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Dec 26, 2012

My Lovely Horse posted:

I've always liked how Jon's social circle, while seen rarely, is populated exclusively with utterly bizarre characters.

It only now occurs to me that a good portion of them have to be fellow cartoonists.
The lady in the plaid shirt and glasses at least was an otherwise one-week character Jon went on a date with. It was 100% fat jokes, but Garfield liked her.

Selachian posted:

Edge of Wandering Monsters

How do I even begin to describe your head/neck situation.

Drakyn fucked around with this message at 15:02 on Sep 30, 2020


Dec 26, 2012

~Coxy posted:

Mopsy 3/19/43

Mopsy would be an extremely cruel and capricious god. I'm all for it.
edit: specifically I'm thinking nyarlathotep but with way better dress sense.

Dec 26, 2012

Green Intern posted:

Whenever someone complains about The Youths not knowing about Vegetables/Books/Taxes/Etc, they should be mad at the person or system that never taught them about those things. And yet.
The person I had to explain progressive tax brackets to while working retail was not The Youths, I promise you. That was one of those moments that sort of bent the rest of the day around it.

StrixNebulosa posted:

Hi sorry for being late, I'm having intense e/n problems
Natural outcome of posting Cathy, don't worry about it and feel better soon. Though if conditions persist you should post something whimsical and cheery for a week before ACK sets in.

Dec 26, 2012

catlord posted:

I'm really liking Dark Laughter. Thanks for posting it!
Bootsie's effortless dignity in the face of his own lack of dignity is awe-inspiring and something for us all to look up to.

Vargo posted:


Wallace the Brave is loving amazing in all respects and I keep being surprised that it's a newspaper strip it's so damned good.

StrixNebulosa posted:

Aw, thanks. I'm having a big change in my life coming up and my brain has been tied up with panic over that even though it's a good change that I want to happen. :sigh:
Been there done that worn the t-shirt. Don't worry about worrying over that sort of thing; it's normal to be alarmed by good things. Truck onwards!

amigolupus posted:

Holy poo poo, Moomin is hardcore! :stare:
I deeply enjoy the lack of sugar-coating or euphemism about his motives: he wants this man corpse'd, and he's going to drat well ACT on it.

Doomykins posted:

Moomin rules, even if he is being a jerk.

I love that Edge of Adventure has broken down completely. Basic character appearances, simple cause and effect, the physical properties of previously drawn every day objects, lines of action and flow. None of it is correct. Just look at those "swords" and their "hilts." I finally see why EoA is posted at all as it is full blown MST3K territory. :allears:
It's not even the most overtly racist thing being posted in this thread atm because we've got both Prince Val Amongst The Musselmenses and Modesty Blaise: Willie's Yellowface Gambit running right now! AND Modesty can pull that off at the same time as queer stereotyping! His niche is so so small and he fails even within it!

Drakyn fucked around with this message at 14:55 on Oct 7, 2020

Dec 26, 2012

Alhazred posted:

Is Heloise supposed to be an unsympathetic rear end in a top hat in this arc?
God willing, but I expect little.

Yvonmukluk posted:

Bad Machinery

I appreciate that Mildred is easily the most malevolent character in this strip containing a wicked spirit and a rich football-obsessed lunatic who threw what appeared to be an old lady in his trunk.
Although the orange person thing has a very different image brought to mind nowadays.

Dec 26, 2012

That's pretty old.

Dec 26, 2012

Johnny Walker posted:

Mark Trail

"Red meets yellow, you're dead lmao."

Also, Jules made an appearance in the comments yesterday.

I'm all in now.
I'm too artistically inept to describe how, but I feel like the foliage still has preserved some sort of mark-trail-ish-ness to it. Someone please explain how this is correct or laughably stupid because I can't.
Also I enjoy that the foreground wildlife is immediately still a thing, it's just now actually a relevant part of the strip rather than being a total non sequitur.

Dec 26, 2012

Whatever must be said about Zorro's pacing, that's some damned good use of a beat panel.

Dec 26, 2012


PetraCore posted:

Kit is going to attempt to ghost his entire family once he turns 18 at this rate, but I don't see how having him back directly helps Kadia.
Maybe she wants to push their faces together and tell them to kiss? Don't know why because Kadia's clearly into Heloise despite her weird head games, but still.

edit: hah, I THOUGHT that would make a good thread title and I didn't even notice the change.

