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Dec 20, 2003

Doctor_Fruitbat posted:

the three armed orange aliens, the green one who can split into different parts

Those are both from TAS, even. Quite a lot of the aliens on Lower Decks have been TAS, they had some really good alien designs back then.


Jun 2, 2013

True, but now they have a budget and a willingness to actually draw people on model. TAS drew M'ress like a boss-eyed koala.

Aug 1, 2014

it's in the mighty hands of steel
Fun Shoe

Doctor_Fruitbat posted:

True, but now they have a budget and a willingness to actually draw people on model. TAS drew M'ress like a boss-eyed koala.

Yeah, I like Lower Deck's koala better.

Jun 4, 2001

MikeJF posted:

Those are both from TAS, even. Quite a lot of the aliens on Lower Decks have been TAS, they had some really good alien designs back then.

Lower Decks, making TAS completely cannon one crazy alien design at a time.

But yeah while they had to cheap out on how much actual animation they could have in the animation, the designs of everything were really interesting and they certainly made full use of the freedoms being a drawn/painted medium allowed.

Much as I really like lower decks I do wish they'd go a bit more out there sometimes. Also just not the biggest fan of the ultra clean design style that it and a lot of modern comedies use. Can really see the difference between like seasons 2-3 of the Simpsons vs now.

Not to say that LD can't sometimes be really visually intresting in creative ways or anything, or that TAS wasn't sometimes pretty visually dull, but yeah:

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know

dr_rat posted:

Lower Decks, making TAS completely cannon one crazy alien design at a time.

But yeah while they had to cheap out on how much actual animation they could have in the animation, the designs of everything were really interesting and they certainly made full use of the freedoms being a drawn/painted medium allowed.

Much as I really like lower decks I do wish they'd go a bit more out there sometimes. Also just not the biggest fan of the ultra clean design style that it and a lot of modern comedies use. Can really see the difference between like seasons 2-3 of the Simpsons vs now.

Not to say that LD can't sometimes be really visually intresting in creative ways or anything, or that TAS wasn't sometimes pretty visually dull, but yeah:

I think what Lower Decks lacks in overt visual style, they really make up for in overall animation quality and things like facial expressions. Just the way the characters move looks more like movie money than TV money. Bob's Burgers Movie had a massive upgrade in animation in the movie that was very clear, and the way the characters move in Lower Decks reminds me a lot of that.

Jun 4, 2001

swickles posted:

I think what Lower Decks lacks in overt visual style, they really make up for in overall animation quality and things like facial expressions.

Oh yeah LD certainly is high quality animation for tv. They'll often just have chases sequences and what not that would be a real bitch to animate. Or just some times doing long detailed establishing shots with crowds, which yeah adds a lot to establishing a setting by oh man actually drawing and animating that stuff.

Buy yeah I get the feeling the style was mostly chosen as it is, or at least was, one of the more common/popular comedy animation styles. Although I don't think it would at all fit the tone and comedy style of LD I'm very curious what an Archer animation style would look like set in a retro TAS period star trek show. Or see what a Phil Tippett stop motion star trek short would look like of the same.

Dec 20, 2003

Well when you're talking about the style on lower decks there's the character style and the background style - I can see how some people might not be that fond of the character style or wonder if it should be something different, but the background art is impeccable and in my mind just an ideal animated representation of TNG era aesthetics.

(That said, when it comes to foreground animation style these days, a lot elements of the modern 'common' look that people often say looks very samey between shows is simply a conquence of now things being made for HD, and also that that's the style that you get using computer-driven animation tooling and tweening to achieve high quality while remaining affordable.)

MikeJF fucked around with this message at 15:27 on Mar 1, 2024

No Dignity
Oct 15, 2007

Yeah I love the environmental design of the show, it's like what if 90s trek but they can actually depict all the locations they're visiting in full detail, rather than just dressed soundstages or california countryside

Jun 2, 2013

An Archer style comedy would at the same time be exactly like and completely different to Lower Decks and now I really want to see it.

