Croatoan posted:So is Picard the most anticipated new show of 2020? I don't know if it is coming in 2020 but I am intensely interested in the idea of Lovecraft Country quote:Lovecraft Country follows "Atticus Black as he joins up with his friend Letitia and his Uncle George to embark on a road trip across 1950s Jim Crow America in search of his missing father. This begins a struggle to survive and overcome both the racist terrors of Jim Crowe America and the terrifying monsters that could be ripped from a Lovecraft paperback." Edit: Also related: Locke and Key on Netflix, which is apparently releasing in a month and they haven't shown a trailer yet so I hope that doesn't suck Hakkesshu fucked around with this message at 17:52 on Jan 1, 2020 |
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# ¿ Feb 18, 2025 23:39 |
Escobarbarian posted:I wasn’t so hot on the first episode of Messiah, but I also don’t think you can call it anti-semitic just because there is an Israeli character who is a jerk. Also given the only thing I know about this dumb loving show, big spoiler i guess if you haven't read any news about this at all because Netflix themselves spoiled it in their loving credits, the jews are right about him and he is the antichrist
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Any Netflix Dracula impressions? I'm seriously wondering if I've reached my Steven Moffat breaking point.
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Well I ended up watching Dracula and the first two episodes are really pretty decent vampire stories, albeit with some truly awful Moffat dialogue. The third one is just balls out nuts dogshit though, but I almost respect it for how loving stupid it is.
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Croatoan posted:It looks bad imo. That and the rumor is that Disney is not happy with it nor were they with Dark Phoenix. The reason the movie has been delayed for so long is in part because of the mess surrounding the production of Dark Phoenix, and because they basically wanted to change large parts of the film due to focus testing. Reshoots had been planned for like 18 months or something but the director apparently just went "gently caress you" for all that time and refused, and they didn't find someone else to do it, so now they're just finally putting out the movie he had originally intended, which is... actually kind of remarkable, regardless of whether it's good or not (it doesn't look good).
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Kinda disappointed that Castle Rock didn't get more love, but it's understandable - the first season was fine, but largely unremarkable, and I only even checked out the second season out of curiosity. I'm glad I did, though, because it turned out to be one of the better horror shows I've seen in years. Also a really stellar ensemble cast. I doubt we'll get a third season because loving no one watched it, but it deserves to at least get some amount of recognition.
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bull3964 posted:4 episodes in and I still can't get over how bad the video quality of Doctor Who is this season. I'm not even sure if it's a full 720p at this point as aliasing is readily apparent on any horizontal lines. I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me this was mastered to PAL standards. Color is muted and dynamic range is nowhere to be seen I'm watching copies purchased from Vudu but the streaming from the BBC-A app looks even worse. I don't know what's going on with Doctor Who, man. I've stuck with it for all this time and it's only now getting to the point where I'm seriously considering dropping it. It's not even funny bad like some of the early stuff was, it's just boring and lame as poo poo.
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Michael Chabon is the showrunner for Picard S1 which is the thing I'm most curious about.
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pahuyuth posted:Plowed through For All Mankind on AppleTV+ and just LOL if ya'll aren't watching this. Like with H&CF the women are successful, strong and take no bullshit. Michael Dorman (of Patriot fame) as Gordo is a blast (the man delivers monosyllabic dialogue like no other... "Yeeeaahh" "mmOkayyy") and Wrenn Schmidt reminds of Jodie Foster and Holly Hunter. The moon sequences are gorgeous and holy gently caress does this show do tension and ending scenes well. The last 2 episodes were tense as hell especially the finale and the post credits scene had me giggling like the schoolboy astronaut wannabe that I was. Lots of emotional and edge of your seat moments throughout. I cannot wait until season 2. Watch this one, folks! It's a great show and more people should watch it. Also I haven't watched Patriot, but we should turn back time and cast Michael Dorman as Kirk in the Star Trek reboot instead of Chris Pine because holy gently caress it's like he's possessed by the departed spirit of 1960s Shatner on this show.
