someone awful. posted:please can we not post the work of a guy who probably sexually abused his assistant or whatever, it's not really that funny I agree with this. This is what, the fifth strip in the row of Mark doubting Dr. Vargo's motives? James probably thinks this is being subtle and that there's totally no twist of Dr. Vargo being a greedy influencer. It's really pathetic how James is still so mad about Vargo and thinks this is going to own him or whatever. Manuel Calavera posted:I used to post Dilbert as well. But Scott Adams is loving terrible and we no longer post. That was, an experience. Selachian posted:For the new thread, I've decided to stop posting Pros and Cons, which used to be a thread favorite. While it's still well-drawn and gets out the occasional good gag, over the last few years, it has been frequently lurching into right-wing rear end in a top hat territory. PetraCore posted:I hate that I have to clarify this but it's worse than a fat fetish, it's a feeder fetish, where Rose is svelte and Jimbo would deliberately stuff her with food in an attempt to fatten her up so she looked like her mother, who Jimbo identified as having a far more attractive figure. Thanks, I hate it. StrixNebulosa posted:why are we worried about serial killer RL won't someone think of the poor ex-CEOs?
# ¿ Jan 2, 2020 02:37 |
# ¿ Jan 18, 2025 01:10 |
Let's not forget how DNA Wizard and her husband adopted Mars to make colonizing it legal. Holbrook then did a few strips of them acting like parents to Mars...which he then followed up by having them abandon Mars to go back to Earth after stealing technology from it that will make them rich. How Holbrook can write this poo poo without thinking about the implications is giving me a headache.Some Guy TT posted:I'm curious how Holbrook is going to keep them around when they literally live on a different planet than the other characters separated by several months' worth of space flight. Lots of "Signal Delay Edited Out*", that's for sure. Zereth posted:He used to run a serial-killing corporation and was a bad boss, and Kell worked for him. She since left to run her own, more ethical (in ways I don't think the strip is very clear on) serial-killing corporation. Class solidarity is right. I remember Kell's brother kept attempting to murder her husband all the time and it's treated as a minor annoyance.
# ¿ Jan 2, 2020 05:11 |
Thanks for posting Moomin again, SubNat. It's always a delight reading them. Jokes? Punchlines? Who even needs those, right? Kennel posted:Has there even been any jokes or plot points where the signal delay mattered? The part where the bird and mouse got married was extremely stupid because of this. Holbrook probably wanted us to think it was touching that DNA Wizard officiated their wedding, but then you remember they're just standing around and staring at the screen for like 20-30 minutes every time they try to reply to one another. Green Intern posted:There was very briefly a moment of possible tension when the comet was destroyed, and it wasn't clear whether Earth had survived or not due to space debris. The debris was cleared up in the next strip and everyone was fine. Didn't they say the comet passing over Earth destroyed all the satellites along its path or something? I imagine that people in space stations died and communications getting hosed up would cause a lot of damage on Earth. But as usual, Holbrook doesn't explore the terrifying implications in favor of how his characters will get rich from becoming a department head in college.
# ¿ Jan 2, 2020 18:34 |
'Be more positive and see the good instead of the bad' sure is some hypocritical bullshit from this boomer-rear end comic. Also I don't remember Dustin ever getting into get-rich-quick schemes so I'm not sure why that gets brought up. Vargo posted:hahahahaha, he's made me such an rear end in a top hat this rules. I figure the only way James' attempt to own you with this story can end well is if you post a clip of all the times Dr. Vargo looks completely traced and James implodes from totally-not-being-mad.
# ¿ Jan 3, 2020 00:09 |
Green Intern posted:I dont believe Bets has shown any interest in this level of social media posting/streaming before. This is such a hamfisted assassination of her character. I'm pretty sure Bets telling Gunther to keep charging Tiffany 50% for selling her stuff was also Team Evans' attempt at character assassination. Not that it matters since the incels at the comment section have already decided to hate Bets from day one. FrumpleOrz posted:On The Fastrack What exactly is "the internet of things" again? Because that sounds like the stupidest way to call whatever your thesis subject is supposed to be. Also, wouldn't Dethany telling the appliances to behave mess up her boyfriend's thesis defense? I mean, how can the committee even be sure that the appliances are working as intended if Dethany told them to behave a certain way.
