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Apr 24, 2008

the millennium falcon. space trucks. space RVs. pirate ships. smuggling things. bigger than a space-jetplane, but not giant warship things. a gang of misfits could live and travel in it, or just one or two rascals could be zipping around the spaceways. we talk about them all here


Jul 20, 2004

how can we not talk about family
when family's all that we got?
a space jalopy
Mar 1, 2013

lets go on a space roadtrip

Finger Prince
Jan 5, 2007

Space Winnebagos

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Space Utility Vehicle

Kazimir Vysehrad
Mar 13, 2013
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah the freaks said.

Come on let's go Space Truckin'

Apr 24, 2008

space houseboats

Apr 24, 2008

the occasional space killdozer

Nov 7, 2008

It's always nice to return to my sweet little ha-ha-hacienda.

Apr 24, 2008

a million beautiful space trucks
Mar 1, 2013

half of them are just millennium falcon variations :whitewater:
Mar 1, 2013

one of them has a lightsaber

Apr 24, 2008

do NOT badmouth the gthroc 720 in this house
Mar 1, 2013

more like, heh, the millennium turtle :smug:

Apr 24, 2008 posted:

more like, heh, the millennium turtle :smug:

reported <:mad:>

Apr 24, 2008

Nov 15, 2012
Like that one that's literally just An Axe

Filthy Hans
Jun 27, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 10 years!)

you could probably convert a Corellian Corvette into a sweet sweet party bus

Mar 27, 2011

I wonder if it's much more expensive to push bigger ships through space or is the only limitation to how big your flying apartment can be the raw materials it costs to make them? I guess docking fees are probably also a pain.

Also they're all big and flat because it's way more convenient than having to climb ladders all over your ship. The Slave 1 is probably a pain to live in.

So many of these ships have detailed floorplans, and it's weird that they all have a specific passenger seating where everybody would just awkwardly sit together right behind the pilot, which I don't get why that's an important feature? Why do you need a special room to pile up in like it's a bus? Get a couch. Why the hell does Darth Maul need all this seating, is he planning for just in case he suddenly needs to host a party?

There's so many flooplans for these ships that you can really just fantasy house shop with them.

Dash Rendar's ship is ridiculous because there's such a long walk from the living quarters to the cockpit, because I guess the one thing the Millenium Falcon needed was for the cockpit to be EVEN FURTHER out to one side. I guess at least it pokes out a little to give some peripheral vision? I don't know anything about Dash Rendar, does he regularly have people bunking on these little cots in this little room? Why does he need a dedicated medical room? That could easily be a guest room. And you have to go through the "workshop" to get to the cockpit, you just know that's gonna be littered with unfinished projects like an animal. Get a hallway that you can keep clean.

This however may be a bit too much hallway. I wonder how much you can actually reconfigure with these ships, can you just knock out and put in bulkheads? They always describe every ship as "highly modified" but you never really see anyone doing modifications. This sure doesn't look like it has any room to be the X-Wing Alliance menu.

The Otana is the plain best YT ship though because it's got a central viewpoint that gives you like a full 270 degree view when you're flying by eyes alone. I assume most of those side-cockpits work better if you're using radar or sensors and setting long-distance flightplans instead of eyeballing things or navigating obstacles. This ship puts all the bulk behind you so you have a full view of the battlefield to set up some good shots for your droid buddy on the guns.

Maybe there's problems with the beam projectors since the cockpit is in the way, who cares.

Oct 5, 2004

Your Friendly FYAD Helper
Ask Me For FYAD Help
Another Reason To Talk To Me Is To Hangout

Mar 5, 2010

:minnie: Cat Army :minnie:
Fallen Rib
Space Ford Bronco. I heard Anakin sped away in one after his wife died of ""a broken heart""

May 19, 2014

The various YT-class freighters sure don't seem to have very much room for freight.

Anyway I am a fan of Imperial shuttles, such as the Lambda:

and the Delta:

It has a turbolaser to deter pursuit!

Nov 11, 2012


Apr 2, 2015 posted:

half of them are just millennium falcon variations :whitewater:

I live in the American South West and sometimes it feels like 50% of all vehicles on the road are white Ford F150s. I imagine that's what it's like seeing grey YT Freighters in Star Wars.

Dec 10, 2005

Yak Deculture!
Fallen Rib


May 6, 2008

Spare batteries are pretty key.
Space vans are really obviously the best choice for space life. What if Luke needed to pee while traveling to Dagobah? He didn't know how far away that was before he left!

Fantastic Foreskin
Jan 6, 2013

A golden helix streaked skyward from the Helvault. A thunderous explosion shattered the silver monolith and Avacyn emerged, free from her prison at last.

