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Aug 25, 2017

catlord posted:

What? He got the kids into their beds without making it into a big thing. He's just reminding them that ultimately news of their behaviour will get back to their parents and that as the babysitter, it's his job to relay that kind of information, and that maybe they should rethink what they're doing. It's not Roslyn's approach, sure, but it's not bizarre.

Okay, that's a fair point. It's just that I can't help but read more into it knowing that Foob's written by someone who hates kids.


Aug 25, 2017

Calling Modesty a capitalist lackey seems like you're just begging to get your rear end kicked.

Aug 25, 2017

I can appreciate Sally Forth in that it's a positive comic with no annoying characters and a main family that loves one another. It also needs an editor pretty drat badly because whatever joke it wants to set up always gets lost under that avalanche of :words:.

Aug 25, 2017

Kennel posted:

I'll be posting End of the World at some point (there's still ~25 V&W strips left and I'll handle those first)

Lars' book is from 2012 and features these stories:
26. Moomin the Colonist
27. Moomin and the Scouts
28. Moomin and the Farm
29. Moomin and the Goldfields

I don't remember if they've been posted (also I'm not sure if I'm going to scan those)

Thank you, I'm looking forward to this. :shobon:

EBB posted:

Clearly the rest of us working full-time jobs live in absolute filth, we don't have perfect martyr stay at home mom Lynn to clean up all our mess.

What gets to me is that instead of giving him a lesson how he still got money or something, she makes it all about her suffering and telling her son what a massive burden he and his sister are.

I thought Dr. Vargo was rushing out to meet the yeti so I'm not sure why he's yelling about having to take a crap now (or if Genie can even hear him over the wind).

I'm still waiting for what exactly is Jams' master plan to own Vargo. Either the yeti's proven to be not real and Dr. Vargo sings praises how Mark is so much better than him, Dr. Vargo is the bad guy and Mark beats him up, or he freezes to death while taking a dump.

Johnny Walker posted:

'We' being all of humanity, of course.

Iris, don't enable Mary. She gives incredibly lovely advice! Had she sunk her claws on Zak, she would've told him to give you more space and you two wouldn't have gotten back together.

Julet Esqu posted:

And the punishment has arrived, swift and sure!

This one is a twofer! She gets to be punished not only for flirting with a guy, but also for having been pretty and popular in high school! That's what you get, slut!

Don't forget fatshaming! Got to make Tiff feel bad for the weight she gained by having this new slim cheerleader around.

gently caress Team Evans.

Aug 25, 2017

Johnny Walker posted:

I edited it. He was running out to find the yeti.

Honestly, Dr. Vargo running off to take a dump would be more exciting than another week spent on two heads talking with each other.

What do you mean by this "We all win" horseshit, Mary? Absolutely no one wanted Wilbur to keep dating Estelle. This storyline went to such great heights with the whole drunken Wilbur fiasco only to completely waste it on this crappy ending.

Aug 25, 2017

If I didn't know Retail was supposed to be ending, I'd think it was just business as usual. I thought maybe Feuti would try and do something interesting like an extended storyline to cap off his series, but no, he's really dedicated to have absolutely nothing going on. It's almost impressive, really.

goatface posted:

The crime-man likes wearing a robot mask to do crimes.
The moon lady is playing the robot lady from Metropolis in a play.
The man wants to gently caress the fake-robot space alien because she represents his lustful feelings towards film robot.
He has brought her a meal of some illegally acquired moon-mollusc to try and woo her.

The man has picked his gimmick and now he really wants to gently caress the space alien dressed as a robot because of how CP3O made him feel when he was 12.

When you say it like that, it sounds like it could be an interesting story if it was handled by a competent writer. Too bad modern Dick Tracy can't tell a story worth a drat.

Aug 25, 2017

Green Intern posted:

It's far more realistic for the retail conglomerate to suddenly lay off its entire staff base after a month or two of suppressing any bad news internally.

