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Apr 28, 2006

So long as there have been memes there have been star wars memes. Luke I am your Father is a meme. The fact that it's a misquote is also a meme.
I remember me and the boys crowded around the computer in like 2001 laughing hysterically at this terrible flash animation on newgrounds.

But the Grevious lightsaber meme is the one I believe that kicked off the Modern Era of Star Wars Memes, creating the idea of prequel memes, which kind of created it's own genre of movie memes

Anyway THIS IS THE STAR WARS MEME THREAD so post your faves from all the eras.

Prequel memes

Sequel memes

OT memes?

Cross over memes

Worried your meme is too old

Serve em up plain

or fried


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