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Oct 31, 2011

A silly little mouse!
I will defend the Ghost to the death. It's such a perfect design for a "Hero Ship/Base Camp". It's aesthetics somehow tell you both that it's an old junker and a rough-and-tumble mess of lasers at the same time.


nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013
I remember how jazzed I was playing Shadows of the Empire and getting to Gall Spaceport and the Outrider was there parked on the ground and you could jump around on top of it and go inside it, but when you tried to enter the cockpit Leebo would tell you to gently caress off.

Mar 27, 2011

Speleothing posted:

Lotta cargo ships itt that can’t even grasp a space-shipping container securely.

There have been depictions of them having some kind of clamp or tractor beam underneath to grab onto cargo containers from the outside. X-Wing Alliance had you schlepping a good amount of them around. Technically these are light freighters for small shipments (it's a lot harder to smuggle something big after all).

In more real-world terms, standardized cargo containers were still kinda new in the 70s, and weren't really a thing at all back in the 40s, the time period that Star Wars is copying. Those were the days when longshoremen would load and unload every docked ship by hand.

Of course on the other hand Star Wars totally does have ships that can carry bigger containers.

Although I've never actually seen an unloaded Rebel transport, it's just my assumption that's what they are.

Big K of Justice
Nov 27, 2005

Anyone seen my ball joints?
How about space cowboy from planet Earth? Flying a truck through the stars....

Wild Horses
Oct 31, 2012

There's really no meaning in making beetles fight.

galagazombie posted:

I will defend the Ghost to the death. It's such a perfect design for a "Hero Ship/Base Camp". It's aesthetics somehow tell you both that it's an old junker and a rough-and-tumble mess of lasers at the same time.

Yeah but the guns sound like *thwip* *thwip*

Cage Kicker
Feb 20, 2009

End of the fiscal year, bitch.
MP's got time to order pens for year year, hooah?

SKILCRAFT KREW Reppin' Quality Blind Made

Lipstick Apathy
Space silencers y'all, for stealthy lasering

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl

Wild Horses posted:

Yeah but the guns sound like *thwip* *thwip*

tbf that seems to be a trend overall and not limited to Rebels

still weird to me though and i don't like it

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl
i had the realization the other day that han solo and chewie, in the car culture parlance that informed star wars, basically tool around in one of those big 70s custom vans

Apr 2, 2015

Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

i had the realization the other day that han solo and chewie, in the car culture parlance that informed star wars, basically tool around in one of those big 70s custom vans

This got me thinking. My dad thought drag racing semi's were pretty cool, and isn't that essentially what the Falcon is? A big rear end freight vehicle that's been hot rodded out to go stupid fast? Like one of these fuckers

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl
oh poo poo i can't believe i forgot about this image when i made my post:

Farmer Crack-Ass fucked around with this message at 19:25 on Feb 17, 2020

Mar 27, 2011

PinheadSlim posted:

This got me thinking. My dad thought drag racing semi's were pretty cool, and isn't that essentially what the Falcon is? A big rear end freight vehicle that's been hot rodded out to go stupid fast? Like one of these fuckers

Eh, a semi can't realy do the main thing the Millennium Falcon is meant to do. Like if you're smuggling things in a semi, it'd be more of a job of following all traffic laws so nobody suspects something or getting somebody else to clear the way ahead. Not like you can sneak a semi truck through a blockade or a border.

The Millennium Falcon is more like one of these things.

Although I don't think most real-world smugglers are willing to live out of their ships for long stretches of time, so it might be even more analogous to something from a century or two earlier.

Wild Horses posted:

Yeah but the guns sound like *thwip* *thwip*

I went to look that up, and yeah, the Ghost is weirdly muted. But here's a clip of the Ghost actively stealing some cargo containers straight out of a Gozanti. That shows both how you would haul things that can't be loaded all the way onto the ship and why you might want to store important freight more internally.

Also it bugs me how much Rebels just used the John Williams asteroid music for everything.
Mar 1, 2013

pretty much all star wars media just copies the music from the movies and i hate it

Wild Horses
Oct 31, 2012

There's really no meaning in making beetles fight.
KOTOR 2 didn't, and it has a unique feel thanks to this!

Mar 27, 2011

Mainly it stands out because Clone Wars had some pretty fantastic original music, so it's disappointing for them to throw that away in favor of repurposing music for situations where it doesn't fit.

Oct 31, 2011

A silly little mouse!
And a lot of the times in video games it doesn't even reuse the music well. I remember tons of games where a levels bgm would just be a track from the movies ost on repeat, complete with stopping at the end with like five seconds of silence before restarting. At least make the music loop around you hacks.

Mar 27, 2011

Now here's a snug little ship.

This one is an alright hauler, but there's so much crew quarters that it could make a pretty good home base for a whole team of people, which considering that most of these ships with elaborate deckplans on grid systems are from RPG systems, is probably the idea.

I think there's a ship out there that has this same layout but double cargo bays for a more symmetric look.