Mar 29, 2007

"The entire history of this incarnation is one of temporal orbits, retcons, paradoxes, parallel time lines, reiterations, and divergences. How anyone can make head or tail of all this chaos, I don't know."

Doctor_Fruitbat posted:

An Archer style comedy would at the same time be exactly like and completely different to Lower Decks and now I really want to see it.

You’re welcome.

Jun 2, 2013

You wonderful goon, what a gift you have given me this day.

May 18, 2007
Hair Elf
Give me Starlab 2021

Aug 1, 2014

it's in the mighty hands of steel
Fun Shoe

Oh, em gee.

Fighting Trousers
May 17, 2011

Does this excite you, girl?

Doctor_Fruitbat posted:

An Archer style comedy would at the same time be exactly like and completely different to Lower Decks and now I really want to see it.

I read this and I thought "ENT but with Scott Bakula replaced by Sterling Archer" and…I'm not mad about it.

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl

dr_rat posted:

Although I don't think it would at all fit the tone and comedy style of LD I'm very curious what an Archer animation style would look like set in a retro TAS period star trek show.

I'm not sure what it is or why, but for some reason the Archer look just completely does not work for me. It just looks ugly in a way that is off-putting and unpleasant. I feel like I must be the only one with this condition.

Apr 5, 2007

Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

I'm not sure what it is or why, but for some reason the Archer look just completely does not work for me. It just looks ugly in a way that is off-putting and unpleasant. I feel like I must be the only one with this condition.

I thought it was amusing in Frisky Dingo among all the other goofily animated cartoons, which I assume all did that in part just to make Venture Bros even more of an oasis of good animation. Then they rebooted Frisky Dingo into Archer but kept the art style while also trying to make it better... Which made it look worse when combined with their animation style.

There's also not much reason it's animated at all and not just a radio program, besides the fact nobody listens to radio programs anymore. The show is just a handful of voice actors yelling at each other, even people who seem to always treat TV as something they must watch fully to the exclusion of all other activity could surely enjoy Archer from the audio alone just as much as the same thing with a few stiffly animated talking paper dolls.

Jul 13, 2004

🎧Listen to Cylindricule!🎵

Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

I'm not sure what it is or why, but for some reason the Archer look just completely does not work for me. It just looks ugly in a way that is off-putting and unpleasant. I feel like I must be the only one with this condition.

Nope, took me years of friends recommending me the show for me to look past the art and enjoy the jokes. I think it's the line weights

well why not
Feb 10, 2009

Archer drives me nuts. Once I first realised how little animation was going on, it became infuriating.

Dec 25, 2004
Just when I was about to recommend Clutch Cargo to you :sigh:

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.

well why not posted:

Archer drives me nuts. Once I first realised how little animation was going on, it became infuriating.

That’s definitely only the case for the first few seasons.

Megillah Gorilla
Sep 22, 2003

If only all of life's problems could be solved by smoking a professor of ancient evil texts.

Bread Liar

The_Doctor posted:

“Ok, and what band is playing on the ship at the end of the episode? We’re 50/50 on S Club 7 or Lifehouse.”

What's that term for when you learn a new word and then start seeing it everywhere?

Because I went a quarter of a century without hearing or thinking of S Club7 and now I've seen them mentioned 4 times in the last week and a half.

Monica Bellucci
Dec 14, 2022

by Fluffdaddy
Clearly, you've been going to poo poo parties for quite a while.

well why not
Feb 10, 2009

Big Mean Jerk posted:

That’s definitely only the case for the first few seasons.

It got better (some of the CG car stuff was pretty good) but it’s still basically a slideshow for most of its runtime. I don’t think they animated Archer walking for like 4 seasons.

Feb 13, 2010


Megillah Gorilla posted:

What's that term for when you learn a new word and then start seeing it everywhere?

Because I went a quarter of a century without hearing or thinking of S Club7 and now I've seen them mentioned 4 times in the last week and a half.

Baader-Meinhoff Effect

Megillah Gorilla
Sep 22, 2003

If only all of life's problems could be solved by smoking a professor of ancient evil texts.