While I get that it would be more realistic that way, it just feels like Retail isn't even trying at all. I thought showing Marla freaking out over not hearing from Stuart, or Cooper getting a job offer at a different store was setting up for a final arc exploring how everyone would move on after Grumbels shuts down. I guess I just expected Feuti to do something after announcing that Retail's going to end soon.

Aug 25, 2017

Hagar loving his family is just the best. :3:

Strips like this where they don't even bother pretending the baby's a baby is why I hate Daddy Daze.

Johnny Walker posted:

Video chat is so much better in France.

So if Wilbur hasn't talked to Hugo yet, I take it that Wilbur just never bothered speaking to Dawn when he got back from overseas? It would be completely on-brand for Wilbur to ignore his kid while he goes and makes a fool of himself with Estelle.

Vargo posted:

Oh my god, am I going to die in an avalanche chasing blindly after proof of something that doesn't exist?

I can't wait for Jams to smugly @ you on Twitter about this. :v:

Aug 25, 2017


Vargo posted:

He genuinely does not know how to do that. Last time we got into it, he posted to his own page for three days without @-ing me, thinking he was talking to me the whole time.

Darthemed posted:

Yeah, Esallen doesn't have a clue how Twitter works, which probably contributed to him being so cranky when he was using it. He thought I was tagging Tiggum in every message when I responded to a thread between them.

lmao this rules. And to think all this actually made Jams put some effort into his art.

Yvonmukluk posted:

Bad Machinery

I like the small glimpses we have of the Grote's refurbished home, it looks rather stylish.

Aug 25, 2017

Pastry of the Year posted:

Holbrook just wishes he could be this horny on main.

ETA: or to have that insane level of draughtsmanship

Speaking of Holbrook, I feel like Pogo is what he wishes Kevin and Kell was. I've only read the ones posted in this thread, but it's incredible how Pogo does "funny animals living in a whimsical society" so much better than Holbrook's brand of poo poo.

Johnny Joestar posted:

unfortunately i don't think bechdel ever 100% truly got over her weird hangups about trans people. :smith: i know there was a bit of a thing at one point about her endorsing a book called 'adam' which was about a cis dude pretending to be a trans man so he could have sex with lesbians, among other things which i'm not at length to really speak about with experience. it was published in 2014, for a reference on time.

like i wouldn't say she's out-and-out hateful towards the trans community by any stretch, but i also wouldn't entirely trust her in relation to it. it's a really, incredibly bad book.

That is a big Yikes.

The_Other posted:

Yvonmukluk missed Friday's Bad Machinery Here it is:

I'm laughing at the final panel and their :getin: expressions.

Aug 25, 2017

I'm pretty sure DNA Wizard and her crew took everything in their shelter along with them when they abandoned Mars, so I'm not sure how the dodos are even able to take a picture, much less send it to these bozos.

Was this the rabbit "hate group" whose high crime was trying to overturn the system so they would no longer be in danger of being murdered and cannibalized, or did K&K have some other hate group that I don't know about?

Johnny Joestar posted:

the evanses have no idea how normal people function and luann is their attempt to make sense of the world around them akin to cave paintings

The only way I can see Team Evans being so out of touch with normal people making sense is if they were stuck in a bunker for a decade or two.

Aug 25, 2017

Mercury Hat posted:

No, I think this was the white supremacist-analog that hated the hedgehog and bat for having an interspecies baby.

Whom they thwarted by showing that the bigots, themselves, were not purebred and thus were instantly defeated in the court of public opinion.

Edit: nevermind, this one was solved by Kevin just hitting them with a big shovel.

Edit 2: ok this WAS also the group where they DNA tested the members and found them all hybrids of some kind. Rather than post anymore strips, here's the tag for it on the K&K website.

Clicked on the link, and the whole thing is stupid on so many levels.

RandomPauI posted:

Edit: I still don't know how I know that one of them is a princess somehow.

It's one of those details that is so loving stupid that you can't help but remember it. Like the fact that Kevin's sister is actually dead, and her human counterpart in an alternate dimension crossed over and took her place.

