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Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution
drat that's a fine Gaston


Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution
I think the Frazz-child is trying to say that it was a sports story that was written outside of hockey season (pucks), football season (goalposts), and - basketball season? Soccer season? Something with nets - and so did not mention those elements.

I loving hate that my brain turned Frazz into a semi-coherent thought. Need more beer, then sleep.

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

"Snotty pose" looks a lot like boneitis

e: oh my god this is a shameful snipe. Have some Alphonse and Gaston as penance:

csammis fucked around with this message at 15:34 on Feb 6, 2020

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

How Wonderful! posted:

Great question-- I'm corrupt.

This is probably not the fastest that power has corrupted a new mod but drat that was quick

I read it once, read it again, and saved it to my hard drive - all to see exactly how many arrest-related comic panels you have handy :colbert:


Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

The Comics Kingdom comments on this one are really something

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

JethroMcB posted:

Greg 3:13 poster on the wall there

Greg 3:13 says I just hate this comic's sorry rear end

It's Greg 3:18, "And they crapped all over the Harlot Tiffany and GREG saw that it was good"

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

plainswalker75 posted:

According to the Luann wiki (I want to die now, knowing that exists):

Hahaha I remember Stuart now. I think it's funny as poo poo that he's included in Luann's memories of "forever guys" when they had literally no connection other than him doing his job and her having a crush.

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

Hostile V posted:

Also big oof that 9CL creator nickname.

That isn’t even the biggest oof because it’s missing a word. His fans used to refer to him as Honourable Master, or HM for short.

edit: the Commonwealth spelling is present in the original, for maximum pretension. Brooke is American and I assume all of his merry band of fellow jackoffs are too.

csammis fucked around with this message at 03:18 on Apr 13, 2020

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

Parahexavoctal posted:

am I the only one who thinks this punchline is isomorphic to "that was no lady, that was my wife" ?

Of course you aren’t because it’s exactly the same joke, but any excuse to say “isomorphic” is an excuse one should always take

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

StrixNebulosa posted:

e: oh and spoilers, that "good news" doesn't mean anything, she's gone by the end of the year.

Isn't the oncologist giving the "good news" to the person whose scans were mixed up with Lisa's? Does TomBat show "Mrs Wilson" dying too just to bring in extra pathos? :ohdear:

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

LazyQ posted:


In the penultimate panel we see Taina Suominen, Heimo's wife. She will evolve into quite a character.

I am really loving Mämmilä, thank you so much for taking the time to post it

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution
I've seen it used in fantasy-medieval novels when referring to mutual friends or acquaintances, but as a native English speaker (US, midwest, Chicago) I wouldn't use it in casual speech unless I was referring to a mutual relative. Even then I'd probably sound a bit stilted / old-fashioned British :v:

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

Sailor Cat posted:

I read ahead on Alec Robbins's Mr. Boop website, and it's absolutely hilarious when you don't read it as little chunks parceled out in this thread

Sweet jesus :aaa:

You owe it to yourself to view this on a computer with a mouse and not just a phone but not in IE or Netscape Navigator of course

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution
Oof, the current thread title :smith:

Comic Strips 2020: It's Time, Sarge

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

Some Guy TT posted:

Cheer Up Boss Dharma

I thought this Boss Dharma was more unparsable than usual but it turns out you put the last panel first :v:

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

That's a solid :lol:

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution
Tenuous connection perhaps but Betty Boop did have her own comic strip in the ‘30s. We’ve definitely had webcomics which feature comic strip characters here before. The thread liked Weapon Brown before we discovered that Yungbluth was a massive piece of poo poo and Mr. Boop is a work of comedic genius by comparison.

edit: penance for a shameful snipe

This kid is so glad Betty Boop is his sister

csammis fucked around with this message at 04:44 on Jul 22, 2020

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

Weembles posted:

I can't believe we forgot about a character from the best Rex storyline this thread ever covered.

Was that the bimbo karate storyline? Good times

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

ikanreed posted:

This loving rear end in a top hat just had a baby.

Neither of those loving assholes just had a baby. Tove is the new mother, these are Zelda (dark hair) and Nova (short hair).

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

Everyone's mind is blown by the content but in the meta spirit of Mr. Boop I have to step back and applaud you, kidcoelacanth, for one hell of a page snipe

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

His Divine Shadow posted:

Was that kid thing a fakeout I wonder.

She could have been babysitting. Adults with responsibility for kids at playgrounds certainly refer to them as “theirs” and it seems far more likely than the elaborate what-if someone posted a while ago about her having Ariel’s misogynist friend’s baby.

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

Johnny Walker posted:

F Minus

Don't get this one.

He got drunk on power :haw:

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution
Watch out hotel guy, she might know Bimbo Karate!

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

Haifisch posted:

I didn't realize the pun until you pointed out there's a pun.

I love it.

I still don't get it :(

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

Zerilan posted:

The toe is a missile.

Well goddamn :haw:

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

Julet Esqu posted:

I don't know the backstory, but it's sounding like he was adopted. He's the older brother, so maybe Bernice's parents got teen-pregnant and put him up for adoption, but felt like they were ready to be parents by the time Bernice came along.

Wikipedia agrees:


In January 2007, Bernice learned she had an older brother, Army Sgt. Ben York, who was deployed in Iraq. Her parents had placed him for adoption, as they felt they were too young to have a child.

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

amigolupus posted:

So wait, is Trump calling up Crankshaft to terrorize people to scare them from voting or something? :psyduck:

It’s a joke about suppressing the mail-in vote

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

I woke up this morning
Didn’t recognize the man in the comics
Then I laughed and I said,
“Oh silly me, that’s just me”

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

This is not a "Don't post 'Cathy'" screed, post it and post all comic strips, but I have to get this off my chest:

I find Cathy viscerally uncomfortable on a level that is surprising to me. Her fawning attitude is just the worst. I get that Cathy's supposed to be the butt of the joke and she's mostly called out on it but it's still just unbelievably gross to see that servile "I can't be happy if he's not in my life 25/8!" and "Feminism is why I can't keep a man!" behavior presented in the main character over and over and over. She doesn't even seem to have another characteristic to help paper it over. I have no idea if latter-day Cathy is any better - this is my only exposure to it outside of the popular culture "Haha Cathy said 'Ack!'" trope - but holy poo poo I have to hope that the character develops at all.

What's that? Oh right. I'll have chicken nuggets and a Frosty.


Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution

Johnny Walker posted:

Rex Morgan MD

Recap: This week Buck was tired, so he laid down to take a nap. He did so, and awoke later somewhat thirsty.


It kind of feels like they’re setting up Buck to have an unexpected illness what with the focus on excessive fatigue and unplanned weight loss, maybe depression, but knowing RMMD it’ll turn out to be a big dumb nothing

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