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Dec 2, 2014

I read modern Tracy in these threads because I’m fascinated by the different ways they keep messing up their arcs.


Dec 2, 2014

My Lovely Horse posted:

Parents beware: social media will lead your children* to immoral behaviour!


I read ahead to the latest one and hahaha they really are adult aged children.

Dec 2, 2014

Haifisch posted:



Dec 2, 2014

You know...on itself it's a funny joke. The empathis in "Do you have ANY questions?" somehow make it more funny to me.

But as part of the overall arc, it's ofcourse incredibly asinine and over the top.

Dec 2, 2014

Hahah that’s a great follow:

Dec 2, 2014

The smugness that is eminating from Funky Winkerbean is really something to behold.

Dec 2, 2014

I've always loved Zits, and I'm glad that it keeps being great.

Dec 2, 2014

Phoebe manages to portray childhood shenanigans and innocence without it turning into a saccharine nightmare a la Rose is Rose.

Dec 2, 2014

Saw this on Jerry Van Amerongen's Facebook and thought I'd share it, since I'm a cat person:

Look at that cackling cat :allears:

BigglesSWE fucked around with this message at 20:55 on Jan 24, 2020

Dec 2, 2014

Remember when Bernice tried to dig up what kind of doctor the guy she liked was seeing?

She’s the absolute worst in Luann, no question.

Dec 2, 2014

A screw calling card? That wasn’t established before, and what the gently caress does it matter?

Dec 2, 2014

TofuDiva posted:

Alrighty then - Ballard Street returns tomorrow, dogs and all!

Thank you for this. I mentioned brining it back some time ago but never got around to it.

Dec 2, 2014

One of the things I truly love Ballard Street for is that it’s not very judgmental. It depicts insanity, but it’s not mocking it.

Dec 2, 2014

Dec 2, 2014

The_Other posted:

You're thinking of this one:

Goddamn sometimes I forget how good this comic really is.

Dec 2, 2014

Zits is a wholesome comic without it being utterly saccharine and Bible-thumping so I’d actually consider it a miracle.

Dec 2, 2014

Julet Esqu posted:

B: Tiffany? Where's Tiffany? Is she here??
G: No, she said to tell you she can't make it. Something else came up.
B: Something else? What is that? What could be more important than listening to me lecture couples about leaving room for the Holy Ghost all evening? I am nosy and must get into her business!
G: You'll have to ask her yourself next time you see her. I am not nosy and did not get into her business! Let's study!

So very easy, plausible, and not even lying.

Imagine not being able to white-lie yourself out of the most dull and non-threatening issue ever. Just imagine.

How can Gunther be a functioning adult? Like, seriously, it's so loving contrived. The fact that they had a week of him and Tiff just going back and forth when all that was needed for actual human beings to "solve" this was:

-Hey I don't feel like coming, and I don't want Bernice to know that. Can you just say I was busy?
-Yeah okay.


Dec 2, 2014

Cats are too good for her.

Dec 2, 2014

Julet Esqu posted:

I read this and think, "Hell yeah, Bets is 100% right," but then I see the look on Gunt's face and wonder if the Evanses want us to take this as more evidence that she sucks. Well, the comment section is often a decent indicator of how we're supposed to be reading these things and...

Gunther is the rear end in a top hat who goes "um, technically Anne Frank and her family was breaking the law when going in hiding so..."

Dec 2, 2014

Julet Esqu posted:

Because Luann doesn't date at all. If she doesn't think the person is marriage material after the first tepid lunch date she swears the whole thing off and the app she met them through as well.

"You're getting married?! HOW CAN I MAKE THIS ABOUT ME!??!?!"

Also, thank you Alhazred, for posting Zelda and M. Zelda I find delightfully annoying (but with good art!) and M I haven't seen in years. Love that comic!

Dec 2, 2014

Okay so let’s deduct those 77 from the list of deaths he caused.

Which is hardly a blip on the heap of HIV-related deaths during his administration, I imagine.

Dec 2, 2014

The Bloop posted:

M is often good and funny but it is also incredibly up it's own rear end, yes

Norweigan comics tend to be quite up their backsides. See also: Pondus, Nemi, and Zelda.

Dec 2, 2014

Alhazred posted:

I think Norway as a society tends to be a bit obnoxious when it comes to christianity. A lot of our fairy tales for example portrays priests as dumb and corrupt.

I think it goes beyond religion though. A lot of Nemi and Zelda strips in particular seems to be oriented around beating down on strawmen characters that only show up to be stereotypically awful, and then never seen again. I mean, the politics in the strips themselves are sympathetic enough, but it gets a bit asinine after a while. I find Nemi in particular to be ripe with it, although I haven't really read that comment in a long time.

Pondus had for a loooong time some rather homophobic streaks, but I think he's toned down that stuff a bit. Considering the way he portrays conservative movements in general, I've taken it more of a "macho manly man scared of gay" rather than genuine hate. But what do I know.

BigglesSWE fucked around with this message at 23:14 on Apr 9, 2020

Dec 2, 2014

Green Intern posted:

Seriously, in a college town they can't find a bartender?

They can’t find one boring enough, I imagine.

Dec 2, 2014

I like how there's literally nothing in the art that tells you how old Luann's mother is. The dad is clearly middle aged, and within context you can understand that she'd be too, but remove him from the picture, and it could just as well be a classmate to Luann.

Dec 2, 2014

Ghostlight posted:

dustin is so heavily conditioned that his dad drops the best joke in the entire history of the comic and he's still in pain.

Not his dad, but yes, that’s a good joke.

Dec 2, 2014

The art of the guest Dick Tracy strips are awful, omg.

Dec 2, 2014

That’s a pretty good joke from Luann’s dad, I gotta say.

But goddamn is this giving off some misogynistic vibes. Wouldn’t be surprised if it ends with the mom coming back to be home because that’s where she belongs after all, and the family wouldn’t function with a working mother.

Dec 2, 2014

Cooking for others is the only time I actually care for cooking, I’m sad to say.

Dec 2, 2014

Helicopters aren’t nearly quick enough to cover such distances without a pit stop.

Dec 2, 2014

I feel like the guest writer/artist for Dick Tracy had challenged themselves to be even more pointless and batshit insane than the normal guys because holy poo poo this lady storyline was crazy bad.

Dec 2, 2014

The Evans certainly don’t know, in the Biblical sense of the word.

Dec 2, 2014

So we’re doing Nemi now? Sigh, okay...carry on.

Dec 2, 2014

loving Hollywood and their money obsession won't let me exploit my dead wife to the fullest!

Dec 2, 2014

maltesh posted:

Huh. Face masks in the Pizza shop. I wonder if that was an editorial request?

I wonder how that'll go down with all the boomers who read Family Circus, because let's face(mask) it; apart from us, it's only boomers who cares about these goddamn kids.

Dec 2, 2014

Kavak posted:

How should we lead in to this tidbit about a horrible natural disaster? Fart pun!

Well it was in Africa so I guess it’s fair to joke about it?

Would love to see them treat tidbits about American tragedies the same way.

Dec 2, 2014

“The Challenger disaster was caused by unusually cold weather, a chilling story!”

Dec 2, 2014

Lisa's Story is Loss.jpg only it somehow got Baituk the right type of attention from the comic industry.

Dec 2, 2014

No you see in comic books being an rear end in a top hat just means you’re wacky and fun.


Dec 2, 2014

I kind of love that Funky Winkerbean is about anything and everything that isn’t in any shape or form concerned with Funky Winkerbean.

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