Johnny Joestar posted:

why is foob even pretending to act like the 16 year old kid wanting a motorcycle is even remotely reasonable in some effort to try and drive home a stupid point. it should probably begin and end at 'you're literally about to be barely old enough to drive, you are not even remotely mature enough to handle that'

like for as petty and weird as it typically is i'm surprised the joke of 'kid wants a motorcycle' has been stretched out past one strip, except until i remember that every situation in the comic is supposed to boil down to 'lynn's family is ungrateful and causes her anxiety' barring the occasional positive one thrown in to maybe try and give off the impression that she actually cares for her family like she's probably supposed to. which we know isn't even true given how she's basically been disowned by everyone around her for varying reasons.

I think it might be Lynn trying to hammer the point home that wanting to do your own thing is bad, and your controlling mother knows best? I read a bit of the old Foob mock-threads, and it treated Elizabeth going away to focus on her career and dating other guys as a bad thing, and her Happy Ending was to settle down and marry this gormless shlub.

Aug 25, 2017

Aaaaand there's the fatshaming. gently caress this comic.

Crowetron posted:

If you graduate from high school while on the cheerleading team, they don't let you continue being on the team. So, really, hasn't Tiffany's poorly characterized nemesis also been kicked off her own team?

That would involve putting any effort in researching how school actually works, and that's not Team Evans' style.

Did we miss a strip in-between showing Curtis' dad trying to move a dresser, or is this supposed to be the explanation of why Curtis hurt his dad?

Aug 25, 2017

I've been trying to follow 1978 Rex Morgan, but it's weirdly boring. The art is better and more dynamic compared to current Rex Morgan, but it feels like nothing interesting has happened at all.

On the other hand, I kind of like how 1978 Mary Worth actually feels like the titular character because things actually happen to her, rather than have her just sit around giving lovely advice.

Aug 25, 2017

:wtc: So DNA Wizard pretty much turned Mars into K&K Hellworld. How can Holbrook be so blind to the fact that his character is pretty much the bad guy for loving Mars over completely.

I hate all of this. gently caress you, Holbrook.

Aug 25, 2017

Kennel posted:

How does Mars have a tide without a large moon?

Oh, I'm sure DNA Wizard hosed that up somehow. We'll probably get a story down the line where Mars somehow keeps producing water and it's making all the land mass sink underwater. It's amazing how the nameless scientists who wanted to kick DNA Wizard out of the scientific community for loving over Mars' ecosystem are the only relatable characters in this comic.

I'm not even sure what bothers me the most here. Lynn making this thing all about her with that "well I don't want..." line, Lynn thinking her son is stupid for having a dream of his own, or the dad's little "well, I got married" line and expression of misery.

Vargo posted:

There was actually one about a week ago before Curtis went to Michelle's that seemed like it was just a one-off. Apparently we were supposed to realize they were part of the same story.

:lol: that the strip didn't even show Curtis-dad pushing the dresser, so we had to have Curtis and his dad tell us exactly what happened. Billingsley is so bad at trying to tell a story.

This Moominfamily drama rules, holy poo poo.

Aug 25, 2017

I don't have much to add except: gently caress you, Skelley!

EDIT: Christ, today's Nekonaughey is pretty intense. :stare:

amigolupus fucked around with this message at 21:04 on Feb 6, 2020

Aug 25, 2017

I'm trying to understand how Holbrook went from having the bug guy say, "bugs in software are good for people, really" to cave-Dethany, and I think it's giving me a headache. :psyduck: Never mind how "buggy software forces people to improve" is such a stupid take.

Aug 25, 2017

rannum posted:

Without <x> think of where they'd be [cut to a "what if" stone age scenario] seems relatively clear cut

It's the part where Holbrook compares the complete lack of software bugs to going back to the stone age, an era that doesn't even have computers, that doesn't make sense to me. If he's trying to make a joke about going back to simpler times, then I think he should've used something more relevant, like everyone stuck using floppy discs or pagers.

