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Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl
Only if souls aren't real, which as established are real in Star Trek. I can't answer for Stargate though as I am not quite that deep into the series lore.


Mar 27, 2011

Stargate has groups of people who ascend to a higher plane to live an existence as a form of pure energy where they have access to godlike powers, so I think that's one for the souls are real category.

Also they've got machines that just straight-up brings dead bodies back to life.

Cactus Ghost
Dec 20, 2003

idk if its still there but supposedly during the series' original run there was a utility closet at the real cheyenne mountain complex labeled "stargate command"

Sep 26, 2019

at first this seems shocking but then you realize that every piece of technology in star trek has been optimized to murder as many crewmen as possible

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe

Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

Only if souls aren't real, which as established are real in Star Trek.

What about Tom Riker?

Dec 10, 2007


Transporter nerds existed in Roman times and are responsible for the Nicean Creed.

I say this as someone whose only deep knowledge of Christianity comes from this forum.

Dire Lemming
Jan 19, 2016
If you don't coddle Nazis flat Earthers then you're literally as bad as them.

Aug 12, 2003

Morbid Hound

The Walrus
Jul 9, 2002

by Fluffdaddy
I'm watching some old trek episodes I've never really watched much before. and the whole measure of a man episode really should have addressed this issue imo

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl

Poopernickel posted:

What about Tom Riker?

Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

Aha, you say, but what about the perverse case of Thomas Riker? Is there no conservation of souls in the Star Trek universe, let alone the issue of conservation of energy/matter? But Star Trek already provides for this:

TOS Space Seed tells us that in certain circumstances - such as, for example, a nearby ion storm - the transporter can accidentally move people between different parallel dimensions.

TNG Parallels informs us that there are numerous parallel dimensions - not just a hokey one full of scantily-clad evil people - and that people can be swapped between those dimensions under the right circumstances as well.

Given these data points it is easy enough to conclude that Thomas Riker just happens to come from a very convergent parallel dimension, one in which a young Lieutenant Riker is tragically lost without a trace in a mysterious transporter accident.

Sep 26, 2019

The replicator kills you and makes a copy that thinks it just ate

Oct 15, 2004

hakimashou posted:

IN star trek they work by killing you by means of disintegration, like a disintegrator beam weapon, and then constructing a copy of your body in another location.

I mean, they don't kill you. But they also don't do things like culture errasure.

Apr 28, 2006

Transporters can be used for de-aging but for some reason they only ever did it the one time.

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe
Transporters are demonstrated to be capable of:

1. Remove weapons mid-transport
2. Remove viruses
3. Age or de-age somebody
4. Beam poop from my bowels directly into the captain's lunch
5. Clone somebody
6. Access alternate dimensions
7. Make and store a backup copy

And the crew's just using 'em to gently caress around going to planets and stuff. Sad.

Poopernickel fucked around with this message at 00:37 on Feb 12, 2020

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe
In my gritty TNG reboot, the bridge crew just gets transporter-cloned for every away mission. Then they get vaporized on the off-chance that they survived the mission.

And the actual bridge-crew just plays out holodeck gently caress fantasies like 24/7.

Also the Lexx shows up at some point.

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe
The most inventive transporter thing was that one DS9 episode where the killer had a gun that transported bullets mid-flight.

Impossibly Perfect Sphere
Nov 6, 2002

They wasted Luanne on Lucky!

She could of have been so much more but the writers just didn't care!
With transporter technology it would seem like murder is 100% impossible to stop or trace. Unless everyone on Earth is walking around with a personal shield on.

Oct 15, 2004

Jiminy Christmas! Shoes! posted:

With transporter technology it would seem like murder is 100% impossible to stop or trace. Unless everyone on Earth is walking around with a personal shield on.

Sensors can detect ACBs


Freaking Crumbum
Apr 17, 2003

Too fuck to drunk

Poopernickel posted:

In my gritty TNG reboot, the bridge crew just gets transporter-cloned for every away mission. Then they get vaporized on the off-chance that they survived the mission.

And the actual bridge-crew just plays out holodeck gently caress fantasies like 24/7.

this is likely 100% accurate for how those two technologies would actually get used if human beings were running the show

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