# ¿ Jan 3, 2020 05:17 |
JethroMcB posted:"Internet of Things" is the term used to describe "smart" appliances and outlet plugs and the like; household objects that can be controlled via the internet. I see, thanks for the explanation. If this were Safe Havens, then I'd assume Holbrook would use Internet DNA to solve the issue, so I'm bracing myself for something even more stupid. Der Shovel posted:1. You don’t defend a master’s thesis. Der Shovel, I just want to say that I appreciate you tearing down all the ways Holbrook makes up completely inaccurate bullshit like what being a department head is about or his idea of a thesis defense taking place at home. I can see Bets being popular, but why would anyone ever want to be fans of a milquetoast loser like Gunther? Also I just noticed that in yesterday's strip, Deku from My Hero Academia was in panel one and that somehow pisses me off more than it should. This whole "Waaaah, I'm growing older!" feels completely contrived to keep Zak and Iris apart. Zak entered in a relationship with Iris knowing full well that she's older than him, so it's not like he's going to care or hasn't expected it.
# ¿ Jan 3, 2020 23:09 |
goatface posted:I could see intstagram and pintrest people being a fan of a cosplayer and their costume maker as a couple. It's cute enough in its own way. The stupidity comes from him being apparently unaware that she was active in the scene. The worst part is that I'm pretty sure their first or second date had them cosplaying as Star Trek officers and going to a con, so it's literally impossible for Gunther to not know that Bets is active in the cosplay scene. Anyone trying to get you to talk about something when they're fully planning to you deserves a kick in the rear end. Haifisch posted:Bonus edit from techknight: This is great.
# ¿ Jan 4, 2020 08:29 |
What confuses me is that it's only Rudy and his girlfriend there. If Holbrook wanted this to be a game, then there should be more people controlling the other drones. Not to mention that if the rest of the drones are just stationary then you're stuck moving around slowly if you don't want to crash into the other drones. Seeing this reminds me how nonsensical this whole storyline was. The old lady at the bottom spilled her heart out to Mindy about what it's like being a woman comic creator who dealt with workplace misogyny back in the old days. Posters in SonOfStuckFunky who did more research on the subject pointed out that things weren't as grim for women who worked in the comic industry back then as Batiuk paints it out to be (Batiuk not even bothering to properly research his topics comes to no surprise). The story then ended with the old lady getting hired so she and Mindy could team up to make Wayback Wendy because rah rah feminism rah rah give Batiuk an award. So while this cover seems okay, the fact that Batiuk got two guys to make it completely undermines what he was going for. These sure are a pile of words stringed together to make it sound deeper than it actually is. gently caress you, Frazz.
# ¿ Jan 6, 2020 04:07 |
Other posters have already chimed in on why Dilbert and Pros and Cons should be kept off the thread, so I just wanted to say that both strips are made by lovely people with the aim to be as offensive as they can get away with. It's impossible for me to just hate-read their works when I know that they openly spew hate. 9CL's another one I'd rather be booted off the thread since it's just basically Brooke's fetish journal wrapped up in the most pretentious presentation possible. It's really gross, especially the ones where 6-year old Edda obsesses over every small detail about sex. Funky Winkerbean is also really gross in its own way since it's obvious that Batiuk's just fishing for awards at this point. The way he handled the Bull suicide story was just awful and it feels like he doesn't really give a poo poo about the topics he writes, except for Les and Cancerwife. Be strong, Nekonaughey. StrixNebulosa posted:Have another Garfield. From Jul 7, 2002, this one is notable to me because the coloring is kind of gross and because uh, that is some horrifying cartoon anatomy. The stretched-out proportions are gross but at least it's being used as the basis of the joke. It's not like the awful cat in Rose is Rose which stretches out for no good reason. EasyEW posted:Oh gently caress Me, It's Time To Go Back To "Saint Lisa of Cancerwife Revisited" One, why can't they just talk over the phone like anyone would. And two, only a douchebag like Les would see it as a huge problem when a friend(?) pays for your plane tickets and expenses just to see you again.
