012

Vargo posted:

(This was published shortly after the murder of Emmett Till, for reference)


Oct 14, 2012

I'm not really interested in the Mad Max racoons/forest critters of BCN but I'm always delighted to see the rodent in the can labeled BEEF

Oct 14, 2012


Oct 14, 2012

This brought back memories of the arc where Curtis discovered a questionable tape of his parents... it was written to seem like he'd found some intimate home movies but turned out to be footage of their time as dancers on Soul Train.

Oct 14, 2012

Been meaning to pop in and say how thrilled I am that Lucas Honeycutt is having a tantrum over his editor saying that he needs her, and is leaving town. gently caress off forever.

I know that's not how it will end but it's nice to dream sometimes.

Oct 14, 2012

amigolupus posted:

It's not even like he overheard them criticize his bullshit that makes him reevaluate himself, he just decides to go away because ?????? This whole storyline is about Lucas doing poo poo on impulse without a single thought to the people who are worried about him, so it's very fitting that he does it to the end. Apartment 3G sure loves introducing obnoxious characters that we're supposed to like.

I'll admit I didn't get a clear read on his reaction but until the strip says otherwise I interpret it as his pride being wounded that his editor says he needs her. Because the gee-shucks good ol' country boy wrote the Great American Novel and gosh golly it should stand on its own merit without you fancy city folk publishers!

Oct 14, 2012

I'm always in awe of the F Minus art. The style is so simple but the facial expressions are perfect

Oct 14, 2012

The expression on Alice's face in the second panel is utterly charming :allears:

Oct 14, 2012

I did some research out of morbid curiosity and these devices are still very much a thing. The Hay Rake design is particularly disturbing

Oct 14, 2012

It's perfect :allears:

Oct 14, 2012

1) I remember this Moomin story and it's great

2) That's your Clinton, Batiuk?

Oct 14, 2012

FrumpleOrz posted:

At one point, she time traveled into the future to get some training before they launched into space. Kind of like the end of Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. I don't remember if they ever stated how long she was gone but I think we're supposed to assume she's at least in her fifties at least.

I wanna say she time traveled for all the training to be an OBGYN so she could deliver...herself

Oct 14, 2012

CommonShore posted:

It's more of a genuine emotional exploration than anything Batiuk has ever done.

One of Watterson's best, imo. Imagine FOOB trying to do this.

For Cruel Little Stories the best I can come up with is that Dad didn't have anything for them to do so played up shoe polishing as a super fun activity, Mom is annoyed he didn't actually do anything fun with the kids and preemptively polished the shoes to keep him from pulling that poo poo again

Oct 14, 2012

This man really thinks a training bra is a device that trains your breasts to grow.

In happier news I've really loved this week's modern A&J. The theme is fun and they don't explain the joke at the end of every strip. Holbrook could never.

Funky's ICE deportation arc has disgusted me in ways I cannot yet put into words, but I am toying with the notion of writing to my local paper about dropping the strip.

Oct 14, 2012

EasyEW posted:

Funky Winkerbean, in which the Funkyverse mocks us.

Eat poo poo you loving hack

Fritzi edit is good tho

Oct 14, 2012

Crabgrass :unsmith:

Oct 14, 2012

That offhand comment about Schwarzenegger is amazing in hindsight

Oct 14, 2012

IIRC this was meant to be a joke about steaks in the freezer but he got angry letters for what people interpreted as a joke about bull semen

Somebody fucked around with this message at 15:02 on Jul 25, 2022


Oct 14, 2012

I'm extremely into whatever's going on with 2017 Robbie and Bobby

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