Drakyn fucked around with this message at 22:18 on Oct 16, 2020

Dec 26, 2012

ikanreed posted:

Classical string quartets play like they look like they're super deep in thought, I guess?
One dude is joint-deep in his nostril with the exact same air of focused artistic sophistication as the rest of the still-playing quartet.


Dec 26, 2012

The castle-dweller was outraged at the implication that the Duke of York could afford to pay Hagar's extortion and then some while he himself was a puny moneyless peasant, and so responded by reversing course on his claims of poverty by giving away even MORE than the Duke of York did just to prove that he totally has the biggest wealth-penis around.

Dec 26, 2012

Green Intern posted:

I find it a bit hard to believe that these expert Soviet intelligence agents with their foolproof brainwashing and accurate profiling somehow missed that Fraser and Mary were a thing.
Presumably the USSR used Modesty and Willie as a safely-deniable paper-shredder for incompetent morons without their ever knowing, and these guys were just dumb enough to never have been let in on the joke.

Alhazred posted:

The Ghost Who Really Is Way Too Tired To gently caress His Wife Right Now.
He does not avoid women, Alhazred. But he does deny them the Phantom's* essence.

*For the Ghost Who Volcels!

Dec 26, 2012

Modern Mark Trail continuing its current streak of having correct opinions, although the full scope and outcome of its execution remains to be seen as good or bad or mediocre.

EBB posted:

do me a favor and check my son's junk real quick will ya?
'just give it a fast squeeze, report back on the general state of it. we're looking for the broad overview here, not the nitty-gritty.'

Powered Descent posted:

Why does everyone refer to Misabel in the third person when speaking to her? No one ever calls her "you".
I'm guessing it's related to that odd Moomin thing where lots of people are referred to directly as both individuals and a species. 'Moomintroll' is a specific character despite there being a family of them; 'Snufkin' is first introduced as 'a Snufkin,' 'the Mymble' etc. I think there might even have been multiple 'the Hemulen' characters.

Dec 26, 2012

Kavak posted:

Normally I'd find that obnoxious but this plotline is so odious and disconnected from an ugly reality that there's nothing else to say. What is even the message here, Batiuk?
"comic strip is are meananfull art im deep rite bout me plz. lisa."

Dec 26, 2012

Helmot Continues

Slammy posted:

And He Did! (August 24, 1917)

This seems like an And They Died, frankly.

Selachian posted:

Edge of Anachronisms

This activity is so poorly conveyed.

Dec 26, 2012

Ghostlight posted:

I enjoy Helmot, and not just because it means the thread is suffering two Bogors

Helmot Perseveres

Put those Peanuts right in your face, clip them on the fridge like birthday cards.

Evil Mastermind posted:

Working Daze wasn't funny the first time.
I appreciate the effort you go to in making these, but for this strip you could just reuse this one in particular and it would never be incorrect.

Drakyn fucked around with this message at 16:27 on Oct 29, 2020

Dec 26, 2012

Helmot: Infinity War

next time: the END of Helmot!!

Dec 26, 2012

Slammy posted:

Gay and Her Gang (November 15, 1928)
Mopsy inherited her cold-blooded nature from the best, I see.

Dec 26, 2012

Parahexavoctal posted:

Just the one?

The other was disqualified for doping. Still maintains it was a frame-up to this day.

Dec 26, 2012

Mikl posted:

I'm really tempted to post this in the politoon thread.

Also I'm glad there are quite a few people who are enjoying me posting Classic K&K :)

Speaking of which: Classic Kevin and Kell (August 11-15, 1997)

Classic Kevin and :gibs:

rannum posted:

re: liking K&K honestly same but for his whole body of work

It's just so........fascinating, to me. My dude has been doing 3 comics nearly every day for 20-40 years depending on when each comic started up. And they are all absolutely bananas in their own ways. He has this certain style all to his own, and I agree with How Wonderful that its honestly not a bad looking strip either, and each day I read his comics wondering what dumb loving bullshit he's going to do today. What metaphor are you going to torture and contradict next? What insane plot twist are you going to pull out? What will be the horrible work experience that happens? What piece of hell world will we look at today?
It's going to be "[character] sure has [characteristic] alright! Boy howdy! Gosh a doodle-darn!" as seen in exhibit: everything.

