you broke my grill posted:A covid party is when a group of kids have a party and intentionally invite people who have covid so they can prove they don't care about the virus and are cool and to have fun being rebellious
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# ¿ Feb 13, 2025 21:29 |
Red meets yellow? Let it mellow. Black meets red? Oh poo poo, you're dead.
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Kit is going to attempt to ghost his entire family once he turns 18 at this rate, but I don't see how having him back directly helps Kadia.
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Drakyn posted:Helmot
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The White House released a statement saying the parents of 425 children separated from them, who now cannot be located because of poor record keeping by ICE, actually just didn't want their children so people shouldn't be mad. But sure, Batuik, ICE is just sooo easy to deal with, why hasn't anyone just called Bill Clinton?
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Johnny Aztec posted:Sooooooooo.......How old is she supposed to be here?
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coronatae posted:I wanna say she time traveled for all the training to be an OBGYN so she could deliver...herself
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Safety Dance posted:If you met a time traveler and the two of you hit it off and later you realized that a friend's newborn was the time traveler's past self, why is that concerning and hosed up? It's not significantly more odd than dating a time traveler in the first place.
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Cowslips Warren posted:It's just more proof that real hell is whatever Holbrook can make it.
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LazyQ posted:Mämmilä ![]()
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Ella, honey, your dad definitely is not intending to pay those people back later, he's a coward and a poo poo.
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How Wonderful! posted:Oh I don't know, I appreciate that Holbrook's thoughts in that strip seem to be "things might be very hosed, many of my readers might be terrified or unsafe on November 4th, but I have no way of knowing and feel weird writing and drawing strips for a future I feel uncertain about." It's a sentiment that I have spoken to many other educators about after the experience of teaching in Fall 2016, and one that I am not alone in having tried to work into what has already been a very strange and disconnected semester. It's not great great great comics but I understand and empathize with where he's coming from. I think it's perfectly human to acknowledge the conditions of precarity within which one is producing art, and somewhat moving even in the context of this dumbshit comic about murder rabbits or whatever.
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amigolupus posted:I think she looks like she's supposed to be around 10 or 12? If it was just doing one thing, that'd be okay, but she's way too young to have all of this dumped on her shoulders. Also, the brother's an rear end in a top hat for choosing not to help.
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rannum posted:Please take Anja's advice for therapy, heimo Not to mention he's got a young child he's caring for, he's fighting with his significant other, and it looks like it's the middle of winter right now in the strip so he's not getting as much vitamin d. He needs to see a doctor and then a therapist, like, yesterday.
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amigolupus posted:If only this was how the Wilbur and Estelle storyline from Mary Worth ended instead.
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The Bloop posted:The comic is racist TBH, this is less about Calvin and more about Bill Watterson. I don't think he's A Racist, but I think that strip was one he didn't think about particularly critically when writing it and hopefully would not have written today if that's when he was writing Calvin and Hobbes. That's all that really needs said, except that probably it would be good if Andre talked to his kid's school about why cowboys and indians is not really an appropriate game. Like, I get it, it sounds like a holdover from American media showing that game without also having the close enough cultural connection to go 'wait, these are real people, not made up fiction, yikes', but that's why I think it's a good idea to say things to people who honestly haven't thought about it before. Shrug?
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My Lovely Horse posted:Personally I'm pretty ambivalent on the strip. Calvin's in racist Indian costume cause that's an established visual shorthand for child's play and also the only way the joke works, cause the arrow so clearly belongs to him. I dunno, sure it's racist but if, like, Dustin had the neighbor kid show up in the same costume it would be to convey the message that wearing the costume is fine and the libs are getting their panties in a bunch, in the grand scheme of things 30 year old Calvin & Hobbes is a pretty minor blip on my radar. Like, again, I understand that Watterson came up with the joke and then picked that costume because of the established visual shorthand. I also think that it'd be a slightly better joke with some tweaks.
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Vargo posted:I like the several hints that in-canon, nu-Mark really did just get stuck in a cave for a ridiculous amount of time at some point. EDIT: Calling it now that runaway teen Mark lived in a cave for a while and that's how Cherry met him, and he's never going to live it down. EDIT EDIT: Either that or he did just get stuck in a cave and it ballooned into a huge thing. The park services getting involved, and news reporters watching the rescue, and meanwhile he's trying not to touch any of the particularly delicate cave structures and obsessing over the impact hand oils would have on the microbiotic environment, talking to bats to keep himself sane. PetraCore fucked around with this message at 17:58 on Dec 10, 2020 |
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The Bloop posted:And someone holding a phone like a human might!
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Gnoman posted:That's a good True, and a well-drawn poor child.
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# ¿ Feb 13, 2025 21:29 |
howe_sam posted:It's Rich Tweedy and Tim Jones, being pretty awful is just par for the course with those two. Honestly, Ryan is just about the decent person she is friends with.
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