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Feb 15, 2005

It's such a beautiful panel with so many low hanging fruit jokes. Could do a whole thread of just caption edits. :cripes:


Feb 15, 2005

fondue posted:

B Kliban

Is he in my network, and is he taking new patients?

Feb 15, 2005

catlord posted:

God drat do I love Thimble Theatre.

Can I get a Red and Rover on this one? Storms maybe?

What's up with the car on the roof?!

Feb 15, 2005

Kennel posted:

Check the date.


Feb 15, 2005

Mikl posted:

I love everything about this.

I aspire to be more Moomin-like.

Feb 15, 2005

Medenmath posted:

Happy Yule everyone. As a present, please enjoy this guy getting hanged and a reminder always to keep hate in your heart.

Joyous Yule comics friends. A deep-seated grudge is the wonderful gift that keeps on giving.

Feb 15, 2005

LazyQ posted:

Merry Christmas you filthy animals, Mämmilä is back! And we continue where we left off: formerly employee-owned Nappila is now Ekox with a new CEO Ulf Ekman and owned by faceless shareholders somewhere, with Anja Koskinen suspecting further vicissitudes down the road. Leevi Pikkula, local sportsman and an ex of Anja is his usual self and doesn't really understand what's going on.

Merry Christmas and welcome back! Uffe still mixes my feelings: very affable, very patient, but a capitalist at heart.

Feb 15, 2005

Parahexavoctal posted:

And, as always, the reflection of the chair legs on the polished floor.

The hatchmarking and shading on the trash bin is a great detail too

Feb 15, 2005

This is the one place A&J fails me. The clock rolling over isn't going to change anything, but that's for the DOOM threads.

Feb 15, 2005

Next comic is going to need an Arthurian one liner.

Feb 15, 2005

For the love of God, Pugsley!

Feb 15, 2005

Mikl posted:

Comic Strips 2021: Well Then, Burn The Jungle!

Feb 15, 2005

You know Val is pissed because he didn't kill the guy

Feb 15, 2005

Hail Stan our dark lord and bringer of terrible comics

Feb 15, 2005

LazyQ posted:

As you might remember, Crywood Inc. was heavily in debt and the other shareholders forced Isopaljo to work for Nappila, which was a huge humiliation for a guy like him. Nappila, however, was formed by Anja Koskinen and other former employees of Juniper which was nothing but a tool to make a quick (illegal) buck and left to fall apart. Calling some kind of "original ownership" on those grounds is pretty rich even for Isopaljo.

Mämmilä doesn't often reward the good but it does punish the bad


Feb 15, 2005

Ardeem posted:

Branding Iron?


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