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Aug 25, 2017

The bit where Brandy goes, "My therapist explained all my issues to me" feels like a massive red flag. Like it's saying that the therapist didn't really help Brandy sort out her feelings at her own pace, so much as told her how she should feel.

F_Shit_Fitzgerald posted:

I really like the strips where Tillman's teacher spins things to make them more interesting. It's a contrast to Funky, where a lot of the students (or at least Les and the science teacher guy) seem to have contempt for their students.

For someone who writes his characters as being unable to move on from the high school mindset, Batiuk sure hates writing about the high school life itself. I don't think Batiuk even bothered naming any of the students, much less had any of them take part in a storyline.

SubNat posted:


Snorkmaiden, you're always ditching Moomin every time you find a guy you fancy.


Aug 25, 2017

:laffo: at how Fenton's excuse is that he didn't think Lindesfarne would find out, despite flying directly outside her window, and Lindesfarne's response being that she'll always keep an eye on him from now on. What an unhealthy relationship.

Aug 25, 2017

The Something Awful Forums > The Finer Arts > BSS: Batman's Scrappy Sidekick > Comic Strips 2020: Val's Bones Creak Under A Lusty Greeting

Aug 25, 2017

If only this was how the Wilbur and Estelle storyline from Mary Worth ended instead. :sigh:

What the gently caress, Batiuk? The last thing anyone on their last year at college needs is to have minimum-wage work dumped on them, especially if the person already made plans or just wants to relax.

Edit: Like it's one thing to have your friend's mom ask for your help in wrapping up a few presents for her. It's another to have her volunteer you without your consent to work at a mall during Christmas season, especially when the Christmas rush means work is going to be a killer (the Funkyverse doesn't have COVID so I'm assuming things run like normal there).

amigolupus fucked around with this message at 19:10 on Dec 7, 2020

Aug 25, 2017

Mikl posted:

Classic Kevin and Kell (April 20-24. 1998)

First appearance: Chertsey.

Using paparazzi and the British royalty for a storyline? I have to wonder if Holbrook was inspired by watching Princess Diana's death on the news back then and only came up with a story several months later so people wouldn't get upset at him.

Considering how Mandrake and his friends are just barely competent, this guy's a genius for hiring a stunt double to keep Lothar safe.

Aug 25, 2017

Buck's face on the second panel looks like he's letting out a killer fart. ...I actually wish he did that, because at least then something would happen.

SubNat posted:

Your daily dose of Moomin

(Featuring La Goona's blurry dress due to the scanner sliiiiiiiightly making GBS threads itself.)

The Moomins are pretty chill for what should be a state of emergency. Though after that end of the world story Tove wrote, anything else would pale in comparison.

Aug 25, 2017

Kavak posted:

Underneath the porn Axa is... really boring.

Yeah, Axa's only made me appreciate Modesty Blaise more. Sure, Modesty has the occasional cheesecake in it, but the main focus is always about Modesty and Willie going on cool adventures and beating up terrible people.

:lol:-ing at how Batiuk not only had to put Fun-Station under quotation marks, he had to specify that it's a "video game player".

Aug 25, 2017

Please let this be a lead-up to Tinkersons dad running into his serial killer co-worker again.

Aug 25, 2017

Pastry of the Year posted:

Arlo and Janis Classic (April 15, 1999)

I don't know much about A & J, but is there a reason Arlo's dream of owning a boat is treated like he'll have an affair with it and leave Janis behind? I don't recall ever seeing Arlo obsessed with boats to an unhealthy degree or anything.

Aug 25, 2017

I'd love it if there's a reveal that Rex is still in his underwear and only wore the shirt, tie and coat for the video call. But that'd mean something interesting happened in RMMD, which LOL.

I love how silly Rae the Doe gets. :allears:

Aug 25, 2017

Oh gently caress off. Dustin's doing something he enjoys for once, and he seems to like doing it with you around, so just let him have this.

I have a question to someone more knowledgeable about English than I am. Assuming that Holbrook is using the phrase "waving a dead chicken over it" as a visual pun here, doesn't that phrase have roots in racist voodoo imagery? It just made me think of the discussion a couple pages back about that C&H strip with a joke that didn't age well.

