Wanted By Weed posted:Having started to actually get into Star Trek, I recently saw the DS9 episode where Jake and Nog slum their way through a Zelda-esque trading sequence in an attempt at a get-rich-quick scheme of the week. It's not entirely without precedence for instance you had historical cultures, in parts of Western Africa for instance, often where there was some combination of nomadism or semi-nomadism (but still agricultural) where wealth was more commonly reckonened in the labor you owned or could call upon, often in the form of slaves. That's a bit of a simplification, but the concept of private ownership of land or ownership of land being equated with wealth isn't like an absolute constant in human history and rather is a specific historical development.
# ¿ Feb 19, 2020 15:30 |
# ¿ Sep 17, 2024 13:11 |