Zereth posted:

she's not even using the actual accurate defense of her "no motorcycle" thing, that the "it's safe" claim the kid made is, like... wrong

it's way more dangerous to drive one than a car

The problem with that is that it would involve Lynn showing actual concern for her child's safety.

An idiot who majored in Psychology, and is so loving terrible as a therapist that she got her license revoked. Sounds like what Bernice's future looks like. :toot:

Aug 25, 2017

I'm really liking Juliet Jones so far. The characters behave like actual people, and they're using their brains as well. Sure, Don may say he wants a fresh start, but is he really saying the truth here? The art is pretty great too, with panel 3 having everyone do their best :thunk: face.

Rand Brittain posted:

I just realized that Holbrook's entire awfulness revolves around his unexamined belief that obviously bad things are Good, Somehow.

Have you seen that video of Ask Dethany that basically said putting up with your boss' abuse is a good thing?

SubNat posted:

Moomin and Family Life

Holy poo poo, the little shadowy thing is actually a character and not just some weird visual thing. I love Moomin so much. :allears:

rannum posted:

I feel everyone in this strip has forgotten this started more because kevin put a firecracker in a sandwich which yes okay max did steal but again, firecracker in a sandwich.

Yeah, even if it was a small firecracker, it was still really lucky that the bully didn't get hurt by it. I have faith in Tauhid's writing though, so I'm sure they'll bring that up sooner or later.

Aug 25, 2017

This is just stupid. We know Dustin only wants to ask her out, maybe see if they click on the date. He's not asking her to marry him and have his children, so this is a complete overreaction. Skelley is such a hateful boomer.

"Nothing means more in life than children".

Hmm, yes, I see. :thunk:

Aug 25, 2017

That sure was a twist in Mark Trail. Explain yourself, Vargo. :v:


Green Intern posted:

So Mars is going to be overrun by inbred dodos I guess.

If we're lucky, the dodos would grow so weak from inbreeding that they'll die out completely.

Snorkmaiden rules. :allears:

You can always just play and quit when you feel yourself getting tired, you absolute miserable rear end of a man.

Julet Esqu posted:

gently caress off, Bernice, you incredible bitch.

As the RA, does Bernice have any say in how roommates get assigned? Because I can totally see her assigning Stefani as Tiff's roommate just to shove what Tiff used to be like in her face.

Aug 25, 2017

These "teachers have free time during snow days" strips are one of the more annoying ones in this godawful comic.

Julet Esqu posted:

He doesn't want to work in the US, Dawn. He thinks France rules and America drools. That was, in fact, the whole point of your last storyline and is the entire reason you guys are long distance dating.

There's also how Dawn never talks about trying to move to France to be with Hugo, even back in that stupid storyline. Dawn keeps acting like Hugo is the one who needs to make all these big changes in his life, while she sits around waiting for her perfect life to happen. She's insufferably selfish, just like Wilbur, and I still can't believe Moy wrote them getting to keep their happy relationships.

Gloomy Rube posted:

Knowing all the backstory behind Lynn makes this comic super gross

Holy poo poo, I remember that. Some terrible parents kick their kids out for being gay, Lynn one-ups them by straight-washing her son in her comic.

Aug 25, 2017

Okay, I laughed at this.

Vargo posted:

Holy poo poo, Wallace

I love how creative Wallace is. It's easily one of the best comics in this thread. :3:

It's kind of funny that the joke's supposed to be about the chef being jealous, but nowadays it just looks like the chef's just mad that these customers are creeping on the waitress.

Aug 25, 2017

Johnny Walker posted:

Shouldn't they at least try to look for him?

"I just loved how depressed and pathetic Vargo looked back then. It made me feel so alive, Mark!"

Shut the hell up, Wilbur. You went away on that trip for months without bothering to contact Estelle, so you don't get a say here.

I've really had enough of this storyline. It wants us to care that the sister has a drinking problem, but it's been dragging this out for a couple months now and we still haven't had everyone notice. And I don't want to imagine how long the intervention will get dragged out. It's also trying to build up the drama of the TV host brother eventually finding out about his sister's drinking problem, but this guy is an rear end in a top hat whose shtick in his show is his "ironic" misogyny, so gently caress him. The only relatable character is the host's driver, who is completely tired of this poo poo.

