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Nov 7, 2008

It's always nice to return to my sweet little ha-ha-hacienda.
I figured we probably need to have this thread now so everyone can get ready. Obviously everyone wants to post the hippest threads and the coolest pics on may the fourth.

Mar 1, 2013

mourning the death of this forum

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash! posted:

mourning the death of this forum

Mooey Cow
Jan 27, 2018

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Pillbug posted:

mourning the death of this forum


Mar 18, 2006


yeah how the gently caress can this rsf last that many moons stations

Nice Guy Patron
Jun 29, 2015
When did that start being a thing? In the last five years or have I only just started noticing it? Is it something Disney started?

Fantastic Foreskin
Jan 6, 2013

A golden helix streaked skyward from the Helvault. A thunderous explosion shattered the silver monolith and Avacyn emerged, free from her prison at last.

Gonna get a bunch of tiny screens and watch all of Star Trek simultaneously.

Nov 7, 2008

It's always nice to return to my sweet little ha-ha-hacienda.

ItBreathes posted:

Gonna get a bunch of tiny screens and watch all of Star Trek simultaneously.


Nov 7, 2008

It's always nice to return to my sweet little ha-ha-hacienda.

my dog died im sad posted:

When did that start being a thing? In the last five years or have I only just started noticing it? Is it something Disney started?

Wikipedia says some stuff but I'd put the best marker for "when did this become a thing" at


In 2011, the first organized celebration of Star Wars Day took place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at the Toronto Underground Cinema. Produced by Sean Ward and Alice Quinn, festivities included an Original Trilogy Trivia Game Show; a costume contest with celebrity judges; and the web's best tribute films, mash-ups, parodies, and remixes on the big screen. The second annual edition took place on Friday, May 4, 2012

Edgar Allen Ho
Apr 3, 2017

by sebmojo
Delete coupons and salvage its code for the parts to make this forum permanent

Nov 7, 2008

It's always nice to return to my sweet little ha-ha-hacienda.
This whole forum structure sits on top of coupons which swims through the universe.

Well what's Coupons sitting on top of you might ask? Clever child, but it's coupons all the way down!

W.T. Fits
Apr 21, 2010

Ready to Poyozo Dance all over your face.
By sharing this video with folks:

To help educate them on Star Wars Day.

Nov 7, 2008

It's always nice to return to my sweet little ha-ha-hacienda.
I know so much more about star wars now!

W.T. Fits
Apr 21, 2010

Ready to Poyozo Dance all over your face.
See? It's already working! :)

Mar 5, 2010

:minnie: Cat Army :minnie:
Fallen Rib
It's a rotating forum, you think it'll survive or will it become the Lord of The Rings forum by then?

Fantastic Foreskin
Jan 6, 2013

A golden helix streaked skyward from the Helvault. A thunderous explosion shattered the silver monolith and Avacyn emerged, free from her prison at last.

We better get a one day rsf for each of the stupid nerd holidays: towel day, bloomsday, etc

Aug 10, 2016 posted:

mourning the death of this forum

inshallah (ancient wookkiie word meaning hell yeah)

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

silvergoose posted:

yeah how the gently caress can this rsf last that many moons stations

The follow-up RSF was gonna be the Fast Food subforum but the GBS mods were super into it so it became its own thing. Thus, Star Wars RSF was granted more time. It's borrowed though folks, so who knowd when it'll become a Force Ghost.

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl
probably drinking at home, OP

Nov 7, 2008

It's always nice to return to my sweet little ha-ha-hacienda.

Dash Rendar posted:

The follow-up RSF was gonna be the Fast Food subforum but the GBS mods were super into it so it became its own thing. Thus, Star Wars RSF was granted more time. It's borrowed though folks, so who knowd when it'll become a Force Ghost.

In ten years we'll make basically the same subforum with all the same major points of discussion and underutilized fresh posters who can do the action stunts we old guard are too decrepit to handle.

Jul 9, 2016 posted:

mourning the death of this forum

lmao owned

Fantastic Foreskin
Jan 6, 2013

A golden helix streaked skyward from the Helvault. A thunderous explosion shattered the silver monolith and Avacyn emerged, free from her prison at last.

Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

probably definitely drinking at home, OP

Jul 9, 2016

We were all so innocent in pre-quarantine life.
Mar 1, 2013

Roth posted:

lmao owned


Chill Penguin
Jan 10, 2004

you know korky buchek?
wearing my $90 star wars denims

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

may we argue about the prequels forever!

Resting Lich Face
Feb 21, 2019

This case of an intraperitoneal zucchini is unusual, and does raise questions as to how hard one has to push a blunt vegetable to perforate the rectum.


But at least I can watch star wars while doing it.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

Aug 18, 2010

Life, it's the shit that happens while you're waiting for moments that never come.
bought xwing alliance for $5 and modded the poo poo out of it.

Now headtracking works and it looks and plays great for a 20+ year old game.

Nov 7, 2008

It's always nice to return to my sweet little ha-ha-hacienda.
That's what I like to hear!

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013
I'm going to spend the rest of the month going "May the [number day here]th be with you!"

For example:

May the fifth be with you.

Jul 9, 2016

nine-gear crow posted:

I'm going to spend the rest of the month going "May the [number day here]th be with you!"

For example:

May the fifth be with you.

Mod challenge that you have to do this every day in the thread until May is over

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl

can confirm

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Roth posted:

Mod challenge that you have to do this every day in the thread until May is over

I have bookmarked the thread in preparation.

Mooey Cow
Jan 27, 2018

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
I celebrated by inventing a working proton pack from Ghostbusters, but then I was like "wait a minute, ghosts don't exist, this thing is useless!" so I destroyed it and salvaged the parts to build a working lightsaber, which would be a useful cutting tool. Sadly, it did not work.

Apr 24, 2008

Roth posted:

Mod challenge that you have to do this every day in the thread until May is over

does crow have to post it or can they just open the thread, say it to their phone/monitor, and call it a day??

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Roth posted:

Mod challenge that you have to do this every day in the thread until May is over

i will help keep crow honest by probation them from LP if i have to


Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Squizzle posted:

does crow have to post it or can they just open the thread, say it to their phone/monitor, and call it a day??

it must needs be verifiable!

come on, crow, it's the 6th today.

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