Edgar Allen Ho
Apr 3, 2017

by sebmojo
I'm glad the galaxy finally embraced unisex toilets.

Rudeboy Detective
Apr 28, 2011

Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

i had the realization the other day that han solo and chewie, in the car culture parlance that informed star wars, basically tool around in one of those big 70s custom vans

Cage Kicker
Feb 20, 2009

End of the fiscal year, bitch.
MP's got time to order pens for year year, hooah?

SKILCRAFT KREW Reppin' Quality Blind Made

Lipstick Apathy

SlothfulCobra posted:

Now here's a snug little ship.

This one is an alright hauler, but there's so much crew quarters that it could make a pretty good home base for a whole team of people, which considering that most of these ships with elaborate deckplans on grid systems are from RPG systems, is probably the idea.

I think there's a ship out there that has this same layout but double cargo bays for a more symmetric look.

I want to play on this Space Station 13 server

Rudeboy Detective
Apr 28, 2011

Cage Kicker posted:

I want to play on this Space Station 13 server

This is the captain speaking. All catboys to room 12.

Apr 2, 2015

I love love love that there are 6 crew stations but 5 beds, one of which is big enough for two. The crew has to take turns sharing a bed with the captain every night.

Apr 24, 2008

SlothfulCobra posted:

Now here's a snug little ship.

This one is an alright hauler, but there's so much crew quarters that it could make a pretty good home base for a whole team of people, which considering that most of these ships with elaborate deckplans on grid systems are from RPG systems, is probably the idea.

I think there's a ship out there that has this same layout but double cargo bays for a more symmetric look.

why did they steal a sex toilet from the university

Mar 27, 2011

Any room with a single toilet that is not a urinal is unisex. This is a fact.

Filthy Hans
Jun 27, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

(and can't post for 10 years!)

Edgar Allen Ho posted:

I'm glad the galaxy finally embraced unisex toilets.

all you really need is a vacuum hose

Jan 23, 2004

We're normal now.
We love your family.
THIS is a Corellian YT-1300 freighter. I don't know where this ship came from, but it is not within the set parameters for a civilian transport. It has been illegally modified with two quad guns, one mounted cannon, several escape pods, a completely new sub-light engine, several stealth and communication jamming additions and a large, secret cargo area.

Not the prettiest ship, but an excellent choice - IF you're a smuggler.

Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

oh poo poo i can't believe i forgot about this image when i made my post:

Bring back big-rear end van murals

Fantastic Foreskin
Jan 6, 2013

A golden helix streaked skyward from the Helvault. A thunderous explosion shattered the silver monolith and Avacyn emerged, free from her prison at last.

JethroMcB posted:

Bring back big-rear end van murals

Buy a van

Mar 27, 2011

Space RVs, you say.

I really can't figure what this one's deal would be, but it sure looks neat.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

The Planet Express ship from Futurama comes to mind. It's basically a space truck.

Apr 24, 2008

SlothfulCobra posted:

I really can't figure what this one's deal would be, but it sure looks neat.

this is a houseboat imo. belongs some space veteran who grew up idealistic, went off to be a troop during some war, came back burnt out. spent some time angry. has since made a kinda peace w the cosmos and lives in the ship, moves around sometimes. lands it at the edge of the water most of the time, sits in the long arm and fishes out a window. available to advise and/or transport player-characters. still keeps a pistol nearby but not in a holster or anything—maybe a tacklebox or desk drawer or something

Mar 27, 2011

Imagine if you will that your apartment or house or wherever you're stuck right now could fly through space and you could possibly spread whatever disease you had through the stars if you stepped outside.

This thing was in the Knights of the Old Republic comic as the Last Resort. It spent a long time camouflaged into a junkyard before the protagonists used it to make a getaway.

They went through a few ships in that comic. The next ship Zayne Carrick and Marn Hierogyph stole followed the pattern of the Last Resort, because it was a mess. (mess hall, that is)

Gryph, a lifelong conman, was so excited by the profits of running a legitimate business selling food that he lingered too long on a planet that was about to be bombed and it turned out that the ship was almost out of fuel when they stole it anyway, so he caught a ride on an army transport instead while the Little Bivoli stayed behind and got blown to pieces.

Later Gryph bought a new ship, the Hot Prospect, which was very literally a pile of junk.

I know, it looks like a stationary mining platform, but no, it flies.

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Does the Great Fox count?

Mar 27, 2011

Ghost Leviathan posted:

Does the Great Fox count?

Iunno, post about what's so great about it and we'll see.

Apr 3, 2008
Am I 🧑‍🏫 out of touch🤔? No🧐, it's the children👶 who are wrong🤷🏼‍♂️

Squizzle posted:

a million beautiful space trucks

Tag your penis.

Mines the G9 Rigger.

Apr 24, 2008

dialhforhero posted:

Tag your penis.

Mines the G9 Rigger.



Lemniscate Blue
Apr 21, 2006

Here we go again.

dialhforhero posted:

Tag your penis.

Mines the G9 Rigger.

VCX-820 here

They call me "Catamaran"

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