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Jul 8, 2003

FrumpleOrz posted:

Kevin & Kell

Ah yes, excellent motivation strategy of "threatening to murder people"


Jul 8, 2003

Huxley posted:

It's funny because millennials are turning 40 and currently make up 50% of the workforce.
The youngest are 24 this year, that kid is very much not a millennial

BigDave posted:

DMV jokes are the hackiest jokes in existence, and I have never gotten them, at all. Every time I've been to the DMV, it's been fine. No more worse then the dentist or a doctor's office.
you clearly do not live in the san francisco bay area

if you gotta go to the dmv in, say, san jose, better pack a lunch because you are gonna be there a while if you don't have an appointment

Jul 8, 2003

riderchop posted:


Heathcliff looking weird and more coherent than usual

Jul 8, 2003

My proverbial money's on that the comic was less blatantly/purely "gently caress those lazy millennial" back in 2010, too.

but yeah, :laugh: at the comic being unpredictable this thing only has like five jokes. And three of them are variants on "GOD I, the writer, hate Dustin the character so much"

Jul 8, 2003

technically my claim of it being less nakedly hostile is not incompatible with the people doing the voting being lovely toxic middle aged white guys

Jul 8, 2003

I swear i missed something. Did they, like, actually somehow confirm that Dick Tracy Junior here is, in fact, the man's son? Because Dick's nemesis, "a homeless guy", picked him because he was the only kid he knew.

Jul 8, 2003

Weembles posted:

They did - there was an identifying scar.
Ah, I did miss something.

Jul 8, 2003

Kennel posted:


... is... are we looking at another case of that stuff from late locher dick tracy where some guy took like three weeks to run up some steps because the strip kept starting over or even going backwards?

Jul 8, 2003

Der Shovel posted:

Oh don't worry, I'm sure it'll turn out that one of the kids is Leonardo Da Vinci from an alternate universe's future past,
what do you mean "turn out"

although he's allegedly just the leo da vinci from their past, rather than an alternate timeline

Jul 8, 2003

CommonShore posted:

I'm glad I skip this comic
good move, honestly

Jul 8, 2003

amigolupus posted:

Had this been A Problem Like Jamal, they would've just said it's because of white fragility.
Curtis kinda has it backwards, too, usually the people are telling other people to grow a thick skin and poo poo and then they throw colossal tantrums at "why videogame have woman" or something

Jul 8, 2003

for a gang tag might I suggest somethign with a Wallace the Brave Seagull, or Actual Dog Snoopy?

Jul 8, 2003

Huxley posted:

OK, here's the ones I did and enjoy, anyone feel free to steal them as jumping off points. If someone wants to get wacky with the seagull, PM me and I can send you the PSD. Busy work today so this is probably it for me. I did get the pause in there, at least. A couple of them are too wide, and I'd fix them if I thought people wanted to use them, but I'm dubious.

I vote for either of these.

amigolupus posted:

This is how I feel too. I'd rather the gang-tag honor a good person rather than Jam.

Jul 8, 2003

Wait, do this one.

Ghostlight posted:

Classic Cat 17-7-16

... :confused:

Jul 8, 2003

How Wonderful! posted:

This is the version I submitted, I think it looks fantastic.
If you're giving these out I'll take one!

Jul 8, 2003

The Bloop posted:

I definitely want the tag in case that wasn't obvious

I lost the ones I had at some point and usually browse from the app so I didn't notice
They're just part of the avatar text, so if you're buying one yourself you need to manually put any gang tags you want in.

Jul 8, 2003

Haifisch posted:

Dick Tracy

"this house might have people in it who could, say, report us to the cops" "that's their problem"

shaky is so bad at this

Jul 8, 2003

Doomykins posted:

I like that Shaky's master plan was to extort a detective married to a cop and he had a hard gut feeling that she wouldn't do anything as cunning as "tell the Police." They don't make 'em like Snails anymore..
Yeah everything about this plan has been garbage, and I can't quite tell if Shaky is intended to be seen as tremendously incompetent or not.

Jul 8, 2003

Cowslips Warren posted:

You know, as gross as Brooke's poo poo is, never once have I gotten the idea that either Edda or Amos loving hate their kids, or suffered because of them. Compare that to FOOB or One Big Happy.
... didn't they just get born? we haven't had time for them to start hating them.

Jul 8, 2003

"Change into these swim trunks in this room full of people staring at you, kid."

Jul 8, 2003

Stultus Maximus posted:

Early Prince Valiant had a lot more magic and so on, he eventually dropped it and made it more realistic.
Do you mean like the "Magic" on display here of "Drugging somebody"?

Tiggum posted:

Well, there is one theory...

It's very interesting seeing people who didn't have a front-row seat to the drama trying to piece together what happened.

Hell, they might even be right about Allen hiring assistant(s), this latest storyline is a large change in artstyle form the immediate previous one.

Jul 8, 2003

Angular Cyrus posted:

King Aroo 10/26/53

God drat I love King Aroo, the comic.