Aug 25, 2017

The Bloop posted:

People just use it as an absurdist thing to say, but it probably does, yeah. Or "witch doctor" poo poo

Similar phrases are "you have to hold your mouth just right" or some variation of "you have to jump up and down on one foot and spin around counterclockwise"

It's basically just do a nonsense magical dance to make your tech work because no one knows what is really going on

goatface posted:

It's hacker jargon. You might spend your time following instructions that make no apparent sense but somehow produce a good outcome. The next time a similar problem occurs you try the same steps without knowing what they're meant to do and with no real expectation that they will work. Add nerds and you get spells, rituals, gurus etc. with all the standard cultural sensitivity of mid 90s basement dwellers.

All right, thanks for explaining that to me! :shobon:

FrumpleOrz posted:

I got busy this week and I'm so god drat far behind on my comics. Sorry. I'll post in multiple catchup posts today so I don't have a giant single post with a bazillion strips.

Welcome back! Just gonna say, I'm already dreading the wall of Holbrook comics coming soon. :v:

Aug 25, 2017

FrumpleOrz posted:

Kevin & Kell

It's creepy how they're putting so much effort into bringing Fiona into their home all because Rudy is horny lonely.

Technowolf posted:

It isn't said enough how great it is that Hagar is a really good father and husband.

:same: Hagar the Wholesome's a breath of fresh air from the terrible husbands/dads in other old strips.

goatface posted:

What is brick chili?

It's Newspaper Spider-Man's spiciest foe yet!

Aug 25, 2017

:laffo: Cool cameo, Joker.

Dethany stalks Fi and finds out she's looking for therapists, then instantly makes it all about herself. Because of course it's all about how she's failing as a friend. Despite what Holbrook might think, he ends up making Dethany look like a toxic and controlling "friend".

Aug 25, 2017

Twelve by Pies posted:

It's Kevin and Kell so that goes without saying. :v: Especially since just wearing a turtle shell doesn't give you the ability to retract your head into it so it doesn't even make any sense to begin with. But this is also a comic where a moth got burned by trying to gently caress a giant light bulb that wasn't even lit.

Note that what makes this even stupider is that pheromones are A Thing. Weasel lady only disguised herself with that shell, so any predator tracking down a weasel can still find her by scent.

Twelve by Pies posted:

It seemed kind of exciting and the promise of a woman going out into the ruins of civilization to have cool swordfighting adventures made me interested, but yeah. It just turned into her getting repeatedly kidnapped and backstabbed by Matt, who I really hope doesn't get miraculously saved because he's an incredible rear end in a top hat.

Matt being terrible just makes me appreciate Willie more, for being a stand-up guy and never being shoehorned as Modesty's love interest.

Aug 25, 2017

Tiggum posted:

They were in constant contact with mission control on Earth, but they never sent back any of their data? :crossarms:

Signal delay strikes again and hosed up their file transfers. :v:

You would think that Fastrack would constantly demand they send their data, given how its corporate overlord is a massive control freak.

Aug 25, 2017

God bless Rae the Doe. Congrats to the goon who called Pascal sounding like Yoshikage Kira. :allears:

readingatwork posted:

The worst thing about Retail is that Stuart doesn't die at the end.

If Retail kept on going through 2020, it might have ended with Stuart dying from COVID.

Aug 25, 2017

catlord posted:

loving excuse me? What? You're telling me they've been worried about her being discovered to be a mouse and all this time they had the ability to turn her back until she could do something more permanent? How did she not know either, she's been using that robot as transportation! God, loving drat it Holbrook! Kill a strip (Fastrack should be the one, frankly) so you can give the other two more attention, this is sloppy continuity and stupid bullshit.

I agree, this is a stupid asspull. Sunglasses guy has no reason to put the DNA Potion inside the robot. This is supposed to be a precious resource they're saving until they arrive on Earth, so this should be in a fridge to keep it from spoiling or something. Not to mention that it looks like it's stored in a glass container, so it's incredibly stupid to store it inside a robot that trots around in low gravity or gets knocked around a lot by playing kids.

rannum posted:

The problem was it was temporary and they didn't have a big enough dose. The reason she's still been going around as a mouse was because the pla nwas to just sit on the last bits and use them during the back-to-earth process.

Even if they have the potion now, they still run into the problem of DNA Wizard not having any clothes to wear when she transforms back into a human, not unless they have the habit of storing extra uniforms in escape pods. DNA Wizard's clothes wouldn't change size along with her either, because if it did, the crew would've kept their clothes when they transformed into mice back when they were being chased by the shapeshifter.

Aug 25, 2017

Yvonmukluk posted:

Bad Machinery

I like this look into Mildred's home life because you can see where she got her personality and quirks from.

Aug 25, 2017

Thanks, I really needed the reminder that Funky's father is loving his way through his nursing home, Batiuk.

