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Apr 28, 2006

Rhyno posted:

It is for me. Jan 23rd is Captain Picard Day. I plan to shave my head the night before.


Apr 28, 2006

Apr 28, 2006

Huh guess this is still happening. April release too. Good because AJT as Magik is too interesting to shelve

"Do you remember the first time you experienced your powers"

Sam Guthrie:

-and turns out ah was invulnerable. Well, nigh on anyhow.

Apr 28, 2006

Quite so!

Apr 28, 2006

Good eye there Georgia

Also it's a yoni now.

Apr 28, 2006

bull3964 posted:

the piss out of her own products

Only $39.95 at Goop dot com

Apr 28, 2006

I will go off, thank you.

Apr 28, 2006

Margo Tennenbaum earns her a lifetime pass, from me

Apr 28, 2006

Croatoan posted:

Fun fact, they reused her head from the box in Se7en in the morgue scene in Contagion. As an actress she's ok I guess but come on, snake oil is a lovely grift.

Apr 28, 2006

Speaking of, when's my correctly aspect ratioed Simpsons coming out

Apr 28, 2006

It's 2020 homie no one uses dvds

I was Forbidden from watching the Simpson's as a boy because of Bart's sass mouth so I first watched the show dubbed to a bunch of VHS tapes my best friends in college had in 1999.

Apr 28, 2006

feedmyleg posted:

I watched Max Headroom on DVD this weekend. I went into it hoping that I would barely notice the difference, but... I very much noticed the difference. Poorly-mastered SD looks like poo poo.

That you HAVE to watch on Beta

Apr 28, 2006

If you watch old BTAS, the quality of the animation varies wildly because they used seven different international animation studios in order to get s1 out on time. The ones from AKOM are so bad they fired the firm. TMS/Spectrum were probably the best. TMS animated the title sequence and some other episodes.

Apr 28, 2006

Good replies in the comments. For me it's the terminator/skinner homage in bart skips school.

Apr 28, 2006

I've never seen this but it's hiliarous

Apr 28, 2006

Iron Crowned posted:

As long as you have a TV that can handle HDR and Dolby Vision, it's very worth it.

You don't get much from the resolution bump, but the color depth is worth it, especially if you like a lot of movies shot on film.

I dont even have a tv

Apr 28, 2006

Here’s a weird sentence: Colin Farrel is the Penguin in the Pattinson Batman movie

Apr 28, 2006

The former, the latter I could see

Apr 28, 2006

I've never seen the Hammer films or really any of the big time old Draculas but is he always this arch? I love it.

feedmyleg posted:

Check out who wrote Chernobyl.

The disaster was pre existing in this case

Apr 28, 2006

Even though I've never seen them, some of the homages are so ingrained in mass culture that I get them right away, like the starkly lit-from-below fang face. But mostly my dracula knowledge is the book (which I don't like, gently caress off forever epistolary novels), parodies and "modern reimaginings" where the fact that he's Dracula is this big twist or he's skulking about hiding his identity. So it's just really funny to me to watch all these characters be like "Another murder! Who do you think it could've been, Count Dracula?" as he's standing there in the full on Bela Lugosi get up going :thunk: "The mystery is.....eating away at me my dear boy". It's a very funny show imo. I've not seen the third one, which I hear is divisive, but since I'm enjoying the more meta/bonkers aspects of the show I think I'll dig it.

Apr 28, 2006

Look if Netflix is going to make a gay Jesus show they have to make a straight Dracula one, that's just Fair and Balanced

Apr 28, 2006

muscles like this! posted:

Not exactly a huge surprise but the CW's slate of superhero shows all got renewed again.

Lol remember when Arrow came out and was good and people were like “ooooh I hope this gets renewed “

Apr 28, 2006


And of course the IMDB connections pane reveals there was a XXX parody of The Nanny.

The Fanny?

Apr 28, 2006

Sleeveless posted:

It's wild that bad porn parodies with a punny name has been dead and buried for over a decade yet it's still the first thing people go to when making jokes about porn. It's like making jokes about AOL keywords when someone mentions the internet.

Its true that ive not kept up with porno naming conventions, I can only blame a lack of time

Apr 28, 2006

esperterra posted:

I'm always shook when I'm reminded Niles' actor is American.

Apr 28, 2006

Big Mean Jerk posted:

I watched The Ballad of Buster Scruggs twice before recognizing him in the Liam Neeson segment. He looks so different.

Oh man that segment

I dunno if this is true or not but I believe it after this whole "no writers' room

Apr 28, 2006

As perfect as a warm apple on a cool autumn eve

Apr 28, 2006

feedmyleg posted:

I haven't read the comics, but that looks a lot more YA than I expected...

Yeah it's been a few since I read the comics but I recall they were darker than the Danny Elfman wannabe trailer music would imply. But they could also be going for a change in tone, that reminds me a lot of the promotional stuff for the Unfortunate Events series.

I guess I'll give them a re-read, see if the art is as bad as I recall.

Apr 28, 2006

Rarity posted:

For some reason I was associating Locke and Key with Key and Peele so this is um, very different to the tone I was expecting :stare:


zoux fucked around with this message at 16:04 on Jan 8, 2020

Apr 28, 2006

It'd be really weird if Fran Drescher and Rachel Bloom were developing a Nanny musical that had nothing to do with the 90's sitcom

Apr 28, 2006

This poo poo is so pathetically transparent. Where's the drat neckbrace

Apr 28, 2006

Yo when is I Think You Should Leave getting a renewal

Apr 28, 2006

Very good!

Apr 28, 2006


THe practical stunt work, in ship-to-ship battles and other action set pieces, is as good as I've ever seen on TV. Toby Stephens is fantastic as Cap'n Flint. It's an interesting mix of fiction and history, with real world pirates like Jack Rackham and Charles Vane alongside Long John Silver and Billy Bones. It's kind of a loose prequel to Treasure Island, I guess. Not every performance is great, but some are outstanding, and some characters you think you don't like end up growing on you. At the very least it told the story it wanted to and wrapped up quite satisfactorily, imo.

zoux fucked around with this message at 21:44 on Jan 8, 2020

Apr 28, 2006

Croatoan posted:

There's already so much teeth gnashing in the star trek thread that Picard is gonna be bad. :sigh:

Based on what?

Apr 28, 2006

That's not substantially different from DS9.

Apr 28, 2006

It's as if the thread is the bad thing...

Apr 28, 2006

"The optimistic future" is one of Roddenberry's mandates and led to great rules like "no inter-personal conflict anymore because we've all evolved beyond it". Don't let your premise get in the way of good storytelling. DS9 is the least Roddenberry trek and it's not coincidence that it's also by far the best.

Apr 28, 2006

Genesis fanboys who hate Peter Gabriel.


Apr 28, 2006

I will watch the show, and then form an opinion on it, is my plan.

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