# ¿ Jan 7, 2020 00:25 |
EasyEW posted:Les Moore Drags Out The Inevitable This is just insufferable. I'm pretty sure Les had to go on book tours to promote St. Lisa's book, so it's not like he hasn't taken time off work before. My guess is that Batiuk wants to frame it so that Les' wife is being really pushy in making him go to this movie deal that he clearly hates. That way, if the movie gets cancelled all over again (because of Les being a complete twit), Les would have an excuse that his wife forced him into this and he's sooooo noble for suffering through it. What an rear end in a top hat. Also it seems like Ed talks to different co-workers every time, so I like to imagine everyone thinks he's a massive rear end in a top hat and avoids him afterwards.
# ¿ Jan 7, 2020 22:45 |
Riiiiight, because Les totally felt guilty when he took time off to do his book tours, or that time he got an all-expenses paid trip to watch the production of Cancerwife's movie. Ugh, her face in panel 2 is just pure . The costume looks stupid, but my main problem with it is the lack of other colors. At least add some black or blue so she doesn't look like a giant piss-yellow blob. Thanks for introducing me to Nekonaughey, Ghostlight. It's always a bright spot in my day.
# ¿ Jan 8, 2020 23:07 |
Oh gently caress this bullshit! Guy should be laughed right out of university for somehow being so incompetent that he made actively malfunctioning AI. What's even the use of an IoT appliance if there's a good chance it won't open up for you, or spew hot coffee on your face, or act too helpful and tell anyone your WiFi password. I think what pisses me off more is that I came in expecting some stupid Holbrooksian explanation on what makes Guy's IoT security so secure, only for Holbrook to skip all of that and just declare that he passed. And I know this defense is a big farce, but why is Dethany even here? Even if it's their home, she should at least go away for a few hours so her boyfriend can finish his thesis without her hovering around and making it awkward for everyone. The Vosgian Beast posted:I don't think Allen understands Mark constantly whining during this expedition he agreed to come on just makes him seem like a weird killjoy Tiggum posted:Not just agreed to, he's also being paid to be there. What really bugs me is Mark going ,"Well Genie told me Nepal was going to be modern, so I assumed people here would have cellphones." There's no way to spin that that doesn't make Mark/James sound like a condescending rear end in a top hat.
# ¿ Jan 10, 2020 07:21 |
These two deserve to be miserable with each other. I know it's an edit, but you helped clear up something in Mark Trail for me. I was always confused why so many strips had characters in panels 1 and 2 facing in one direction only to flip around for the final panel. I thought it was pointless, but James probably does it so people wouldn't easily notice how the character in panel 3 is just copy-pasted. Holy poo poo, how is Holbrook so bad with computers? Going by this terrible visual metaphor, Guy's thesis only worked because he hid how buggy the entire thing was by turning blocks of code into multi-line comments. Any half-decent thesis committee would poke around the code and fail his sorry rear end for trying to submit an incomplete program that doesn't even work. FrumpleOrz posted:Safe Havens And by "found traces of genetic materials", she means took it from Mars without asking like the colonizer she is.
# ¿ Jan 12, 2020 05:59 |
FrumpleOrz posted:Frazz Don't roll your eyes, you fucker. Maybe the kid has a weak heart or something, and the dad's right that the kid suddenly going into freezing water would kill them. root posted:Look at the miserable expression on her face. Do you think Les ever asks her about how things are at work, what she did, how, she's feeling, what her name is? Nope. The sole purpose of her existence is to endure Les' endless whining ("Hollywood wants to make Lisa's Story into a movie again!? waaaah...") and be constantly reminded of how St Lisa was the greatest and best there ever was and she won't loving go away because that giant library of vhs tapes are her phylactery.
# ¿ Jan 13, 2020 03:17 |
Something I really appreciate about Modesty Blaise is her sense of caution. Sure, she and Willie have taken on great odds before, but they never just charge right in; they try and even out the odds first in very creative ways. We know Modesty can easily beat the Grim Jokers, but the tension comes from making sure the unconscious Willie doesn't get hurt. Isn't the cat supposed to be the mother of one of these two or something? Either way, it's still pretty creepy how the cat acts like a pet when it's sentient and had spent time as a human being before.
# ¿ Jan 14, 2020 04:39 |
Every time I think WD has reached rock bottom, it keeps digging down even more. Big yikes on this one. Were the editors sleeping when this got submitted? This is great.
