Is Wheel of Time the fantasy series that had a tv pilot randomly air once in the middle of the night on FX a couple years ago for rights issues?
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# ¿ Feb 17, 2025 17:11 |
feedmyleg posted:Just give me a flippin' show about a band of adventurers getting low-stakes quests. 90% of the quests on Adventure Time are pretty low stakes. There’s at least two or three episodes that revolve around Jake gathering or rescuing sandwich ingredients.
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James Spader and Rainn Wilson really carry a lot of the first post-Michael season. When Spader left and they started writing around Ed Helms’ movie projects there was a noticeable drop in quality. Even when Andy returns he’s an incredible piece of poo poo and the last batch of episodes with the forced Jim/Pam marriage issues are easily the worst of the whole show.
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Croatoan posted:They had that one video, I think it was Welcome to the Internet or something that'd make me chuckle but that was it. I was a huge Halo idiot and extremely frequent poster on both the Bungie and Rooster Teeth forums 15 years ago. RvB has always been barely passable.
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Mu Zeta posted:Jean Ralphio is funnier than anything on The Office. Treat yo self was kinda retroactively ruined by Aziz being a creep in real life.
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If I’m completely honest, I wish Chibnall would dip back into whatever weirdness inspired him to make Cyberwoman because the show is still a little too reserved right now (with maybe two exceptions).
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I didn’t watch the GG, but I’m glad Awkwafina won because The Farewell was great and she’s great in it. I really want to see her in more stuff.
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Is it still technically a grift if you actually believe in the dumb pseudo-science your brand peddles?
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Watermelon Daiquiri posted:Holy poo poo The Sysselman in His Dark Materials is played by the actor that played Dudley Dursley I watched The Ballad of Buster Scruggs twice before recognizing him in the Liam Neeson segment. He looks so different.
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Sleeveless posted:Is there any genre other than sci-fi where fanboys building the narrative that the creator of a work not only had nothing to do with its quality and success but was actively detrimental on every level is so widespread and accepted. In Trek’s case, it’s absolutely deserved and correct though. Gene’s vision was mountains of coke and binders full of guests stars he could gently caress behind his wife’s back. Nearly everything you recognize as Trek was either created wholesale by or extensively expanded by someone else. The franchise’s success has more to do with Gene Coon than Gene Roddenberry.
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Rocksicles posted:and apparently i thought Will Wheaton was Riker. ![]()
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el oso posted:If Picard doesn't address the most insidious conspiracy in the Star Trek universe that was dropped and then never mentioned again, then what is even the point? Good ol’ Meatloaf Head
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Season 2 was flawed but ultimately fine and the angst that it still stokes online nearly two years later is something else.
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esperterra posted:It's a fine season of genre television, just incredibly underwhelming compared to the first. Some standout episodes, however. Oh for sure. Season 1 really feels like lightning in a bottle now. I’m looking forward to season 3 though, Aaron Paul is always a plus.
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I think the variety of gimmicky games on Price is Right makes it more entertaining than most game shows. I usually get bored in the middle of a single Family Feud ep but I’ll watch Price is Right all day if given the chance. Jeopardy! is still the reigning champ though, I’ve watched it almost daily since grade school.
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What is with aftershows existing and also continuing to be hosted by the worst people?
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I watched the first season and it was okay for the most part, but some of the subjects already had much better documentaries done on them. Plastic Galaxy, for example, is a way more comprehensive look at the Kenner Star Wars line.
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I finally went back and finished the final season of The Man in the High Castle and I’m not sure what to make of it. It took a while to get going and then sort of rushed to an abrupt ending just as it was getting interesting. So much of the resolution just felt unsatisfying. -Smith dying by his own hand without ever seeing any real justice was such a letdown. The only positive was that they didn’t attempt any sort of redemption. The man only ever questioned the party and its policies when it affected him personally, so any sort of heroic about face would have felt unearned. - This season really suffered from Tagomi’s absence. He brought so much to the show. - I was kinda glad to see Childan get a happy ending, even if he was weasel for nearly the entire run of the show. - I really would have liked to see another season examining the aftermath of all this, with the BCR setting up their new government, the American Reich likely going through civil war and dealing with the Greater Reich, and Yakuza Kido trying to atone in San Francisco. The final was alright, if ambiguous. One site said it felt like a victory and I agree. I’d like to think all those people were victims of the Nazis from different worlds, returning to this world to set things right in a way.
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There’s some obligatory direct Batman connections but other than that, no not really. People joke that it’s just a remake of The King of Comedy but... it really is. I liked it and Joaquin is good in it but uh I don’t see how it’s leading the nominations. Especially since The Farewell was snubbed so badly ![]()
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I guess Netflix put more episodes of that dumb Doomsday Preppers show up and I find myself compelled to watch these stupid fuckers for some reason. I feel like most of these nut jobs should be on some kind of government watchlist for a variety of reasons.
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STAC Goat posted:Great, now i'm gonna get lost down another Doomsday Prepper binge hole. The racist chuds aren’t fun to watch, but every episode seems to have some kind of insane wild card who believes in a science fiction scenario. My favorite is still the Lou Ferigno looking rear end in a top hat and his ten kids who built a literal castle in the woods but didn’t bother to finish it or even give it a roof. Just a giant pile of concrete with no doors and standing water everywhere.
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Okay, my new favorite rear end in a top hat on this show is the guy convinced he can cause a rockslide to block the local road. And of course he tests this by rolling a giant boulder down the hill onto an active road.
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It’s worth it for the hidden gems, like the guy I’m watching now who just started eating wild berries without knowing what they were while he insisted the universe would tell him what not to eat because his body is like an antenna.
