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Alan Smithee
Jan 3, 2005

A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms.

Enthusiasms, enthusiasms...
what the gently caress, this poo poo is so toxic. It's your cliche "nice girl changing a bad boy"

lol that all the woke bae queens are into it. Not problematic at all nope.


Mar 5, 2005

Milk's on them.

rey shoulda ditched kylo and shacked up w/ poe and finn like in all that fanart

but disney are cowards so it couldn’t happen

Punished Chuck
Dec 27, 2010

Actually Reylos are mostly women so if you think they’re weird, psychotic, they have the brains of a child, they’re pathetic, etc, it’s actually because you hate women.

Tiberius Christ
Mar 3, 2009

Rey's only social interaction while growing up is an alien simon pegg unless theres a vibrant dating scene on jakku she totally would fall for someone like Kylo Ren and try to save him, i feel robbed that we didnt get to see them to have that toxic relationship while finn simps in the corner

i will be posting all seventy chapters of my reylo fanfic shortly

Jose Oquendo
Jun 20, 2004

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a boring movie
Nothing like fantasizing about some cousins fuckin to get me through my lovely existence.

Mar 20, 2010

Soiled Meat
I take issue with horny Jedi, as it's how this whole drat mess got started in the first place.

Mooey Cow
Jan 27, 2018

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Can you really make fan art and fan fiction of what is already fan fiction? You'd be stealing JJ's OCs.

Alan Smithee
Jan 3, 2005

A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms.

Enthusiasms, enthusiasms...
my lady friend who is crazy into reylo (and also posts a lot about creepo scrubs hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride trying to holla at her (an experience I don't discount at all)) also thought John Boyega liking the pipe laying post was gross

question is does he get to swoop though to use a slightly less horny term

Jose Oquendo
Jun 20, 2004

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a boring movie

C-Euro posted:

I take issue with horny Jedi, as it's how this whole drat mess got started in the first place.

"I just committed and act of genocide"

"Let's gently caress"

Alan Smithee
Jan 3, 2005

A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms.

Enthusiasms, enthusiasms...

Chuck Buried Treasure posted:

Actually Reylos are mostly women so if you think they’re weird, psychotic, they have the brains of a child, they’re pathetic, etc, it’s actually because you hate women.

which is weird cuz it sounds like something incels should be into

a white male with toxic masculinity forcing his pairing upon a white woman by offering her white imperial power

my man Finn carrying a printer for her and everyone complains "SHE DOESN'T OWE HIM ANYTHING OKAY" but yes let's force this Reylo thing

Feb 13, 2012

Why don't you perform zazen, facing a wall?

Alan Smithee posted:

which is weird cuz it sounds like something incels should be into

a white male with toxic masculinity forcing his pairing upon a white woman by offering her white imperial power

Incels aren’t “into” romantic catharsis because they can’t relate to it

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013
I'm Rey.

Rey who?

Rey....lo is canon and we all have to live with that now :smith:

Nov 14, 2007

Alan Smithee posted:

what the gently caress, this poo poo is so toxic. It's your cliche "nice girl changing a bad boy"

lol that all the woke bae queens are into it. Not problematic at all nope.
there's a lot of good stuff already on female written--about rey becoming effectively a kept woman and gettin 'ravished.' it gets erotic real quick lol lotta these ladies are thirsty.

Zane fucked around with this message at 16:31 on Jan 22, 2020

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
There are also a lot of women who hate it, sort of like the most vocal people about hating twilight were also women

Cough Drop The Beat
Jan 22, 2012

by Lowtax
Still think Rey should've gone evil in TLJ after the throne room scene and the rest of the movie is Kylo Ren coming to grips with her decision. Then RoS is about Kylo taking down evil Rey and redeeming himself to become a true Skywalker Jedi.

Mooey Cow
Jan 27, 2018

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Rey is extremely angry at all times and was probably on the dark side the whole time tbh.

A Gnarlacious Bro
Apr 25, 2007

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Chuck Buried Treasure posted:

Actually Reylos are mostly women so if you think they’re weird, psychotic, they have the brains of a child, they’re pathetic, etc, it’s actually because you hate women.

Yeah, it's this sort of lack of solidarity with the women and POC fan communities that has made the Disney trilogy a CHUD win and is going to seriously hamper Disneys efforts to save our culture from evil.

A Gnarlacious Bro
Apr 25, 2007

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
The Star Wars Discourse

U-DO Burger
Nov 12, 2007

the bigger problem that jeopardizes their relationship is that hes dead imo

U-DO Burger
Nov 12, 2007

though tbh i was kinda expecting them to make out because terrible romantic decisions are integral to star wars

Dec 26, 2006

Yeah, if they wanted Reylo to be a thing they probably shouldn't have had him you know slaughtering villages/being okay with destroying entire star systems/killing his father and being a fascist. Or you know actually tried to sell Ben Solo as a thing separate from all that for more than like the end of the last movie.

