When we run out of classic nancy....I want to see Gilchrist
# ¿ Jan 1, 2020 16:48 |
# ¿ Jan 25, 2025 09:20 |
Uh, I had to defend my master's thesis before a committee. It's different at different programs.
# ¿ Jan 5, 2020 15:06 |
My thesis defense involved several hours of scrutiny. It was by no means theater - students in my department have failed the defense in the recent past. If my thesis had involved an external physical object as an example, it is indeed possible the committee would have examined it directly. Different departments do things differently. Holbrook's work is full of bullshit, but the basic idea of the defense procedure isn't a case of bullshit.
Discendo Vox fucked around with this message at 15:23 on Jan 5, 2020 |
# ¿ Jan 5, 2020 15:21 |
Der Shovel posted:That's interesting. Without disclosing more personal information than you're comfortable with, can you say what field your degree is in, or what degree it is you got? I imagine there is a world of difference between, say, an MSc in computer science (which is what Guy seems to be getting) and a MoA in Modern Dance or Sculpting or something. Social science. My program also had a humanities side, which had similarly (arguably much more intensive) rigorous defenses.
# ¿ Jan 5, 2020 17:17 |
CommonShore posted:So one of those egg council creeps got to you too, huh? As a matter of fact... (The egg board was wrong to do it, but I should note the company behind the "Just" products, and a lot of the new plant-based food industry, are absolutely monstrous fuckers)
# ¿ Jan 9, 2020 01:44 |
I for one enjoy hate-reading modern Tracy. Hwurmp posted:Actually that is Snag Toothle and his EU backstory is as follows(1/438): https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Zutton/Legends
# ¿ Jan 10, 2020 04:15 |
# ¿ Jan 11, 2020 07:22 |
Zinkraptor posted:I used to really like the Encyclopedia Brown series as a kid and there's one that always stuck out to me. There were always some I had no chance of solving simply because they relied on things that were only true decades prior, but this one failed on every level, even undermining its own premise. Basically, it's determined that there are some crooks hiding in a restaurant. The patrons and their positions are all described, and the criminals turn out to be a couple each crossdressing as the other gender (for... some reason. Look it's been a long time. They also may have both been men, I dunno). The reason is that that the woman was sitting in the wrong spot - you see, women are supposed to sit with their backs to the wall in restaurants, and the couple had it the wrong way around, proving their deception. But the very fact that this is a mystery that needs to be solved and is presented as a puzzle relies on the fact that the reader doesn't immediately recognize that as wrong! If it's something the reader might not know, why wouldn't it be something that they didn't know? Most damningly, it's something Encyclopedia Brown himself didn't know - it's solved by another character who knows these things because such knowledge comes standard with being a girl. God drat it, I remember that one. Encyclopedia Brown's female friend Sally Kimball solved it. Those books had some really nice illustrations though.
# ¿ Jan 14, 2020 05:22 |
That third panel's a deliberate partial redrawing of the first. God I love this comic. Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail Oh god. I think he's deliberately going to avoid using any clipart in this flashback. FrumpleOrz posted:The Lockhorns I had a suspicion, so I looked it up and there's a Ted Sklar practicing in New York who appears to have been the actual inspiration for this character in the comic. It appears likely Bill Hoest, the original creator of the comic, who was also a New Yorker, inserted him as the recurring Lockhorn attorney as a tribute. A couple other sites on the Lockhorns refer to him in passing as a "real life attorney". Julet Esqu posted:"conglutinating" It's a real word!
# ¿ Jan 15, 2020 05:26 |
Vargo posted:He is absolutely making it a point to not use clip art in this. I've gotta be honest, I don't hate it. Compared to so much of the other dreck we see, it's perfectly defensible. also
# ¿ Jan 16, 2020 00:08 |
Archyduchess posted:I'm also going to toss in a bit of Sam's Strip to test the waters. This was a very short-lived Mort Walker and Jerry Dumas strip that ran concurrently with their more well-known runs on Beetle Bailey and Hi and Lois. It's much self-referential and meta, and focuses on two guys who run their own comic strip, with numerous cameos by other early to mid 20th century characters. It only ran from 1961 to 1963 but I've been very fond of it since running across the Fantagraphics reprint a few years ago. The meta stuff is not as daring as it would have been 60 years ago, but I love the rhythm of it, it has a super pleasant, very tight vaudeville tempo to it. Please let me know if you'd like to see more of it! I'd be very interested!
# ¿ Jan 16, 2020 12:01 |
# ¿ Jan 18, 2020 21:09 |
Johnny Walker posted:Popeye's Cartoon Club I didn't think much of this one, but it turns out the creator is mostly known for their writing contributions, which are quite impressive. Vargo posted:lol, jesus christ this rules Dare ya to send it to him Haifisch posted:Dick Tracy I think they might actually be going for something clever with the plot of Metropolis here- we'll see. The_Other posted:I've gotta say, I'm actually liking the Styx references they keep working into this Dick Tracy story line. This too.
# ¿ Jan 21, 2020 03:47 |
EasyEW posted:Toonerville Folks (July 17-19, 1916) This is the sub in question, I think. sweetguts posted:I think she's blowing up balloons so that when they're in the tunnel her date will grab them instead of her boobs? Seems like a risque joke for such an old comic but it's the only thing I could think of. As someone else mentioned a bit ago, they're a very old style of water wings.
