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Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
To think, it's all in Avery Brooks' head


Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
The federation preaches tolerance, yet every time anyone meets a ferengi they open with something like "Your duplicitous schemes and beady eyes won't work on me! You were born from slime on a planet of mud. Begone from my sight!" Quark saves deep space nine like 20 times before Sisko even looks him in the eye. What's up with that?

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
What is a "sonic shower" and how does it work? Does it make you clean? Can you ever even get anything wet on a starship? How bad does everyone smell?

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

Squizzle posted:

i want sonic toilets

Sonic toilets decompile your poop and turn it into matter for the replicators

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

What we got back, didn't live long....fortunately

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

CainFortea posted:

It's important to note that even Barkley, who's a hypochondriac especially when it comes to transporter stuff, is never once concerned that he is dying and being reborn.

Disco bones is, however

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar. Here's the transporter clone of Riker stealing a ship in the name of the maquis.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Here's how the transporters REALLY work: a tank of glitter is shot next to a black screen and swirled around, possibly on high contrast stock. the film is then matted and "double packed" on an optical printer to acheive the superimpositon "cutout" matte of commander shrek transporitng down onto the planet. The film is exposed for different lengths of time by frame to acheive the "fade" effect.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Does anyone have a complete resource of all the concepts Roddenberry came up with for TNG?

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
The holodeck can only make creatures with playstation 1 era npc ai, that feel a full organic life form's worth of pain

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
It's a horse, of a different color

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
What's the Social function of the holodeck? They have to simlulcrum grass and mark twains because they are isolated in space and would go crazy without meeting mark twain. They'd turn on each other. Then, is the holodeck not somewhat unrealistic given the fantastic mania they meet regularly, the full grandeur of the night sky, and existing theater and puppet departments? I'm sure everyone has little cameras and makes movies on the editing software they have implanted onto their geordi's visors. why do these peoples imaginations suck!

On deep space nine their imaginations went WILD!

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
a horse is a horse, of course of course

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Data displays normal emotions until his idiot grandfather invents a ritalin chip for him

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
The ship's computer is self aware, and she does a puppet show on the holodeck.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Sulu collects antique earth guns

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

Kesper North posted:

The Prime Directive of noninterference is very subjectively applied within series canon, and episodes often hinge on this. I'm wrestling with the question as I write my own SF about a future in which humanity is making similar decisions through a less rose-tinted lens.

I am curious for posters' take on - if one insists on being a starfaring species with some form of organized government - whether it is preferable, morally and ethically, for an interstellar culture to practice total noninterference (as in avoidance and non-involvement, but might engage in reconnaissance and study from afar) with other cultures, or is it acceptable to intervene to save a species from extinction? Is it acceptable to intervene if someone from your culture is responsible for causing them harm? Is it acceptable to intervene if intervention is requested?

This has meaning to me for how we address human questions, insofar as how Americans address our inability to interact with other cultures responsibly, and how we direct our energy and focus as a species going forward that I want to explore. (In part motivated by the fact that it seems to be easier for Americans to address these issues if they have dolls and a narrative framework.)

In fifty years imaging tech is probably going to be way more advanced than the mind boggling capabilities of videochips and hubble telescopes and three lenses iphone and such. All of that will multiply basically. By the time the federation is around, a hypotheitical "eye in the sky" sattelite or some such would be powerful enough to detect great images, video, and life and weather patterns from like a planet or two out. An asteroid belt or moon. Noninterference should be very easy, and if there is a civilization in trouble it will likely boil down to more of an "Aw hell, if we go save them the children won't get this shipment of astronaut ice cream on time, and also everyone on this ship will age 2000 years due to the diversion" issue than anything.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Everyone in this thread exhaustively knows exactly what happens in star trek. Kirk fights the gorn. What they can't possibly know is your specific, imaginative interpretation of how everything works and connects back to the exact moment that kirk found the gorn, the history of gorn/federation territorial conflict, what the ph levels in the soil were on the planet, if bob hope was clowning around (as usual) behind the camera or not, if the enterprise had enough dilithium crystals to make to to zerr-9 without docking first at the starbase on sherman's planet, and so on.

So ultimately, since so much is literally imaginary, and the writers are themselves employing their imaginations in creating variations on situations, including specific instances where riker has a transporter twin clone brother, it seems silly to say transporters and holodecks etc do not work one way when clearly they work in all of them.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
If you could make a planet capable of warp drive, it would be unstoppable.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

CainFortea posted:

No, I know what he was referring to. The "making up" part was that they don't see him as a person and did it apparently for shits and giggles. And not as what is basically a medical procedure because of trauma.

Hey man, he's a doctor....NOT a doorstop.

why did we never meet the emh bork later

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Gene Roddenberry's head is floating in space

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
In your own words, what is the prime directive?

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Doing the stations of the cross in the church basement

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

ruddiger posted:

How did the federation eliminate the rear end in a top hat gene from the members of the elected governing body of their society if genetic modification has been criminalized

A thread and needle. Not well recieved.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
I sure do love a hot tribble sandwich. I hope quark got into fast food.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
It'd be cool if in real life people broke the prime directive by giving cameras and editing equipment to tribles of lowland gorillas. I bet we'd see some real interesting stuff.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Was Kirk right to remove spock from the hippie space spore commune?

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Realistically it's a dumb setup. It would be a supersatellite eyeball or an anthropology major would be actively trying to integrate with them a la avatar.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Maybe your pas are all just weak.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Does Kirk not technically break the prime directive by introducing himself to Guinan? Even though she is an alien, I guess, she did use her old connection with him to get a job on a spaceship. points off for vortex nepotism I guess.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
I for one am against all the nazi moon science, despite all the episodes of star trek it caused.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
To help the bajorans with the newfound revelation that their gods were real, and living sixty feet above them in space, the federation and keiko o brien imposted a policy of strict atheism in the classroom. Disgraceful. Miles was drunk again, of course, and stuck crammed in the elevator shaft.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
There are people who will dumbly do exactly what the alien says, people who will dumbly shoot the alien with their gun, and no middle ground.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
The woman here is played by bobby hill.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.


Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

CainFortea posted:

Also, I don't recall Picard ever having empathic senses. Even temporarily.

Most people have empathic senses.

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