I thought this comic was alright since it had the Professor, but Apartment 3-G is just bad. Or maybe it's just this storyline that's a plodding mess.

Bobulus posted:

I'm kind of losing my poo poo at Holbrook knowing about and making a furry comic version of that one cat-at-a-table meme.

Same here. Especially since Holbrook bringing in these pop culture references or memes in his comics raises even more questions about hellworld.

Aug 25, 2017

This is stupid on so many levels. gently caress you, Holbrook.

Julet Esqu posted:

Pru has a girlfriend in New York? Did we know this? (We knew she was a lesbian, but I had the impression Team Evans were keeping her permanently single so they could still score the diversity points without spooking the olds. I guess having the girlfriend be someone who lives far far away and whom Pru never ever sees nor speaks of is the next closest thing.) If Pru has a girlfriend in New York, why did she come to Podunk to live with Luann's family?

Also shut the gently caress up, Luann. You could date, but you choose not to so the olds don't think you're a slut because you just haven't met the right guy to settle down with yet.

Considering how she's not acting even the least bit excited, it sounds like this is supposed to be Pru's ex-girlfriend instead. Sending your girlfriend a single card sounds rather impersonal, especially when you could rather do a video call or plan a get-together. Then again, maybe this is just how Team Evans think long-distance relationships work, so who knows.

Raskolnikov38 posted:

what stupid analogy is he trying to make here? did something happen in a draft?

It looks like Holbrook is trying to go for a "people who didn't hire me are racist because they can't handle interracial couples" angle, but it just falls flat because these are prey species-only teams, so of course they're right to be worried about wasting their time and money hiring someone who could easily be killed by their predator partner if they ever wanted to.

One thing I've come to hate in Daddy Daze is how the dad has stopped bothering to hold the baby properly. It just highlights how the baby is basically just Woodstock at this point.

Aug 25, 2017

I did a double-take when I saw POISION ivy and oak.

So is Jams trying to say that Genie's the bad guy in this situation because she enabled Dr. Vargo for years into thinking yetis existed? Because this sure feels like a weird way to make the two look bad compared to Mark.

gently caress you, Wilbur! The reason you had a "hard time" isn't because it's a long-distance relationship, it's because you're a terrible person who made incredibly lovely decisions.

Aug 25, 2017

Julet Esqu posted:

As expected, Pru's long distance girlfriend was only a prop to allow Luann to bitch about her love life. And rightly so, apparently. All the years she dated Quill and he never gave her anything on Valentine's Day?

Maybe instead of just giving the guys she dated cards, Luann should have gone on actual dates during Valentines Day. But I guess Good Girls never go on dates ever.

Also, I thought the card was from Pru's ex because giving someone a card on Valentines seems too impersonal. But from how Luann phrases it, Team Evans seem to think Valentines cards are a huge thing for college students.

Aug 25, 2017

ukonvasara posted:

The Evanses have spent years and years slowly aging Luann and her peers after writing her as a 13-year-old for the first 15 or so years of the strip, and now they've gone through the rest of middle school and high school and have been in their first two years of college for the last six years, but even when they show flashes of actual age-appropriate behavior the characters always end up snapping back to acting like they're 13, Luann especially. Imagine a college sophomore (who doesn't display any of the other common cultural signs of being egregiously sheltered) ruminating about how many "Valentine's cards" she's gotten from "boys" over the years. If your matches are wet it's because your dipshit writers keep turning the hose on them, Luann!

Luann herself is terrible because even if she didn't act like a 13-year old all the time, she behaves like a typical incel where she refuses to date anyone who doesn't meet her impossible standards, then whines about how she never gets any. It's no wonder she resonates so well with all the assholes at the comic's comment section.

ukonvasara posted:

Also you shouldn't spend too much time thinking about Pru's girlfriend, real or ex or whatever--guaranteed that's just a throwaway line to remind readers that she's a lesbian and the Evanses have not put any thought into expanding this character beyond her one dimension.