# ¿ Jan 16, 2020 07:46 |
JethroMcB posted:So does every cartoonist in the world have some dark family history involving alcohol abuse or what Nah, we already had the alcoholism issue with Wilbur. Mostly I'm still annoyed that the entire drunk Wilbur subplot ended with Wilbur and Estelle get back together rather than Estelle rightfully dumping his sorry rear end. It's interesting that from Willie's perspective, Prue attacked him because she got forced into doing it by the rear end in a top hat brothers. Unless the brothers tell him, he doesn't know that Prue really got into the thrill of killing others. Christ, just say sex already. There's so much effort put into making everyone mentally middle schoolers about this that it's baffling. gently caress off, you hypocritical boomer. You gave Dustin poo poo for complaining about working two weeks straight, so you don't get to say anything. I'm not sure what annoys me more: Les with that ghoulish joke, Les' wife only showing interest with the possibility of an Oscar, or how the artist has drawn everyone smirking for so long that they can't draw someone smiling in a natural way anymore.
# ¿ Jan 17, 2020 04:27 |
Strontium posted:It has been many years since Sarah last showed up in Intelligent Life, so let's do a recap of the years she was part of the comic. Thanks for this, now I hate Intelligent Life even more. Can't believe Mopsy did the "has two hands" meme before it was cool. Evil Mastermind posted:I imagine she's excited because she knows that she's stuck for the rest of her life in the shadow of Saint Lisa, so she might as well get secondhand fame out of it. I'm morbidly curious why she even married Les in the first place, what with Les being a insufferable opportunist who never got over Saint Lisa. What did she even see in the guy? The only "romance" I can think of that rivals it in being terrible is Pete and his girlfriend, mostly because of that completely terrible "proposal" he did in the fair.
# ¿ Jan 17, 2020 18:08 |
Vargo posted:Has Batuik ever explained why Lisa's Story in particular is so engrossing? I mean, not to be insensitive but LOTS OF PEOPLE have had their spouses die from cancer. Is there anything particularly tragic or special about Lisa specifically? What would the story of this movie even be? Even if Lisa was the only one in the Funkyverse to die of Cancer, I can't imagine what could be interesting about it. Les always sounds like a whiny jackass, so why would you even read an entire book about his thought process and such. Transmodiar posted:
Maybe it's just me, but I'm kind of weirded out that Willie pretty much killed the two here. I'm so used to Modesty and Willie always knocking out enemies that this one threw me for a loop. That, and Willie didn't really have a good reason to do this like avenging Prue or being mad at the Grim Jokers like Modesty was at the start. Julet Esqu posted:Nah, I'm right there with you. I thought it was vaguely cute in a blah sort of way at first when I thought the premise was that the baby was babbling and the dad was making up improbable words to put in his mouth. Once it became clear that no, the baby is really and truly intending to say these improbable words and the dad can understand him somehow it became infinitely less interesting. That's what I feel about DD too. I forgot who it was, but someone in the last thread said that DD sucked because it was like a comic with Snoopy in it all the time.
# ¿ Jan 18, 2020 00:03 |
I think part of it is because Modesty usually gets into adventures by helping out friends and strangers who happen to be in need of help. Here, Modesty and Willie don't really have that strong of a reason to go after the Grim Joker. There only being three Grim Jokers also doesn't lend much threat to the story, so we get OOC stuff like Willie and Modesty letting Prue get to the island without suspecting her, or Willie getting knocked out with little trouble. The weirdest part is probably the two brothers sharing Prue between them. It does make me appreciate how tight the pacing is in Modesty Blaise. A worse comic would have draggeed this story out for another month.
# ¿ Jan 18, 2020 00:28 |
SubNat posted:Moomin and the big bag of identical, mixed seeds. I love Moomin looking absolutely ready to throw down.
# ¿ Jan 18, 2020 17:09 |
The guy on Apartment 3-G's second panel is looking to the side like he can't believe this farce. Compare that to Mark Trail's second panel which is supposed to convey...what exactly? It bugs me how Mark Trail almost always has an extreme close-up of someone's face. It'd be fine if it was drawn in different angles to convey certain moods, but James is so creatively bankrupt that he always draws them facing the front like this. Julet Esqu posted:
In a good comic, Gunther would because he finally realizes that Luann's a terrible friend all this time. But knowing Team Evans, it's going to be treated as a little spat that goes absolutely nowhere. Oh, and Bets/Tiffany will somehow be at fault. This made my day, thanks for the edit! PetraCore posted:Are, uh. Yes.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2020 03:39 |
RandomPauI posted:What do you figure the birdwoman/mouse man Holbrook kid will be like? He already has a plant baby. The most Holbrook thing I can think of is that they can't have kids due to their residual animal DNA being incompatible, so one of them has to transition into a bird/mouse first. That somehow causes their kid to have animal characteristics because Holbrook loves "Has X as a character trait". SubNat posted:Mummitrollet I'm really enjoying Moomin and Sniff's Dumbass Adventures. Isn't this gaslighting?