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I have no idea what people see in Uncut Gems, what a thoroughly misanthropic, empty experience that felt like a complete waste of my time. Sandler's fine in it, but I don't think there's anything there that justifies an oscar nomination, not that the oscars should be used as a barometer for any kind of quality tho.
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Well speaking of something like Deathgasm I'm pretty sure it happens in Metalocalypse also.
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I thought that episode was insanely cliché and overly maudlin and honestly kind of insulting to how game development, or really any kind of creative field, actually works. Rarely have I seen an episode of a show that felt so incredibly forced into trying to be "prestige" . Edit: FWIW I don't think the show needs to be fully accurate so much as just aim to be authentic to its subject matter and I definitely don't think it got there, whether it was trying to be comedic or serious. Nothing about it really worked for me. Hakkesshu fucked around with this message at 17:01 on Feb 10, 2020 |
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If you thought David Harbour was dead by the end of that last season I don't know what to tell you
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escape artist posted:is Locke and Key worth a look? Yes, I've read the comics and I've been enjoying it. I think some of the casting is a little off, particularly it focuses a lot on Bode at the beginning and that kid is not a great actor, but I think it gets there eventually.
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That He-Man cast is just as amazing as the Dark Crystal cast, and it just makes me think Netflix are putting their money behind another weird 80s fantasy property instead of making a second season of Dark Crystal.
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precision posted:It gets less good as it goes, or more good, depending on your tolerance for extremely silly Gothic nonsense Yeah, Peaky Blinders is terrific all the way through. Like it's a silly, silly show, but it never forgets what it is. You can always sort of rely on it because every single episode is written by the same person and none of the performances ever skip a beat even a little. As far as pulpy action-crime drama shows go, it's definitely up there as one of the most entertaining IMO.
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It certainly would not surprise me if See was the most expensive piece of trash ever produced for television.
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Disposable Scud posted:Just watched first episode of EPIX's War Of The Worlds. Last time my butt clenched that tight was the first ep of Chernobyl. I'm in Europe so I have no idea what EPIX is, but this is not the same War of the Worlds that BBC produced recently?
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That looks better than most of what Netflix has been doing with CG animation, in my opinion. Like compare it to the actual Ghost in the Shell show they're doing. Still a bit awkward but they're getting there I think.
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Croatoan posted:So what is this whole Tiger show? I didn't realize that's what started zoo chat It's a documentary on Netflix about a guy who owned a tiger zoo in Oklahoma, vis a vis the whole exotic cat trade going on in America. It's insane and basically everyone who is featured in it is the slimiest motherfucker that ever lived and they all deserve what's coming to them. People are gonna have a lot of bad takes about zoos over the coming months but it is fairly important to highlight the issues going on with private zoos and big cat ownership because man these people don't know what the gently caress they are doing. Jeff Lowe is STILL fuckin' at it, and that man should not be allowed to run a drat zoo. Ditto Doc Antle, Doctor of Mystical Science and harem master. Hakkesshu fucked around with this message at 15:22 on Mar 28, 2020 |
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Calaveron posted:Trash of the Titans is the first episode where Homer is just an unrepentant jackass with no redeeming qualities right? He is pretty fuckin' bad in the Bigger Brothers episode, and things only work out for Pepi due to luck, essentially. Good episode, though. You could argue that he's pretty irredeemable in earlier episodes too, the Streetcar episode comes to mind. I don't think the whole "husband is an egocentric, psychologically damaging presence in the relationship but oh it's fine because he shows he cares at the end of the episode" would fly if someone did it in a modern sitcom, but I don't know.