Julet Esqu posted:

Because then you run the risk of them not realizing that it was not actually Santa who gave the gift, but benevolent neighbors who took pity on their impoverished asses. If the poor kids don't feel humbled about their own poverty and grateful to their betters, then what's the loving point? But you have to leave room for doubt about it being actually you, because sometimes poor people get all weird and proud and uppity about "charity."

OBH has been incredibly hateful to poor people for several days in a row. I guess Detorie must've been holding this in for a while, huh?

Aug 25, 2017

ikanreed posted:

I like the implication that the family went and specifically bought caucasian and deep brown colored frosting.

That, or Bernice used the cookies that Luann burned (because let's face it, she's probably burned several batches beforehand) to represent Ben's kids.

Cowslips Warren posted:

Why....why would Rudy suddenly see his girlfriend as his loving sister when they've literally dated almost the entire comic run?

riderchop posted:


that's not how.

that's not.


If it were me who was staying with a boyfriend and their family, I'd either think that Christmas morning with them is incredibly domestic or imagine that this must be what us being married feels like.

My guess is that Holbrook wanted to write a joke where Fiona was feeling insecure about her relationship with Rudy, and then proceeded to ignore literally everything he wrote about the two. It's stupid because not only have the two been dating for almost two decades, we also spent a couple weeks going over how the only reason Fiona is staying with the Dewclaws is because Rudy was horny lonely and kept risking everyone's safety until everyone caved in to his whims.

Aug 25, 2017

Ulf is a weird character. I like him as a cool gay man who is successful at his career, but him calling Leevi hot and pinching his bicep counts as workplace sexual harassment. The way Anja is side-eyeing him in the last panel makes it seem like she thinks so as well.

goatface posted:

Wow. Straight up donating her legal identity to an escaped, cloned sapient creature in order to deceitfully escape living in an adoptive household with MHI and return to living as an item of clothing.

So many layers of wtf-ery.

To be kind of fair, pretending you're a piece of clothing seems like a pretty good way to avoid being murdered in Hellworld. I do agree there's a lot of unintentional :wtc:-ery in this one, especially when you consider that Bruno and Connie are coded as queer kids dating.

We'll be getting into it soon, but this is a preview of Shelley's friends being pretty awful.

Aug 25, 2017

This explains why this little poo poo keeps waking up her parents in the middle of the night with some inane comment. They should seriously take her to a doctor for this.

I think of this every now and then, but boy, do I really loving hate Holbrook's style of doing 2-3 wordless panels and then ruining it with an unnecessary last panel of someone saying the 'joke' out loud. Dude's been doing comics for 36 years and he hasn't improved on that a single bit.

Among Us: Winter Edition.

Somebody fucked around with this message at 14:03 on Jul 25, 2022

Aug 25, 2017

A ruse that'll screw over Isopaljo, you say? :sickos:

This rules. :allears:

Aug 25, 2017

gently caress off, you control freak piece of poo poo. The boss already made Dethany have the wedding in her own backyard, and now she's showing interest on the honeymoon. Asking about the honeymoon and that comment about delayed gratification is like saying she's also interested in Dethany's sex life. The way the boss keeps invading every single thing in Dethany's life is extremely gross.

Aug 25, 2017

That second panel is pretty hosed up in that it's four kids planning to do a premeditated murder. :wtc:

Mikl posted:

One more reason why Vin is The Worst: despite him having brought his misery on himself, out of jealousy he calls up what is basically this universe's version of the KKK to sic them on his teammates.

Is this the story where Lindesfarne uses DNA Magic to trick the racists that they're all descended from prey species?

Yvonmukluk posted:

Bad Machinery

Looking at his design, Archibald wouldn't look out of place in a Moomin story.


Aug 25, 2017

LazyQ posted:


As you might remember, Crywood Inc. was heavily in debt and the other shareholders forced Isopaljo to work for Nappila, which was a huge humiliation for a guy like him. Nappila, however, was formed by Anja Koskinen and other former employees of Juniper which was nothing but a tool to make a quick (illegal) buck and left to fall apart. Calling some kind of "original ownership" on those grounds is pretty rich even for Isopaljo.


I like how it's Ronka who dealt this final blow on Isopaljo, since Ronka's one of the few who told people to gently caress off with their homophobia toward Ulf.

Green Intern posted:

I think the Dome Director really made a miscalculation when he sent Axa on her mission.

Axa sucks as an adventure story, but it's great as an unintentional comedy of the most incompetent agent ever.

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