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Casu Marzu
Oct 20, 2008

StashAugustine posted:

he ends up banging her and it turns out her species eats their mates

why do i remember this story

Nah Sivrak shows up at hoth and endor and is force sensitive and tries to crash into the shield generator on endor but Han already blew it up so he just crashed and died and turned into a force ghost

Ibegon was a Rebel and died at hoth fighting along side Sivrak and she was also force sensitive so she joined him as a force ghost when he crashed and died

The dude you are thinking of is also at the cantina tho

Casu Marzu fucked around with this message at 23:59 on Jan 29, 2020


Casu Marzu
Oct 20, 2008


she kept a laboratory deep in the bowels of Jabba's Palace, where she built grotesque droids from extra parts that existed only to feel pain. During her years spent there she added several upgrades to herself so that she could feel more of the droid equivalent of pleasure while watching the coolant from dismembered droids pour out of them. She also employed her droid assistant 8D8 to burn and torture helpless victims such as a GNK power droid and a courier droid.

Casu Marzu
Oct 20, 2008

The infamous Fett even served as Dengar's best man during his wedding to Manaroo.

Casu Marzu
Oct 20, 2008

The wedding of the crime boss Valarian and the bounty hunter D'Wopp took place on Tatooine in 0 BBY. The members of Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes and the Human bartender Wuher were among the attendees. In a brawl following the formal ceremony, Valarian killed her new husband because he had shown a lack of respect for her by accepting a bounty on the day of their wedding.

Casu Marzu
Oct 20, 2008

A bacta grenade was a type of grenade containing a synthetic healing fluid known as bacta, which would be released when the grenade was activated and thrown. During combat, medics would throw the grenades near injured individuals who were out of reach of more conventional forms of healing. The grenades were made up of two halves that would separate in order for the bacta to spray out from the inside. One type of bacta grenade had gray halves, a red button on the top of one half, and a red light on the side of each half.


Casu Marzu
Oct 20, 2008

Apparently, a duo of the droids would come to one's door and request funding for this religious fringe group. Advice from renowned linguist Ebenn Q3 Baobab was that one should merely utter the phrase "Gonk. Gonk. Gonk ko kyenga see," a highly controversial statement that was not allowed to be legally translated (see Baobab Security Directive 51-C).

Order 66 Cookies were a type of cookie.

Described as "crunchy" and having a "delightful aftertaste," they were sold in bags of 66 by an Imperial officer, next to a statue of Galactic Emperor Palpatine in Theed on Naboo during Empire Day in 1 ABY. The packaging was colored white with a clear side on them showing the cookies inside, and had the number "66" printed above the clear side, as well as the name of the product up on top, both written in Aurebesh.

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