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Meme Poker Party
Sep 1, 2006

by Azathoth

Gorelab posted:

I like Kylo as a character, but I still find Rylo in a weird place where it's both boring but also 'don't date space nazis'.

Don't listen to the "Clean Kylo" myth!!!!


Jun 3, 2008

yeah thats pretty good

A Gnarlacious Bro posted:

I think that’s more of general male attitude, the incels I’ve encountered recently are too self pitying and insecure to value anything that’s not pornography or infantilized slice of life anime. They’re like too far degraded to value that fantasy image anymore and either want revenge for anybody who ever told them it was possible or just watch the perfect plastic lives of their anime dolls.

I assume they don’t like kylo since he’s an obvious blunt comment on the insecurity they whine about all day on their various loser feeds.

The important part is that we agree that they don't want to see themselves on screen.

A Gnarlacious Bro
Apr 25, 2007

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Oh yeah, they don’t want to see themselves in the freaking mirror!

Edgar Allen Ho
Apr 3, 2017

by sebmojo
Kylo had the potential to be such an interesting villain.

damn horror queefs
Oct 14, 2005

say hello
say hello to the man in the elevator

Edgar Allen Ho posted:

Kylo had the potential to be such an interesting villain.

He was the villain we wanted. But instead we got the villain we deserve - JJ Johnsonses

Nov 14, 2012

You did a super job wrapping things up! And I'm not just saying that because I have to!
It was pretty cool how Snoke kept giving him poo poo until eventually he was like "hey! You're not better than me!" and sliced him in half

Oct 14, 2013

"هذا ليس عادلاً."
"هذا ليس عادلاً على الإطلاق."
"كان هناك وقت الآن."
(السياق الخفي: للقراءة)

Saint Drogo posted:

lmao seriously

"our $4billion franchise is lagging in the world's biggest market. the numbers guys say give up and leave in all that poo poo their censors hate, who cares?"

lmao Chinese censors didn't make them pull Love Simon or Lizzie Mcguire from Disney+.

Jul 20, 2004

how can we not talk about family
when family's all that we got?

WhiskeyWhiskers posted:

lmao Chinese censors didn't make them pull Love Simon or Lizzie Mcguire from Disney+.

well what did then?!?

Oct 14, 2013

"هذا ليس عادلاً."
"هذا ليس عادلاً على الإطلاق."
"كان هناك وقت الآن."
(السياق الخفي: للقراءة)
The American evangelical market

Jul 20, 2004

how can we not talk about family
when family's all that we got?
wtf happened on Lizzie Maguire


Oct 14, 2013

"هذا ليس عادلاً."
"هذا ليس عادلاً على الإطلاق."
"كان هناك وقت الآن."
(السياق الخفي: للقراءة)
It's the new season where she's in her 30s. Her bf fucks someone else apparently.

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