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precision posted:Uhhhh so apparently that fake reality show that Wayne Coyne did years ago is gonna be a real thing Man, I used to love Wayne Coyne so much but ever since he left his completely normal wife for an etsy-shilling festival groupie he’s just been a completely insufferable douchebag. The last few Lips albums have really confirmed that Steven Drozd was always the real talent in the band and I feel bad for the guy having to go along with Wayne’s “look at me and how wacky and counter culture I am!” poo poo just to ensure he has a paycheck. Alright I’m done, thanks for coming to my “Wayne Coyne is having a permanent midlife crisis” TED Talk.
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precision posted:Remember when Coyne defended that terrible white chick that did the "Appropriate Culturation" poo poo wearing a Native head dress and then fired Kliph for daring to call her out on it. Yeeeeeeesh. Not a good look. Him firing Kliph and replacing him with two lovely gimmicky twin drummers who always wear stupid green wigs is like the perfect encapsulation of the last ten years for the Lips. The last time I saw them live, those idiot drummers couldn’t even keep a loving beat and Steven had to constantly jump in and give them the rhythm. It was awful.
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Khanstant posted:I used to love going out of my way to see them live whenever possible. They came to my little college town once and blew out the power a few times for the city and it was just a cool show I wanted to go again despite never really listening to their music outside of their shows. Then I saw him at SXSW or ACL or some poo poo and I guess he was going through a dark period. Instead of all the usual fun stuff it was a lot of grey and blue metal tubes and aluminium ducts and some weird tube-baby. Fine, whatever I can get it. What turned me off, maybe forever, was that I heard the darkness was due to a divorce resulting from his bad behavior and infidelity. That sucks but is fine on it's own, however, he also needed to involve someone else. He had a gimmick where this singer from another band was to come on stage and perform with him. I wanna say it was Phantogram's singer but it was years ago. He has her come sing this song, but it's a slower and sad one, and he has her get on her knees next to him while she sings. He grabs a fistful of her hair, and while she sings he pulls on it making her wince and her singing get pained. Conceptually I kind of get it, but in execution it was really uncomfortable to watch. Creeped me the gently caress out so now I don't bother with them Yeah, that was for The Terror and it was Phantogram’s singer, Sarah Barthel. This must have been around 2012-2013? That album is such a complete 180° from all their other stuff and it just reeks of “I’ve hosed everything up” nihilistic desperation. I saw them on that same tour and it was just exhausting and depressing. Prior shows had been this joyous, almost life-affirming party that reveled in naive happiness. On the Terror tour he even did dour renditions of older songs in the style of the new album and it just loving sucked. And I get it, you’re an artist so of course you’re gonna use your art to try and explore and vent that pain, but it’s just not an enjoyable experience for the audience. I mean good on the guy if he’s found peace in some way with his new life, but it all just seems like an extended breakdown and nothing he’s put out since has had any real substance to it. Peace Sword was solid but it’s no Embryonic or Soft Bulletin. Oczy Mlody was completely forgettable and felt like a vanity project for him and his other musician friends.
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Rocksicles posted:Try talking about TV on reddit, it's a loving disaster. Reddit in general is a disaster for discussion because it’s not built for that format. It’s just a series of caption contests. That’s why I dig SA and you lot so much, even when some of you post indefensible opinions about tv shows. ![]()
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zoux posted:Powerful 1990's energy right here You ain’t seen nothin’ yet ![]() ![]() ![]() There’s some hall of fame av material in there.
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Poor Ethan Philips, he even manages to make a goofy photo for a puff piece tech article look vaguely creepy.
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Rhyno posted:Tuvix was an abomination in the eyes of God and deserved his death. Rhyno is Kate Mulgrew confirmed
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Doomsday Preppers is officially no longer fun because the guy in this episode is a dead-eyed 15-year old future school shooter who spends his free time making “maceball bats” and getting his mom to buy him guns. ![]()
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I’ve enjoyed very season of BCS thus far quite a bit ![]() I don’t really get the folks who complain about the Gus and Mike stuff. It’s a Breaking Bad prequel, of course they were always going to touch on those characters. Mike especially has been one of the better parts of the show. The stuff about his son in season 1 was excellent.
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I still haven’t seen it, but I did not know until recently that the songs in Les Mis were not ADR and I still can’t believe it. I know the answer is “Tom Hooper”, but who the gently caress would consider that a good idea with a cast full of actors who aren’t known for their musical experience?
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Streets of Fire, Forbidden Zone, and The Last Dragon are the only movie musicals I need. Also maybe Cats but I haven’t seen that disaster yet.
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Is it cool if I make a new megathread just for the "modern" Star Trek shows that are airing now or will air soon? That way we can close the old Discovery thread and have a place for new viewers to talk about the shows without getting lost in the "classic" Trek thread. I've got half an OP written already.
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CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK posted:Why not just make a Picard thread? Croatoan posted:Just make a Picard thread like cap said. The disco thread hates disco and I don't want that weird toxicity in a Picard thread. The toxicity is going to follow no matter what, this would just allow us to merge the existing Disco thread with a new Picard thread since the former has been around for 3 years, it was written before we really even knew the premise of the show, and now the show doesn't even have that same premise anymore. The latter doesn't have a thread yet and will probably attract new folks who don't want to wade through the old Trek megathread. Plus I can future-proof it a bit by adding info on Lower Decks, Short Treks, and all the other shows in production.
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Picard, Discovery Season 3, Lower Decks, etc thread here
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Especially a show with literal UFOs in the very next season.
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# ¿ Feb 17, 2025 17:11 |
It’s pretty tame by Lynch standards.
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