You're right, I wouldn't want to read Team Evans' take on gay/lesbian relationships anyway.

Don't be such an Ed Kudlick, Arlo.

What's Lynn trying to say here? That the kid is wrong for thinking having a car would make life easier because then you'd be stuck caring for it forever and be miserable? ...This is somehow Lynn's metaphor for having children, isn't it?

Aug 25, 2017

I bust out laughing at today's Mark Trail. It's so much better than I could've imagined. Jams is such a petty rear end in a top hat and he just looks worse and worse every time he tries to own you, Vargo.

StrixNebulosa posted:


am I being too cynical or is Mark Trail being ableist here? Losing a leg changes your life sure but it doesn't.... it doesn't cause yeti-delusions or a crippling addiction to social media

The phrase "the loss of his leg prevented him from becoming" comes across as very ableist to me.

Vargo posted:

I've been thinking about this all day and how it makes no goddamn sense.

Whatever James was going for here with Harvey retreating to social media because of his leg is really undone by the fact that Harvey has been HIKING THE loving HIMALAYAS WITH ONE LEG THIS ENTIRE TIME.

If his leg didn't stop him from doing this, then why would it stop him from doing anything else?

Also, if Harvey wanted to be big on social media, then he would absolutely play up the missing leg, not keep it hidden! The internet would lose its poo poo for a one-legged adventurer!

So yeah, James is being ablest as gently caress here and it makes no sense. This is what happens when a man who doesn't know how to use Twitter's @ function writes a story about social media.

All of this requires Jams to be competent at writing, or be able to keep track of the poo poo he wrote.

I can't help but wonder if the reason for the inconsistency is because Jams already wrote the first part of this story before he got mad at your posts and decided to change things up midway.

Speaking of ableist as gently caress, Dick Tracy didn't even hesitate in telling us that Shaky Trembly was bad even as a kid.

If this were Holbrook, there's a good chance this is going to end with her giving birth during this snowstorm.

Aug 25, 2017

I laughed at the part where someone made a sarcastic tweet about Mark Trail and Jams thought they were being sincere, and then Vargo had to point out that they were making fun of him.

I'm not sure what's more stupid, hiding the fact that the program they made is a buggy mess, or trusting Dethany not to snitch to her corporate overlords.

Oh what the fresh hell is this bullshit? gently caress you, Holbrook!

Aug 25, 2017

Johnny Walker posted:

Another night in, doing nothing with Wilbur. That Estelle is a lucky, lucky woman.

Wilbur tries to make it sound like his problems are all related to issues that come with long-distance relationships, when all of it was caused by Wilbur being Wilbur. Between this and the part where he blames the double date fiasco on his drinking problem, it feels like Moy is trying to trick us into thinking Wilbur himself is blameless, and it's not working at all.

Vargo posted:

Yes, and this is... bad... somehow... because of his leg... I guess.

Yeah, it's a disjointed narrative. Jams wants to tell a story of a guy who fell to the evils of social media, but it just sounds like a success story of someone who found support online and got himself a good job from it. Add in the part about the leg and how Jams is spinning this into a huge tragedy, and it feels like his message is that you can't be successful if you have a disability.

kazz posted:

I’m not concerned with all that. I just want to know why they’re still having this conversation outside, at night, in a blizzard, wearing thin layers but not actively searching for Vargo.

Because Jams can't say this was a tragic ending if they found Doc Vargo still alive. The more likely solution is that he doesn't have clipart of characters digging through dirt with their hands that he could reuse for this scene.

Cowslips Warren posted:

Is Holbrook even in newspapers? I could see the fastrack poo poo but nothing else.

Selachian posted:

I've seen On the Fastrack and Safe Havens in newspapers. Kevin and Kell was originally web only, but it did run in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for a while.