Dec 26, 2012

Julet Esqu posted:

Just thinking about how when Jock was first introduced he was super girl crazy and asked out every woman he saw. He even went out on some dates with Luann. But at some point Team Evans decided to make him a "good" character, so now everyone pretends that he and Luann never went out and he never flirts with anyone because straight-forwardly indicating your attraction to a person you are attracted to is what Bad people do.
Of course! As we all remember,
nothing's more moral, wise, safe, sane, reasonable, and noble than absta...abstimer....absta...having a stroke while trying to pronounce abstinence.
Except abstinence.

Instead of being a WHORE.

Dec 26, 2012

Last time: Next time: the END of Helmot!!

Helmot: Endgame

Drakyn fucked around with this message at 20:57 on Nov 3, 2020

Dec 26, 2012

davidspackage posted:

I rarely get what Patty Jo & Ginger is about. Like, I think it's about a lurid woman and a trickster leprechaun only she can see and hear...
I think it's mostly about some sorta roadside foob.

Green Intern posted:

I did a double take when I glanced over this strip. Allen didn’t bother putting in any other detail on what I assume is a loincloth or towel around the tall guy in the back center, so it looks like he’s hanging dong.
Look he was very busy copying and pasting that urn okay.

Dec 26, 2012

goatface posted:

She got all the video she needs. The blackmail material will keep them forever under her thumb.
Hoping the strip moves rapidly away from this territory because I don't want to imagine any of the potential litany of [Deathany] is [goth] honeymoon jokes.

Kennel posted:


Mandrake clearly and enormously overcompensating after having his illusions utterly emasculated by the Metal Man. Like a little kid who got their toy stolen walking up to a random uninvolved toddler and pushing them over.

Dec 26, 2012

Professor Wayne posted:


I have a friend who turns on every light in the room when he's watching TV or playing games, and it drives me insane.
Isn't that supposed to make it easier on your eyes by not creating such a jarring contrast between the bright screen and your dark surroundings, or is that junk science nonsense I've been tricked into?

Johnny Walker posted:

Mark Trail

Sundays appear to take place within the regular story! Interesting.
Wait, does this mean there's a slim but genuine chance that man-ready-to-medicinally-piss-on-his-friend can become a recurring character?

Dec 26, 2012

Wait, has Jon been sitting on a tiny chair every time the strip used this perspective? This changes over forty years of Garfield canon.

Dec 26, 2012

Haifisch posted:

2017 Spiderman

Imagine the sheer haplessness of a spider-baby. Kidproofing the house would take decades.

readingatwork posted:

Calvin and Hobbes (Jul 4-5, 1988)

I think this is one of those strips that loses a little something when it's part of a continuous collection. Imagine just opening the paper in the '80s and there it is, no context, no knowledge of if it's going to keep going or not.

Alhazred posted:

Why is the Phantom trying to downplay his legend? If I had saying about me about how I had the strength of ten tigers I wouldn't go around debunking it.
Delicate balancing act: the Phantom* wants expectations high enough that people are impressed and spooked by him, but not so high that they start to demand he do more work.
*For the Ghost Who Is Strategically Incompetent!

Dec 26, 2012

My Lovely Horse posted:

Not gonna lie, I liked that one. But I also haven't read any other K&K in months so I don't know that the roadrunner is a clone from the future, probably.
I genuinely enjoy the way it also just looks like a totally non-anthropomorphized bird. Doesn't even have cartoony eyes.
I learned something today!

Wikipedia posted:

After allegations of non-payment were made by contractors hired to improve Helmsley's Connecticut home, she was investigated and convicted of federal income tax evasion and other crimes in 1989. Although having initially received a sentence of sixteen years, she was required to serve only nineteen months in prison and two months under house arrest. During the trial, a former housekeeper testified that she had heard Helmsley say: "We don't pay taxes; only the little people pay taxes," an aphorism which was identified with her for the rest of her life.
woop woop woop, rear end in a top hat

Somebody fucked around with this message at 15:01 on Jul 25, 2022

Dec 26, 2012

Kennel posted:


Mandrake sulks hypnotically.