Bread Liar

Oct 23, 2006


Rewatching SNW S1 and Jesus Christ the tonal whiplash between episodes 5 and 6 :stare:

Dec 20, 2003

Well, it seems to be a tradition, judging from S2 7/8/9/10

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know

MikeJF posted:

Well, it seems to be a tradition, judging from S2 7/8/9/10

Lol yeah. Fun crossover with Lower Decks! MBenga deals with a trauma deeper than losing his daughter. Musical episode! Everyone gonna die cliffhanger.

Oct 3, 2013

Don't ask me about Sonic the Hedgehog diaper fetish
Yeah episodic shows are great.:allears:

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Terry Matalas: I'd have turned Picard Season 3 into Star Trek Avengers: Endgame if I hand't blown all my money on the D-Bridge set.

Also just casually spoiling that Harry Kim is probably gonna show up on Prodigy lol

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
Lmfao that Terry would’ve made the literal child from Voyager into a hardened brutal vigilante and then slipped Kira into frontier day to presumably also be coldly assassinated by the Borg just like Shelby.

We really dodged a loving bullet when Matalas hosed his own budget with nostalgia, huh?

Atlas Hugged
Mar 12, 2007

Put your arms around me,
fiddly digits, itchy britches
I love you all

That's Ensign Harry Kim to you.

Kesper North
Nov 3, 2011


i would be very happy if he just stopped talking in public

Professor Beetus
Apr 12, 2007

They can fight us
But they'll never Beetus
It's always a good sign for a TV show when the show runner keeps talking about all the cool stuff he would have done if 'x' or 'y' and also decides to say a bunch of on screen character deaths weren't deaths, actually. This guy clearly had a plan for a show and executed it well!

corona familiar
Aug 13, 2021

okay kids, let's all just let terry play with the franchise for a bit

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl

"i would have just gone straight-up gamemaster anthony on that show if i hadn't already blown the budget on re-creating an old 80s TV set that only got used in like 1.2 episodes" -terry matalas, exemplar of how white dudes can just perpetually fail upward

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl
Has there been any estimate of how much money got spent on that set? Yeah yeah I know it was a lot everyone knows it was a lot but does anyone have even a rough estimate? Like are we talking a couple million? Less, more?

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Kesper North posted:

i would be very happy if he just stopped talking in public

Professor Beetus posted:

It's always a good sign for a TV show when the show runner keeps talking about all the cool stuff he would have done if 'x' or 'y' and also decides to say a bunch of on screen character deaths weren't deaths, actually. This guy clearly had a plan for a show and executed it well!

This deffo has the feel of a guy working through his thwarted ambitions. Some powerful "you didn't like me make the show I wanted to make, so I'm never gonna shut the gently caress up about it about it now." A guy who got his shot, strutted his hour on the stage, didn't preform to spec and now it haunts his every waking moment.

Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

Has there been any estimate of how much money got spent on that set? Yeah yeah I know it was a lot everyone knows it was a lot but does anyone have even a rough estimate? Like are we talking a couple million? Less, more?

No hard dollar amount has come out, but it was "we had to cut multiple scenes and actors we had otherwise locked down and were going to film" level expensive by Matalas's own admission.

Kesper North
Nov 3, 2011

Question for the group:

Q appears and hands you a pile of money and the keys to a warehouse, then snaps his fingers and says "but you can only use this money to build a Star Trek bridge set".

What ship's bridge would you build? Carpet or no carpet? What's your LCARS theme, if applicable?

For purposes of fun, it can be any bridge, not just hero ships. If Chandley-class frigates from the old FASA game are your passion, I want to hear it.


corona familiar
Aug 13, 2021

Kesper North posted:

Question for the group:

Q appears and hands you a pile of money and the keys to a warehouse, then snaps his fingers and says "but you can only use this money to build a Star Trek bridge set".

What ship's bridge would you build? Carpet or no carpet? What's your LCARS theme, if applicable?

For purposes of fun, it can be any bridge, not just hero ships. If Chandley-class frigates from the old FASA game are your passion, I want to hear it.

int. rickety metal catwalk - night

(the protostar's bridge with the Volume on the outside would be pretty cool)

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