# ¿ Jan 19, 2020 15:17 |
KentuckyFriedBonBon posted:I've finally finished my traditional new year ritual of catching up on the six months of thread that I missed! How long will I be able to keep up this year? Six months. It's always six months. I love Nancy Psycho 100 and Cul De Sac Nancy. MyronMulch posted:I strongly suspect that all the heads are drawn by somebody else, either before as a big collection of assets for Jam to choose from or as something drawn into the panel before or after by an assistant. The drawing style of the heads and drat near everything else is different, and things don't fit together too well -- the head positions don't make sense, necks too long or too short, etc. I'm thinking of the Cherry bikini lounging pose from way way back. We see the real Jam style when the characters are far away (probably because he doesn't have assets that small, or they look terrible when he reduces them), and also in Edge of Adventure, where a given character's face looks different every time he draws it. Now I'm imagining he has a clipart folder with eyes, noses and mouths that he recycles when making these huge close-ups.
# ¿ Jan 19, 2020 19:32 |
Zits is pretty drat good. Look at Mason, trying to stick it to The Man by burning a dollar bill. God, Batiuk is such a pretentious hack. You just made my day with this. Clearly what this teacher miserable with the common cold needs to feel better is more of this idiot child blathering nonsense.
# ¿ Jan 20, 2020 07:04 |
riderchop posted:Overboard This self-awareness that the sharks are eating sentient creatures and making fun of them for it is what's lacking in Kevin and Kell's hellworld.
# ¿ Jan 20, 2020 13:56 |
Between this and the whole adopting and then abandoning Mars thing, this idiot is really aiming for that Worst Parent of the Year award. lmao as if luann would ever touch anyone who doesn't meet her impossible standards. gently caress off with that passive-aggressive bullshit.
# ¿ Jan 21, 2020 08:55 |
The clipart-ing is incredibly sloppy in today's strip. Mark's head on panel 2 looks incredibly big. Julet Esqu posted:
It says a lot how lovely of a friend Luann is that she tries to pin all this on Gunther before admitting she's the one uncomfortable. That said, I'm sort of curious how the folks at Luann's comment section are taking this fight between Good Girl Luann and Incel Role Model Gunther. Part of me thinks there's huge fights blaming one or the other, but another part of me suspects they're all blaming this on Bets somehow. Oh my god, gently caress off Dethany. Fi's right to not trust anyone because we've seen how Fastrack is a lovely company to work for, not to mention how Dethany's nothing but a soul-sucking corporate sycophant who would blab about you to her abusive boss. The fact we're somehow supposed to side with Dethany for making GBS threads on Fi every time really gets to me. Good Listener posted:There's never any actual tension in these comics so I can only predict the baby will have crawled back out already by the time she returns as who knows what animal. My guess is that the baby turns out to be some kind of mechanical genius that fixed or improved something in the vents, despite her future self showing no signs of mechanical aptitude before. Now that I think about the two being different, has Holbrook ever bothered explaining why the baby's hair is black while her future self is blonde?
# ¿ Jan 22, 2020 08:29 |
And then DNA Wizard hurts the baby way worse with her claws. Or can't get the baby out due to lack of opposable thumbs. FrumpleOrz posted:Frazz Blech. Yeah, I think I'm done posting Frazz and I'm gonna drop it. I doubt anyone is going to object. riderchop posted:holy poo poo Oh my god, these are so bad. That Brad song reeks of Nice Guy vibes so much. RoboRodent posted:I hate the trope of "women are so mysterious and complex how can any man possibly ever hope to understand them!!!!!!!" I'm pretty sure Mordock and the rest of his ilk over at the Luann comments section have never actually interacted with an actual woman before.