# ¿ Jan 24, 2020 04:11 |
How Wonderful! posted:
My best guess is it's a take on Andy Gump's car, per the bottom of this page
# ¿ Jan 25, 2020 06:44 |
How Wonderful! posted:Sam's Strip (December 4- December 13, 1961) I just wanna draw attention to the fact that Humpty here is being hand-drawn from scratch in each panel.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2020 04:12 |
EasyEW posted:Out Our Way (January 15-17, 1934) Oh! don't you remember sweet Alice, Ben Bolt yet more cultural and historical context How Wonderful! posted:Jerry Dumas talks about this a bit in his foreward to the Fantagraphics edition: Awesome, thanks for sharing it! Discendo Vox fucked around with this message at 06:05 on Jan 26, 2020 |
# ¿ Jan 26, 2020 06:03 |
I just had a disturbing thought. Given the weird confluence of multiple pregnancy fetishist comic strip creators, is it possible there was someone with one of the syndicates who was selecting for them at one point in time? Did these folks by any chance arrive on the scene during roughly the same period?Johnny Walker posted:Popeye's Cartoon Club Another very cool guest creator: http://www.swinsea.com/
# ¿ Jan 27, 2020 01:16 |
Toar is a power bottom.How Wonderful! posted:Barnaby (June 24-June 30, 1942) First two are duped, here. Johnny Walker posted:Mary Worth Gluten-free doesn't make it healthy, and it has nothing to do with thyroid conditions, you fucks.
# ¿ Jan 28, 2020 00:59 |
I've really come to love Reboot.. I'm trying to figure out how to make an av from one of his panels that's almost, but not quite, perfect for it: If only that circle extended all the way around, I could isolate this and make it transparent and it'd be a perfect goon av.
# ¿ Jan 28, 2020 23:27 |
goatface posted:Filling the excess space is the hard bit, I can only provide shameful mousework and it Thank you thank you thank you!
# ¿ Jan 29, 2020 01:01 |
Julet Esqu posted:Fully expecting Rex to do a better and more thorough job examining and diagnosing this random man who thinks he's fine than he did with his woman relative who thought she was dying. They just skipped the details of the testing, it's in no way indicated that they didn't test her. The whole point is a "hey old people, go to the doctor" after school special line.
# ¿ Feb 2, 2020 21:28 |
I for one am looking forward to the Nancy/Zits crossover.
# ¿ Feb 4, 2020 03:27 |
Transmodiar posted:Classic Working Daze Yes, please.
# ¿ Feb 5, 2020 05:27 |
Absolutely, more ballard street
# ¿ Feb 6, 2020 03:34 |
Green Intern posted:Well, Mars is hosed. funny, that's what Holbrook said too
# ¿ Feb 6, 2020 06:07 |
Julet Esqu posted:Hey, Rex, there's this wild new thing called HIPAA that all the kids are going crazy for. Maybe you should google it. There's no HIPAA violation there.
# ¿ Feb 8, 2020 22:49 |
Gnoman posted:I'm trying very hard to think of a non-homophobic explanation for the throwaway panels here, and I can't come up with one. Unlikely, the strip's positively depicted gay couples before. Photoshop Lowtax's face onto this plz.
# ¿ Feb 11, 2020 01:39 |
Val's loving brutal. There needs to be a game based on this dude.
# ¿ Feb 11, 2020 23:55 |
Vargo, you do understand you have to make a comic starring Dr. Harvey Camel now, right?Kennel posted:Nancy Sluggo is Perv Zereth posted:there was a marathon in antarctica? Yes, run by the planned travel "experience" company, "Marathon Adventures", that promoted the fact that she was doing this. The news articles Ripley's is citing were basically set up as promotions for the company.
# ¿ Feb 15, 2020 19:13 |
I like modern Rex Morgan, but I think I'd need to start the strip from the beginning to be able to build up a tolerance for this semi-retro Rex. Also I think I'm sold on a set of the prince valiant tracts now. Holy crap.
# ¿ Feb 16, 2020 01:03 |
Kennel posted:1997 Viivi & Wagner Lotta great av material around here lately.
# ¿ Feb 17, 2020 03:39 |
Fun fact: Stooge Viller's appearance is based on a caricature of Edward G. Robinson.Johnny Walker posted:But he's pink? He's colorblind. Hostile V posted:I think his motor control disability is supposed to be, like, shaking his face apart into a contortion? That said listen to your wife dude, you've already got a pretty good life as a criminal. I looked him up and it's actually quite clever- this Shaky is a sort of reboot of the original Shaky, who was a really old Tracy villain, old enough that we're going to encounter him in Classic Tracy. The classic version had to take a "nerve tonic" for his shakes, but he's specifically depicted as incredibly dexterous. This new version has the same trait- if you look back at the strips involving this character, he's always doing things like building ships in bottles and sharpshooting. Both versions of this character share the same condition, but if you take a look back at the strips involving this character... He's also not actually affected by it- which is why the artists are depicting him lighting cigarettes and pouring whiskey! Discendo Vox fucked around with this message at 17:58 on Feb 17, 2020 |
# ¿ Feb 17, 2020 17:48 |
yesss, he's part of the recurring cast now!
# ¿ Feb 19, 2020 05:15 |
I'm becoming nervous about the constant presence of Happy Boy in all these Zippy cartoons.Johnny Walker posted:Mark Trail Vargo, I think you've been formally upgraded to nemesis! I shoulda known, with that much facial hair! ...the frustrating part is the art's really become better in the process.
# ¿ Feb 21, 2020 02:29 |
Manuel Calavera posted:Compu-Toon Tis an era of clones.
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 03:56 |
Cicadalek posted:I cannot overstate how much I loving hate the face in panel four here Easy panel to take out of context tho
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 20:02 |
some rexheds, a reason why I continue to like the strip:
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 23:26 |
And two: edit god drat it paint3D Don't forget to remove that frigging circular icon out of there, I'd love to know why it just gets saved onto the drat image sometimes.
# ¿ Feb 23, 2020 23:26 |
# ¿ Jan 25, 2025 09:20 |
Vargo posted:Curtis I continue to love Curtis.
# ¿ Feb 25, 2020 01:38 |