The more obscure and bizarre stuff you can find in a single paragraph, the better.quote:Runt stood guard outside the side-door of a club, inside of which his fellow wraiths were rescuing Cheems and fooling Teradoc into taking disguised explosives in the form of a statuette. When fellow Wraith Kell Tainer emerged from the club under attack, Runt picked his attacker off of him and used his strength to shake him until he went limp. He then threw two Smoke grenades into the club to cover the Wraith's escape. quote:Growing powder was a substance used by the Ewok shaman Logray to increase the size of shrunken Ewoks. It proved particularly useful when Princess Kneesaa was abducted by the Fleebogs, enabling her and her rescuers Teebo and Wicket to return to their normal sizes. quote:The area of space around the portion of the Rimma Trade Route cutting through the Colonies and containing Giju was usually referred to as Herglic Space, and was the center of Herglic culture. The region was built around an ancient hyperlane known as the Hidakai Pool, which was established after the Herglics joined the Galactic Republic in 13,000 BBY. Through this, the Herglics managed to expand their reach to other planets, and because of the Herglic Trade Empire's legacy, hundreds of star systems along the Hidakai Pool and its expansion, the Rimma Trade Route, had substantial Herglic populations.[2] Abregado-rae, also located along the Pool and the Rimma Trade Route coreward from Giju, sported a numerically small but important minority of this species, including Shelov, founder of the planet's Tundei government. Herglics were known to reside also on the planet Sukkult, rimward of Giju. Many of the Herglic colonies beyond Giju maintained a lively trade relationship with the Gran.[6] Some members of the Herglic species were used as slaves on the Sith world Ziost.[7]
# ¿ Jan 29, 2020 22:36 |
# ¿ Sep 17, 2024 19:34 |
quote:A running Jawa scuttled past Sivrak. The Shistavanen then looked behind the bar and saw the snake-like female Dice Ibegon,[3] a mysterious Florn Lamproid.[8] Sivrak perceived Ibegon's sex through her pheromones, she then turned to him and seductively offered to buy him a drink, using the Shistavanen. Feeling a rise in temperature[3] at meeting her,[1][9] Sivrak partially undressed and sat next to her. Ibegon shared a drop of her bantha-blood with Sivrak, putting it in his muzzle with her tail. Sivrak used all of his social skills to impress her with romantic words in an attempt to seduce her. When she expressed sympathies for the Alliance, Sivrak expressed support for this view just to be with her.[3] Soon, they were embracing, but they interrupted the act when perceiving a nearby fight between the Aqualish thug Ponda Baba and a lightsaber-welding old man. Sivrak thought that local Imperial authorities would soon be at the cantina to investigate and, not wanting to be spotted by those, decided to leave. Ibegon went with him.[1]
# ¿ Jan 29, 2020 22:56 |
Squizzle posted:During the Galactic Civil War, the Gastrulans became the sole clients of Captain Bungo Bung's Great Bantha Breakfast Biscuit Run, an endeavor to earn credits for the Sullustan by selling Bantha Breakfast Biscuits, a popular snack food, to those unable to obtain them. Two weeks after the Run was established, the Gastrulans were threatened by the ravenous Giant Amorphous Bantha Breakfast Biscuit, a mutated version of the snack that evolved when the preservatives in the biscuits came into contact with Gastrula's atmosphere. oh my god
# ¿ Jan 29, 2020 23:27 |