Jul 8, 2003

Doomykins posted:

Is it Onion or "Onion"? Aren't they tired of bullying Curtis after that time he got them to punch each other? Why doesn't Curtis just carry a snack pack of peanuts with him every day

Who is preserving the integrity of the Curtis lore
"Onion" hadn't appeared for a while and then he showed up without the quote marks one day and has been without them since, I think.

Jul 8, 2003

Medenmath posted:

Vintage Valiant (Apr. 16, 1938)

These are illusions, but for those asking about whether the magic is ever real in Prince Valiant, I'd argue this counts.
You could make an argument for Val tripping his rear end off from hallucinogenic plants in the garden, and that Le Fay's stuff is just her anxiety and poo poo over what Merlin's doing working overtime, but it'd be pretty strained. I'm in the "this is actual magic" camp.

Jul 8, 2003

amigolupus posted:

Oof, this is pretty rough. The kid's abuser casually gets up to his personal space and lets him know how powerless he is in this household.
And then puts words in his mouth that he actually liked it despite his expression clearly showing he didn't.

Jul 8, 2003

RandomPauI posted:

I'll give it a go.

Holbrook decided to make a comic with a milquetoast, Aaron Sorken, truth is in the middle sensibility. Except half the characters are predators and half is pray and murder is legal but self defense is not.

Holbrook inadvertently created a comic that critiques his world view but he either didn't realize that or he didn't care so long as people kept paying him to draw boobs on animals.
Technically self-defense is okay, but only if you use your Species Has Characteristic to do it.

Jul 8, 2003

amigolupus posted:

IIRC, they met online and liked each other well enough to set up a date, all without knowing what each other looked like. The fact that she worked for a company that hunts lower classes herbivores never got brought up at all.
The comic started with them married and their first kid from that marriage was born within a month of strips.

Ashsaber posted:

So in Kevin and Kell its illegal to kill except in self defense, and not with anything but your animal traits, but the predators can just use guns? I remember a few months ago the plot about the 'one good one/credit to his race' gopher where a rabbit (or something) was just wasted with nothing else on panel, near Kell's company. Which makes things even more horrifying; Sure you could defend yourself with quills or stench, but the guy trying to kill you has a shotgun and nobody can do anything against them later, because that's just nature.

No I think that's illegal too. In fact the only guns I recall ever being shown are wacky carrot-shooting guns (I think they were wood carrots) that the rabbit terrorist group whose demands were "we want to stop being killed and eaten" used.

Jul 8, 2003

Pretty sure those are supposed to be speedlines. It's not very well done, though, yeah.

Also I think that's inside the compound. And evidently the people running the predator training camp don't find anything odd about somebody doing stealth gardenign in it, because it's not like the guy is hiding the crops.

Zereth fucked around with this message at 03:43 on Mar 26, 2020

Jul 8, 2003


"Timelines! Blah blah! Now, does that look like DNA? That's not a coincidence wink wink *never brings it up again*"

Jul 8, 2003

Ah yes, police brutalitying the victim, that'll definitely help.

Jul 8, 2003

Chef Bourgeoisie posted:

Bloom County
June 10th & 11th, 1981

Isn't there supposed to be a joke? :confused:

Jul 8, 2003

The Bloop posted:

It's more political satire than gag a day

There's a lot to half smile or nod sagely at there, even if no gaffaw
It's just a straightforward description of how US politics works, though!


Jul 8, 2003

Vargo posted:


Curtis being the most topical strip posted here is a thing I do not like.
Yeah, Curtis is supposed to repeat the same events endlessly without ever changing. Something went wrong when Curtis switched to the new hat. :ohdear:

Jul 8, 2003

amigolupus posted:

So Zelda hates the other girl for being privileged and having rich parents, yet she's perfectly fine dating her boyfriend who's privileged and living off of his rich parents?
Based on the few strips of that I read she is not fine, but she's doing it anyway.

Jul 8, 2003

rannum posted:

I loving love Holbrooke because he has a vague understanding of things that are bad and generally


seems in favor of that bad stuff being bad but also puts absolutely zero thought into anything he does. :words: these rabbit hormones alone have been used as:
-trans metaphor
See... He doesn't realize he did this. He introduced the character who loving hates rabbits disguising herself as a not-rabbit and working at a company that hunts and kills rabbits (among other things) for food much earlier than the actual attempt at doing trans issues with the wolf who got an operation to be an herbivore.

He puts almost no thought into stuff he's introducing and never seems to really re-think old stuff like that. Which is why he's got all those things about your "cyberspace avatar" in On The Fast Track or whatever they call it. That's some like, 90s loving poo poo.

Jul 8, 2003

Green Intern posted:

"I need to hide in that crowd!" *Immediately forces someone to make him as visible as possible*
Shaky is incredibly bad at being a criminal. I just wish I could tell how much of this was intentional.

Jul 8, 2003

Bruceski posted: and Marlon are in front of the tank. Usually that's more apparent since it's people standing while she swims, but acrobats.
If one of the bars on it was occluding part of her it'd be more obvious but holbrook is not a particularly great artist

Jul 8, 2003


Jul 8, 2003

LazyQ posted:


... what are diagonal pants?


Jul 8, 2003

Evil Mastermind posted:

The Dinette Set uses space efficiently.

... Jarts? Jean Darts?

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