# ¿ Jan 22, 2020 16:57 |
I got to say, I'm enjoying how the Mystery Kids are all back together and solving this case. The past few stories usually had one or two of them missing or not contributing to the case so I'm really liking this. Julet Esqu posted:They are generally siding with Gunther over Luann, which is correct for them to do because she is wrong in this situation. There is, however, also a segment who blames Tiffany for blabbing. I assume these must be brand new readers, otherwise how could they not recognize the hypocrisy here, when nobody else in the strip has any hesitation in calling Tiffany a slut, even though she has never had a single boyfriend or real love interest in the many years I have been reading this strip. Ahhhh, there we go. gently caress Luann, and gently caress the comments section. catlord posted:I really don't understand why the commentators hate Bets so much (I mean, I have some suspicions, but you know). She's one of the few even somewhat decent characters in the entire strip, and even with a few flaws (like, yeah, give your SO a heads up before streaming) she's a way better person than all the main characters. And they've been down on her since the very first time she showed up! Way before we even saw this flaw. It's exactly what you suspect it is. From what I remember of the Mordock comments that got posted here, they started hating Bets because she got mad at Gunther for taking that phone call from Luann (who was actively sabotaging Gunther back then by implying they're together) during their date. It was something along the lines of "How DARE this female get mad at Gunther for spending time with his friends! Doesn't she know that soon they'll also be her friends? She should make a better first impression!" Then Team Evans kept trying to add more and more flaws to Bets to make everyone hate her. From being "greedy" by being the one to propose getting paid for helping Tiff sell her old clothes, to being okay that she takes a 50% cut from Tiff's sales (never mind that Gunther does the same and feels no remorse about it), and now streaming without asking Gunther first. And yet Bets is still one of the more likable characters of Luann. Batiuk got the two female characters out of the way so they don't get a say in Cancerwife the Movie, but the only thing they can talk about is more loving Les Moore. And I'm not sure why Les' wife suddenly feels threatened here. She got into a marriage knowing full well that Les will always put St. Lisa first, and her second. I love that Jeremy's dad found the whole thing funny in the end.
# ¿ Jan 23, 2020 05:48 |
Since we're getting some spotlight on Les' wife by being jealous of Les being with another woman, a poster in Son of Stuck Funky linked to this old 'gem': Apparently St. Lisa recorded a bunch of video messages for others to watch and one of them happens to be this. You know you're completely irrelevant if your husband's dead wife's final message to you is that Les will still moan her name when you two have sex. Holy poo poo, it's like the art is getting worse and worse with each passing day. I still hate that they got back together. Absolutely nothing was resolved and Wilbur is still the same selfish rear end who's never gotten over Iris. The two "getting along great" is the worst possible way for this to end.
# ¿ Jan 23, 2020 16:31 |
Every time I hear new details about Les Moore, I can't help but think there's really no end to how much of a slimy scumbag he is. Is it just me, or is the joke to this strip supposed to be "haha there's an implication that a minor might be sleeping with an adult"? It just came to mind because of that strip where a bunch of guys in the office were gathered around Mildred trying to impress her. I don't know, I guess I just find it a bit weird.
# ¿ Jan 23, 2020 20:47 |
Thanks for posting Moomin and the Brigands, SubNat. I enjoyed reading Moomin and Sniff's Dumbass Adventures. 9CL's art is always terrible, but the second panel makes it look like she's trying to squash the sandwich with her butt rather than stomping on it with her feet. I'm trying to figure out how Holbrook even came up with this tortured analogy. Rapunzel lives in a tower -> tower is high structure -> high structure is up in the clouds -> Rapunzel lives among the clouds??? Oh, come on! At least have Gunther force Luann to say the word 'sex' while asking him. Really make her squirm for being a lovely friend.