Fighter pilots are canonically cath'd the whole time and it ejects directly into space. Few but notable and hilarious accidents have occurred when the pee airlock (peelock) malfuctions.

Cage Kicker
Feb 20, 2009

End of the fiscal year, bitch.
MP's got time to order pens for year year, hooah?

SKILCRAFT KREW Reppin' Quality Blind Made

Lipstick Apathy
I love that the Millenium Falcon in canon is a hot rodded 100 year old piece of poo poo and everyone's initial reaction to it is "what a giant piece of poo poo that thing looks like"

Mar 27, 2011

Speleothing posted:

Space vans are really obviously the best choice for space life. What if Luke needed to pee while traveling to Dagobah? He didn't know how far away that was before he left!

It's even worse than "what if" the journey was going to be long. This thing is supposed to house and feed a crew of 3 for up to 5 days with no room to get up or walk around. Although maybe that's not SOP for starfighters and it's just that nobody had any respect for the physical comfort of clones.

I don't think I've seen any ships with tiny little single apartment-sized living spaces. It seems like most ships if they're going to have some living space, they decide to put in a bunch of cargo bays and passenger seating to make it livable for a whole family unit. I wonder how often most docking bays have to shoo-off tenants living out of their ships. Do they have lil' tugs that can pull out these house-sized ships or do they have to get a massive tow?

Cage Kicker
Feb 20, 2009

End of the fiscal year, bitch.
MP's got time to order pens for year year, hooah?

SKILCRAFT KREW Reppin' Quality Blind Made

Lipstick Apathy
The big ones usually dock/undock with tractor beams, iirc. Ship side or shore side

Apr 24, 2008

SlothfulCobra posted:

It's even worse than "what if" the journey was going to be long. This thing is supposed to house and feed a crew of 3 for up to 5 days with no room to get up or walk around. Although maybe that's not SOP for starfighters and it's just that nobody had any respect for the physical comfort of clones.

I don't think I've seen any ships with tiny little single apartment-sized living spaces. It seems like most ships if they're going to have some living space, they decide to put in a bunch of cargo bays and passenger seating to make it livable for a whole family unit. I wonder how often most docking bays have to shoo-off tenants living out of their ships. Do they have lil' tugs that can pull out these house-sized ships or do they have to get a massive tow?

there are some ships that have what looks like a fairly decent amount of living space—at least as much as a studio apartment, some much bigger. check out these from cracken’s rebel operatives

(a converted luxury courier)

(bulk freighter)

Wild Horses
Oct 31, 2012

There's really no meaning in making beetles fight.
the ones from Star Wars MMO "the old Republic" were pretty cool, but very roomy inside due to everything in that game being massive in scale.
Can't post pics but they were a good hub

Mooey Cow
Jan 27, 2018

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Those ships that "marauders" always fly in TIE Fighter are medium sized imo but apparently they're "fighters". They're bigger than other fighters and are easy to blow up, therefore they are good. But now that I think about it, I think they spam missiles on you and therefore they are bad.

Apr 24, 2008

theres also this treasure of a ship and person

Captain Splendid
Jan 7, 2009

Qu'en pense Caffarelli?
This would've been awesome

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl
how come in Rebels, the Ghost's guns have such an incredibly weak "pip, pip pip" sound? they sure don't seem any less lethal than the big awesome-sounding quads on the Falcon but they sound so gutless

now that is a space penis

Squizzle posted:

theres also this treasure of a ship and person

....leger demain are you loving kidding me

Apr 24, 2008

Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

how come in Rebels, the Ghost's guns have such an incredibly weak "pip, pip pip" sound? they sure don't seem any less lethal than the big awesome-sounding quads on the Falcon but they sound so gutless

now that is a space penis

....leger demain are you loving kidding me

leger demain led a peasant revolt against the megacorp lords of the corporate sector, to pursue his dream of being a theater kid :allears:

Edgar Allen Ho
Apr 3, 2017

by sebmojo

The Ebon Hawk doesn't have enough bunks so Jolee has to sleep in the medical bay

Mar 27, 2011

I think the Ebon Hawk probably does the best job of making something that looks like the Millennium Falcon without being wholly derivative, so it really looks like an older ship that filled the same niche without being actually related. That cockpit's probably got bad visibility though, something that wasn't really built for wading through dogfights or complex maneuvers.

The Ghost is another pretty good take, different-looking cockpit and different shape, but it's still bulky enough that you know it fills the same niche. It's not even a YT or anything, because there can just be different product lines out there.


May 6, 2008

Spare batteries are pretty key.
Lotta cargo ships itt that can’t even grasp a space-shipping container securely.

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