Imagine picking up a newspaper after a long while, going to the comics section thinking it might be nice for a laugh or two, and then stumbling onto talking dodos jumping into water and spouting a mermaid's tail or a wolf going back into prison and murdering and eating his body double so no one will notice him being missing.

Aug 25, 2017

Coincidences? In MY Funky Winkerbean? Well, I never!

Are we sure this isn't just Wilbur moonlighting in another comic?

Every time I thought Holbrook's understanding of computers and internet couldn't get any stupider, he decides to prove me wrong.

It really bothers me that the only team that isn't racist and gives rhino guy a chance are both losers and cheaters. Every time Holbrook tries to tackle racism in Hellworld, he always finds a way to botch it up somehow.

This is perfect, thanks. :allears:

Aug 25, 2017

I'm still not sure why Jams thinks this is supposed to be a sad backstory for Doc Vargo, or how this is even supposed to own Vargo. Assuming people found out Doc Vargo was wrong about the Yeti and that he actually lost his leg to juvenile diabetes, chances are they'd feel sympathetic or think he's a huge inspiration.

How do you even forget your own company? And buying a bunch of copyrights and just sitting on them is extremely lovely. Harmony Gold just did the same thing where they extended their stranglehold on Macross just so they could keep doing nothing with it.

Aug 25, 2017

Some Guy TT posted:

I like how in Batiuk's fantasy of starting his own comic company the only solution he can think of to any problem is just having a really rich guy in the room being rich. He can't even pretend like success in the field has anything to do with talent.

That could be applied to all his characters. His other solution is to keep stumbling onto talented old people who used to be famous and now struggling financially, and then stoking their egos so they'd beg to be hired. It's all incredibly predatory and I doubt Batiuk even realizes what he's made.

Arlo is seriously doubling down on this, huh? It'd be interesting to see how this gets resolved.

These are adults in their mid-40s to early 50s and even their idea of a nice Valentines is to give cards to each other. :psyduck: It's impossible not to compare this with the Arlo and Janis strip the other day where they ate chocolates and hosed.

Haifisch posted:

Considering dropping Rex Morgan from these unless it stops being terminally boring.

The art's better and way more dynamic than modern Rex Morgan, but that's it. There's still nothing interesting going on.

Aug 25, 2017

Calaveron posted:

Also that Arlo and Janis doesn’t read like Arlo doubling down, but him trying to explain and justify him being so hard on Gene because raising a kid is probably difficult and you constantly have to adapt as the little terrors develop and there isn’t a universal guide to educating one

computer angel posted:

Yeah I also read it as Arlo being refreshingly candid about how complicated parenting can be.

I get what you're saying. I guess I understand Gene's frustration more since I used to get into similar fights with my dad over how to do chores. I really like how Arlo and Janis tackles topics like this with such grace. You definitely won't find such good parenting in Foob or Dustin, that's for sure.


So not only did DNA Wizard gently caress over Mars, she also found a way to gently caress up the mermaids as well. There better be cops ready to arrest the entire crew when they get back to Earth for their crimes against science.

Sure, just make your herbivore teammates think that they're in danger of being hunted and killed. That's definitely not a dick move.

Aug 25, 2017

goatface posted:

They should get shot out of the sky before entering the atmosphere to avoid any possible contamination of the environment with obviously dangerous alien life. But I'm sure they'll be welcomed as heroic corporate assets and allowed to return to their previous jobs at their previous wages.

Or in DNA Wizard's case, become the department head in her university so she can approve all the hosed up and morally dubious research that catches her eye.

Johnny Aztec posted:

No, the Venus DNA was already on Mars. DNA wizard had nothing to do with this turn of events.

The mermaids are copying things that DNA Wizard made or brought to Mars. Not to mention that there's going to be Merdodos now. I still say she gets some blame for this.

Huh, I thought this would take longer, but I'm glad that they made up. :3:

Dawn is going to prove she's Wilbur's spawn by finding a new love interest in the pizza place and cheating on Hugo.

This joke would only work if the car has no side-mirrors, or if Dethany and her co-worker are both depicted as the side-mirrors.