Dec 26, 2012

Ghostlight posted:

for me that's always been a strength of his art. i feel like the way farside is presented mimics being a work of art, the framed single panel with statement underneath mirroring that of an old painting, framed, with title embossed beneath. it asks you to consider it not just as a piece of art, but as art on display, as a museum goer to the absurd, unreal, world it inhabits and documents. the frozen images of his subjects conveying that we aren't intended to be the first-hand witnesses of these accounts, aren't peeking into this world ourselves through the work of the artist, but are instead fully reliant on the artist to capture it and put it on display.
And that circular hooting mouth he does is absolutely perfect.

Alhazred posted:

Intet Nytt Fra Hjemmefronten

There's actually some (very limited) information available nowadays on dinosaur colouration, thanks to finding out that in sufficiently-high-quality fossils you can actually see fossilized melanosomes within their feathers! :eng101:

Dec 26, 2012

fun hater posted:

everett true RUDE moment

e: what is he even shaving!!
Least disturbing option: nose n ear hairs.

JethroMcB posted:

I know that the punchline will always be "Bootsie" but every time I read it, I have a chuckle. "Okay, what has Bootsie gotten himself into this time?"

Dec 26, 2012

Peck that's a fine wooddanger.

Dec 26, 2012

There's still room for this to turn back around, but as of this moment I'm deeply appreciative that between yesterday and today it appears that Ella Cinders has just had an armed smuggler react to discovering Meddling Kids with 'aw forthelovvachrist, geddouddaheah' and ended it there rather than have him trying to hold them hostage or something because all criminals do all crimes at all times. A pleasant surprise from something so old.

Stultus Maximus posted:

It's kind of weird to have two separate strips currently running with "I decided to give the main character a baby for some reason but don't want to actually put in anything about having a baby or caring for a baby."
Zelda's also skipping over the entire pregnancy comes off as better to me in this comparison, because it looks less like the author got bored with the story once the part they could fetishize was over with and more that there's a deliberately-created information gap being played with.

Dec 26, 2012

RoboRodent posted:


I hope it's a lion with a horn.
"Say, what's your child's favourite food?"
*cut to the rhinolion munching on the limbs of someone's corpse skewered on its horn*
"Kebabs!" :haw: :haw: :haw:

Dec 26, 2012

Going to guess that by rule of thumb with birds, either 'gently caress OFF' or 'gently caress ME.'

Dec 26, 2012

I can't understand this strip at all.

THERE we go! Crystal clear.

Drakyn fucked around with this message at 13:40 on Dec 3, 2020

Dec 26, 2012

Manuel Calavera posted:

One tiny correction, she's named Dethany. Why do I remember this.
I am buried in shame, but at least I've taken you with me.

Dec 26, 2012

sweeperbravo posted:

I love New Mark Trail so much. I was biased in its favor because of how bad the previous era had been, but the first few strips were hitting kind of iffy for me (regardless of Hot Mark). Now that we're moving into the narrative more I think it's really finding its footing and I'm excited to read it every day (and not just for Hot Mark)
Same. I was a little confused by the pacing early on but right now it seems pretty damned good, and the art's great.
And the attack frogs are wonderful.

Julet Esqu posted:

So anyway, time for Luann, and time to think about people in Luann banging each other.

I'm sorry to focus on this over your actual story but oh my loving god, even the horniness in this comic is the most prudish thing I've ever seen. Arlo and Janis is the real Gallant to this Goofus.
Except Goofus is charming and relatable because we all secretly know we're Goofus.

Dec 26, 2012

I'm ashamed to admit that I still don't get this one. And google isn't cooperating.

Hostile V posted:

Mandatory holiday parties through Zoom sounds like hell on earth so of course Fast Rack supports this course of mandatory fun.
I'm not sure if there's still a way to do broad and toothless 'hah! workplaces and the bosses of those workplaces, huh? :haw:' humour anymore without being vaguely tasteless and insulting on some level, but if there is we're never going to find it in this strip.

Somebody fucked around with this message at 14:29 on Jul 25, 2022


Dec 26, 2012

Hwurmp posted:

the entire point of butterfly collecting was their distinct and colorful wings, not their interchangeably gross little bug bodies
I just completely overshot it then; I was sure this was a joke about some specific guy out there. There was a Perry Bible Fellowship long before PBFing, and I have fallen for it.

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