# ¿ Jan 24, 2020 06:38 |
Is Cayla the only prominent* minority character in Funky Winkerbean? Because she only just seems to exist as a prop to have people talk at her about their problems and so Batiuk can claim diversity in his cast. *Only prominent because Les Moore keeps reappearing to hog the spotlight. PetraCore posted:Yeah I'm really uncomfortable with how much he focuses on the 6 year old versions of his OTP. It's a little triggering to me. I agree. If it's not focusing on the two of them, it focuses on 6-year old Edda wanting to know every single detail about sex. 9CL isn't even hate-read material, it's just really gross. Ugh, even if you had notes on how you want your wedding to go, you still need someone to help you handle all the details. We even had this happen in Kevin and Kell, with Kell blackmailing her sister to help with the wedding. Not to mention that it's selfish how Dethany's not even bothering to ask her boyfriend for input on their wedding plans (though Holbrook would just make a joke about how women are the only ones interested in it while the men just stand around uselessly). That last panel makes Dethany act like she's above everyone, so that tracks. And at the boss thinking Dethany isn't a negative presence. Of course she isn't she's a corporate suck-up. And then everyone suffocated to death because DNA Wizard hosed up the air scrubbers. The End.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2020 08:52 |
I'm really not sure about the message we're supposed to take away from this. That you should forgive your partner for being completely terrible to you just because they said sorry and promised they'd do better. That if you can't find anyone, you should lower your standards just so you're no longer alone. That it's good to need your partner and this is toootally not tying your sense of self-worth to them. And then this smarmy old rear end in a top hat slips and cracks his head on the ground. The End. Julet Esqu posted:You know why women make an effort to look nice? To attract men, mainly. And if the men aren't showing the degree of interest that we'd like, it's so depressing! Who would purchase us then???? The worst part is that I can totally imagine Batiuk patting himself on the back for writing this and thinking he passed the Bechdel test. How Wonderful! posted:Does anyone in comics do a worse job writing women than Tom Batiuk? At least in 9CL and Holbrook stuff everyone regardless of gender is an unhinged feral object unrestrained by logic or ethics, Batiuk is just a boring misogynistic old creep. Team Evans comes close, with how much women in Luann are written to appeal and be hated by incels.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2020 22:24 |
There's something kind of disturbing in these Rose Is Rose "gags". I think it's how it more or less says that being an adult is such a miserable loving existence, and that the only way to have any fun is if you revert back to the mindset of a child and/or only children are allowed to have any fun. It's an unhealthy message, and sort of reminds me of how Intelligent Life loves to say that staying an awful manchild is cool and good. goatface posted:Gobi desert (Bactrian?) camels eat snow. I assume other things do. No, no, clearly the problem is that the snow isn't sentient, that's why no one's trying to eat it.
# ¿ Jan 27, 2020 14:53 |
I'm still really amused that this is the result of Jams going "I'll show you, Vargo! I'll show youuuuuu!!! " (I'm still waiting for Dr. Vargo either being a cackling villain or killed in a humiliating manner)
# ¿ Jan 28, 2020 22:10 |
Powered Descent posted:Jesus Christ, Brooke. What next, a bunch of sketches of a big hand and a little hand? Well Brooke already had that old grandpa and his young wife before, so I can imagine Brooke ending this creepy storyline with 6-year old Edda deciding that adult Amos isn't as bad as she first thought. fondue posted:Are we just going to ignore that HUGE loving SPIDER? It's like something out of Gilligans island! Holbrook doesn't give a poo poo about the scale of certain animals. IIRC, there was a firefly character way back when who was about the size of the hedgehog and her bat husband. The fact that that firefly walked on two legs while this spider looks just like a giant spider raises so many questions. I seriously loving hate how Lynn writes these two as siblings, mostly because of how the brother loves to just casually hit his sister. Judging from the look on his face and the lines around his arms, he put a lot of force in that smack.
# ¿ Jan 29, 2020 09:29 |
FrumpleOrz posted:Safe Havens WHAT THE gently caress. WHY WAS THAT BOX ALREADY THERE? You think there would be terrible consequences for reckless tampering with your own DNA? Hell no, just treat it like a joke and ignore everything. FrumpleOrz posted:Kevin & Kell UGH. There's so many things wrong in this that I don't even know where to begin.
# ¿ Jan 30, 2020 14:22 |
# ¿ Jan 18, 2025 01:10 |
Vargo posted:
Is...Is Billingsley entering that Batiuk Phase where everything works out well for all his characters even when it's completely unearned? So instead of dong his job as a babysitter properly, he's making a list for the parents to make sure all the blame falls on the kids. Christ, what an rear end in a top hat. I didn't get Overboard at first, but I loving love how positive and cute it is. Oh my god, he's even experimenting with different ways to draw eyes and facial expressions. Genie's facial structure is even different now.
# ¿ Jan 31, 2020 20:09 |