Aug 25, 2017

RandomPauI posted:

Today's 9CL reminds me of my birthday a lot.

It was today, and my mom made my birthday party all about her. How painful it was giving birth to me and my sisters, what the experience of giving birth was like. There were also really shallow, superficial comments about how horrible the holocaust was and gosh it was so horrible and wasn't it horrible?

That feels like the fate that will befall those poor kids. A fate where the most important things will always be putting their parent's wants, needs, and desires front and center.

Happy birthday! And sorry about your mom ruining it by making it all about her.

Speaking of the fate of the poor kids, one thing I'm afraid these two idiots will do is force their kids to read aaaaall those long letters Amos wrote about how their mom's hot and what a good gently caress she is.

Johnny Walker posted:

I mean, if I found the yeti it would probably change everything for me, so I can't fault the logic.

It's hilarious how this is totally about Vargo trying to say Jams uses clipart and traces over it.

Aug 25, 2017

Vargo posted:

This Mark Trail story conclusion makes me feel like I am losing my loving MIND. Every time I think about the point James thinks he's making versus what he's actually put to paper, I get whiplash.

Today's thought: Harvey, the guy who was apparently driven mad to take risks by social media, DIDN'T EVEN HAVE HIS PHONE OUT WHEN HE DIED.

I love how Jams established that Dr. Vargo is really famous online, and that he's got millions of viewers and even got sponsorship because of it. And then Jams just contradicts himself in this comic by having Mark make that petty comment about how Dr. Vargo died over "a little bit of fame". He can't even keep his loving facts straight.

I bet he's going to end this with Genie not only being a terrible enabler, but also never notifying anyone that Dr. Vargo died. And then Mark Trail is back in his cabin making a smug comment how people like Dr. Vargo who only chase after fame are quickly forgotten by the internet.

Green Intern posted:

As the group leaves Vargo for dead, Mark thinks he sees two figures off in the distant snow. A moment later, they are gone. The End

It's going to end up being "tell, don't show" again. First panel is Genie turning back, second panel is Mark stopping in his tracks saying he heard something and the last panel is a close up shot of Mark's shocked face as he says he saw two figures in the distance.

Drimble Wedge posted:

I used to post Scary Gary back in the day:

This comic centers around Gary the vampire and his demonic sidekick Leopold as they try to adjust to life in the suburbs. Follow Gary, Leopold, and Travis, the severed head in a jar in, Scary Gary by Mark Buford.

This feels really similar to Get Fuzzy, even the demon acts like an unrepentant rear end in a top hat just like the cat.


Aug 25, 2017

StrixNebulosa posted:

"but he still has to take orders" what the gently caress, how is that a healthy way of putting it

It's like every single strip always has a new layer on how Lynn is a terrible mother.

What's weird to me is how Lynn chose to depict that Michael is growing up. In comics or cartoons, the parent usually notices their kid's growing up when they see how tall they've become, or when the kid starts to take interest in relationships. But Lynn specifically had Michael kiss his girlfriend in front of his dad like some sort of weird flex.

Johnny Walker posted:

Well I hope we all learned something from this adventure. Trying to gain internet fame by finding the yeti is deadly. RIP Dr Vargo.

Well, I almost called it. The extreme close-up was on the 2nd panel rather than the last.

It's hilarious how Mark Trail just comes across as a tremendous rear end in a top hat throughout this story instead. He keeps being a snarky jackass to Dr. Vargo, he made that comment how he expected Nepal to be more technologically advanced than what Genie mentioned, he kept doubting Dr. Vargo's motivations despite the guy repeatedly saying that he's not trying to find the yeti for fame, and he just stood around in the cold rather than trying to find the guy buried under the avalanche.

Jams Eallen is such a whiny pissbaby, and he's totally not mad. :lol:

Not gonna lie, I really thought Dawn would run into that guy with the burn that gave her weird inspirational advice in the airport. It would at least have given a semblance of the entire thing being planned. I have no idea who this doofus is.

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