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Ariza posted:How horrifying is the Tiger King show? I like watching crazy folks, but I'm not great with animal abuse. I'm assuming that should be a pass? You don't see any direct abuse in the show barring the aforementioned news footage of dead tigers from that one bizarre incident that happened ages ago where some guy let like 60 of them loose in the local area. There is one scene where Joe Exotic almost gets mauled by tigers and he fends them off with a crutch and shoots a gun in the air, which is probably as bad as it gets. There is definitely a lot of abuse and death going on in the background, though, as it is part of the reason why Joe Exotic got convicted. And it's clear from some footage that the animals' living conditions aren't the best. I don't know, I find animal abuse to be pretty abhorrent to watch as well, but I could deal with Tiger King. Hakkesshu fucked around with this message at 22:07 on Mar 29, 2020 |
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John Krasinski sucks rear end and can go fellate the CIA some more
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esperterra posted:TVIV goons, If this is all an april fools joke, it's a lame and lovely one. If it's not, well it's just lame. Delete the forums or don't, gently caress off with this insipid internet drama.
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Escobarbarian posted:wow you all are getting very angry about an april fool’s joke sorry lol lmao this is really funny stuff, you guys sure ticked my funny bone ha ha ![]()
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Tales From the Loop seems pretty special so far. Very slow, some might find it boring, but it's got that kind of late 70s contemplative sci fi feel that you don't see much of anymore. Also really, incredibly beautiful.
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Lurdiak posted:See this is what I'm talking about. Taking a fully accredited and respected rescue operation and making it look dodgy just to create a narrative for your lovely sensationalist documentary is awful. Anyone who's only exposure to BCR is that show is going to get an impression of the org that's about as accurate as the portrayal of marijuana in reefer madness. Joe Exotic and his associates are 100% the bad guys and Big Cat Rescue is just a group that helps animals, but making it seem like they're both bad means more people talk about the show. Carole Baskin's weird volunteer tiering system is supremely hosed up and evil, and not sensationalized by the documentary. Hakkesshu fucked around with this message at 10:03 on Apr 6, 2020 |
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I can't believe the documentary filmmakers took the exact words she said and made her say them Edit: Also good job lumping in nonprofit labour exploitation with weirdo conspiracy theories. Hakkesshu fucked around with this message at 11:12 on Apr 6, 2020 |
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Ego-bot posted:Remember that Apple show that starred Jason Mamoa where everyone is blind? Did anyone ever watch that? It's insanely terrible but you might find it funny bad. I did not.
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Ozark has a really great cast which is the one thing that makes it work, otherwise yeah it's nothing super special.
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Ariza posted:Since the world seems to really like Westworld season 3, would it be safe to just skip season 2? I've tried getting through it twice and faded quickly both times. If you can't stand season 2 nothing in the world will get you to care about season 3. It's certainly better but I would not call it good by any means
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Dune is a very good novel.
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esperterra posted:I love Lynch's Dune but it is terrible, especially as an adaptation. It has issues as an adaptation for sure, but so does something like Total Recall and no one ever brings that up when talking about that film. I'm tired of pretending that movie isn't unironically entertaining as hell with some of the best set design of that entire decade, not to mention one of the best casts. (Edit: And the loving soundtrack!!!) It would have a much better reputation if Lynch hadn't sworn it off because it was such a terrible experience to make. I would personally put it in a top 10 of best sci fi films of the 80s for sure, there's very little I don't love about it. Hakkesshu fucked around with this message at 12:04 on Apr 15, 2020 |
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Things are HAPPENING over at Quibi https://twitter.com/zachraffio/status/1250273191810875392
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https://twitter.com/ditzkoff/status/1253458630109790208 Uh, alright
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Shageletic posted:How bad was AC this year? The second half of the first season turned me off from continuing, but the first few episodes were so good. The acting, the action, the things continually blowing up. I don't think it's bad at all, but it's kind of directionless and Anthony Mackie is not very good quite frankly. Simone Missick is great though.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1JQuWxt3cE yeah that's gonna be a no from me dog
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# ¿ Feb 18, 2025 23:39 |
If you're looking for something to watch on Prime you should watch Undone. I feel like it flew under most peoples' radars but it was an incredibly strong show IMO. I guess they are making a second season but it doesn't really need one.
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