Honestly the shippers are fine, but it was a thing I was strongly predisposed to hate as an actual thing within the movies and Disney did nothing to make it feel less like 'Time to get with the fascist to fix him.'

Feb 13, 2012

Why don't you perform zazen, facing a wall?

U-DO Burger posted:

the bigger problem that jeopardizes their relationship is that hes dead imo

Star Trek has established that you can have sex with ghosts so I dont see why this should be any different

Aug 19, 2008

I lost to you once, monster. I shall not lose again! Die now, that our future can live!
so now that Ben is a ghost can he be the ultimate voyeur

General Dog
Apr 26, 2008

Everybody's working for the weekend
Rey being sexually attracted to a genocidal maniac who tortured her, murdered his own father and nearly murdered her best friend is honestly the only interesting thing about her.

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl
"it's the end of the trilogy and daisy ridley says she's done with our poo poo, time to have her kiss someone. let's have her smooch up kylo."
"what, no, that's hosed up. look, finn's in a position to have feelings for her, can't we do that?"
"lol are you loving out of your mind, we can't have a black man kissing her, the ahhhh international market won't like it. just do it. look, it's so easy:" *mashes rey and kylo dolls together* "'rey, kiss me. kiss my lips.' 'no! you are a jerk! i won't!' 'but rey, look, i have turned against the emperor and saved you! and i am dying!' 'oh ben! ben!'" *making smooching noises now*

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
The "international market" Is a real thing, but also it is used so much now to justify casually racist and homophobic content

Ahhhh you know!!! The Chinese hate black people so they've got to suck in movies. Sorry!!! Dang those Chinese!!!!!!!

Halloween Jack
Sep 11, 2003

La morte non ha sesso

Tiberius Christ posted:

Rey's only social interaction while growing up is an alien simon pegg unless theres a vibrant dating scene on jakku she totally would fall for someone like Kylo Ren and try to save him, i feel robbed that we didnt get to see them to have that toxic relationship while finn simps in the corner
You know why she looks aghast at that filthy old woman? That's right, they used to date.

Alan Smithee
Jan 3, 2005

A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms.

Enthusiasms, enthusiasms...

skasion posted:

Incels aren’t “into” romantic catharsis because they can’t relate to it

Yeah but he died and incels/volcels/braibcels/darkcels/blackpillers can Relate to that

Mar 5, 2005

Milk's on them.

when they kissed in the theater i was at some kids behind me were like "yoooooooooooo they cousins"

Jul 19, 2012

by Fluffdaddy
He's by far the least hunky of the main cast, I don't get it.

Saint Drogo
Dec 26, 2011

Gorelab posted:

Yeah, if they wanted Reylo to be a thing they probably shouldn't have had him you know slaughtering villages/being okay with destroying entire star systems/killing his father and being a fascist. Or you know actually tried to sell Ben Solo as a thing separate from all that for more than like the end of the last movie.

Honestly the shippers are fine, but it was a thing I was strongly predisposed to hate as an actual thing within the movies and Disney did nothing to make it feel less like 'Time to get with the fascist to fix him.'
it would be nice to see the redemption plot where the redemption is actually fuckin hard though, maybe impossible. Luke & Vader is close but Vader dies right after so no moral ambiguity.

i like the idea of Rey going against the other cast (& half the audience) to save him for her own maybe selfish reasons.

i think I might be a fuckin Reylo.

Nov 11, 2012

Up Circle
Apr 3, 2008

Fsmhunk posted:

He's by far the least hunky of the main cast, I don't get it.

His mantits are so huge. Not like, bulgy, but broad. They're like super star destroyers. I don't even like boys but adam driver is just such a large man when he has his pants pulled up to his fourth pair of ribs.

Alan Smithee
Jan 3, 2005

A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms.

Enthusiasms, enthusiasms...

Cease to Hope
Dec 12, 2011
it is weird to get all moralizing about space wizard fantasies. we do not generally call people who think darth vader kicks rear end closet fascists!

Cease to Hope
Dec 12, 2011
e: dunno how this posted ended up in this thread, thanks

Cease to Hope fucked around with this message at 07:29 on Mar 3, 2020

Saint Drogo
Dec 26, 2011

Cease to Hope posted:

we do not generally call people who think darth vader kicks rear end closet fascists!
i have very bad news about the internet

Cease to Hope
Dec 12, 2011

Saint Drogo posted:

i have very bad news about the internet

it's still weird as poo poo

Mooey Cow
Jan 27, 2018

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Not-step siblings share a NON-romantic kiss then platonic gently caress


Mar 24, 2005

*hic* Gotta finish thish . . .
Doctor Rope
they really should have gone with stormpilot

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