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May 24, 2011

El Generico posted:

the jedi were cool in concept as this vague mysterious legend about space wizards that used to exist but they're all dead except for an elderly troll doll and that one scary bad guy. everything star wars does where jedi fully exist and are on screen doing dumb force poo poo and waving light sabers around is horribly lame. the more we learn about them the worse it gets.

the original trilogy is great, there's really no jedi in it. yoda is too old to jump around and do force poo poo, obi wan is old and dies, luke does maybe one or two subtle force things but he doesn't finish his training to become fully lame. this is the correct amount of jedi
the prequel trilogy is the worst, it has gently caress tons of jedi in it. it's awful and lame and everything the dumbass jedi do is embarrassing
the sequel trilogy has more jedi poo poo in it than the original trilogy, less than the prequels. it's in the middle but still too much jedi.

the mandalorian has no jedi. it's great

the jedi need to die so star wars can live. say no to jedi

this is kreia's philosophy. the force is an evil thing that twists the universe to suit its narrative convenience. only when the galaxy is broken free from reliance on a mystical crutch will things be good.

this is a metaphor for crafting star wars stories. overreliance on the force gives a contrived feeling to the story, divorcing the audience from the feeling that the galaxy is a real place. star wars was originally acclaimed for the dirtiness of its sets - the lived-in feeling of its universe in comparison to the sterile futurism of star trek or buck rogers. too much force ruins that. plus the prequels really fully embrace that same sterile futurism that the original trilogy avoided

Jazerus fucked around with this message at 02:25 on Jan 22, 2020


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