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Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

lmao remember modems? terrible.


Dec 27, 2003

remember that time I got the last thread gassed for posting a site that can be found just by googling "public webcam"

christ's sake this isn't some dark web black hat bullshit lmao

Nov 25, 2006

Jun 24, 2002

Hey stop worrying bout my acting bitch, and worry about your WACK ass music. In the mean time... Eat a hot bowl of Dicks! Ice T

Soiled Meat
one time the navy had a public facing site with no auth that showed the location of all its warships

on the same site there was a feature that allowed you to provision new .gov domains

someone was dropping the link in various irc channels and i clicked it and closed that tab faster than any tab i've ever closed

Dec 27, 2003

that time a fitness tracker app revealed the location of a bunch of army bases

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
that one time I tied to used a fit bit but it told me i was too fat for it to measure my pulse thru three inches of salty saturated fat

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

echinopsis posted:

that one time I tied to used a fit bit but it told me i was too fat for it to measure my pulse thru three inches of salty saturated fat

your wrists are too powerful

Jul 12, 2005

The Emperor protects.
Ohhh good old 28,800 bauds.

carry on then
Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames

(and can't post for 10 years!)


that time a fitness tracker app revealed the location of a bunch of army bases

not just the locations, the exact patrol routes

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl


one time the navy had a public facing site with no auth that showed the location of all its warships

on the same site there was a feature that allowed you to provision new .gov domains

someone was dropping the link in various irc channels and i clicked it and closed that tab faster than any tab i've ever closed

lol it's too late, if there's a list you've been put on it

Silver Alicorn
Mar 30, 2008

𝓪 𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓹𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓪 𝓲𝓼 𝓪 𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

lmao remember modems? terrible.

I used a dialup modem in 2006

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

just remembered eric s raymond. what a fuckface.

Silver Alicorn
Mar 30, 2008

𝓪 𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓹𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓪 𝓲𝓼 𝓪 𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮
remember his totally real and not made up story about telling off a microsoft exec

Jul 11, 2005

Come on Ilhan, lets go bag us a shitpost


that time a fitness tracker app revealed the location of a bunch of army bases

carry on then posted:

not just the locations, the exact patrol routes

soldiers/contractors are still uploading that info publicly

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

Silver Alicorn posted:

I used a dialup modem in 2006

buddy, I did dial up modem technical support in 2005

absolute nightmare. some good stories came out of it tho

I once spent probably 10 separate calls over 3 days talking to someone who’s dial up modem would connect to our ISP and then drop. every single time. dial up troubleshooting wasn’t too complex, so by call number two I had pretty much exhausted my options.

we went round and round and round she swears nothing changed with her computer or the cabling. I finally ask “ok, what changed in your house, or your neighborhood since this stopped working?”.

“well, my basement did flood”

“was your computer in the basement”


“did it get wet?”

“yeah it was half submerged in the water”

“well, I believe that may be your problem” :psypop:

I invited her to the main office and gave her a replacement modem for free mostly to help future Jim Silly-Balls out

Beve Stuscemi fucked around with this message at 15:55 on Feb 22, 2020

Jul 12, 2005

The Emperor protects.


Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

Beamed posted:

just remembered eric s raymond. what a fuckface.

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
i hate him so much

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
i cant believe my posts are being rate-limited here in 2020

Apr 26, 2006


Nov 25, 2006

im the multiple boobs

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew huh? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

Silver Alicorn posted:

remember his totally real and not made up story about telling off a microsoft exec

Nanh I believe that probably happened. Someone from Microsoft probably did try and make small talk with him in an elevator once and he probably did act like an absolute weirdo by saying he's "his worst nightmare"

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

Lol i just noticed the person doing fucken whippits on the right side

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

rotor posted:

i hate him so much

Jul 27, 2013


Beamed posted:

just remembered eric s raymond. what a fuckface.

that time he tried to convert the gcc repo to git but couldn't get his python script to work because he didn't have enough ram

( apparently he eventually managed to make a working program by rewriting everything in go )

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

I remember when you could send a tweet from a fridge.

Salt Fish
Sep 11, 2003

Cybernetic Crumb
Modems were pretty sick. You could just use a phone line and boom you're on the internet. Think about it, everybody has a phone line, and now they have internet and you didn't have to do poo poo except invent the modem.

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

remember when you could poo poo on a piece of paper and jam it into a fax machine and palm-slam the dial pad then bam! through the magic of modems that smeary poo poo is almost instantly sent to your local GP?

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
we still use faxes all the fuckin time and later this year laws come into effect that ban the transmission of prescriptions from faxes, well to be clearer they won’t be able to be used as a legal prescription anymore I don’t think they could ban that it happens altogether. the fax itself won’t go away, faxing is incredibly convenient for certain tasks

rotor posted:

i cant believe my posts are being rate-limited here in 2020


Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?

echinopsis posted:

the fax itself won’t go away, faxing is incredibly convenient for certain tasks

on what planet

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

NBC’s The Office.

An Amazon Original

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

eschaton posted:

on what planet

i had to send some info about how to get funding for an epi pen to the medical centre across the road so i put the paper in the auto feeder pressed fax pressed their number on the pre programmed number thing then go. took me less than 3 seconds from putting paper on the feeder. try scanning and emailing that fast :smugmrgw:

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

echinopsis posted:

we still use faxes all the fuckin time and later this year laws come into effect that ban the transmission of prescriptions from faxes, well to be clearer they won’t be able to be used as a legal prescription anymore I don’t think they could ban that it happens altogether. the fax itself won’t go away, faxing is incredibly convenient for certain tasks

you’re not wrong, but I immediately judge any company I find using faxes in tyool 2020.

for instance I judge every single part of the healthcare industry

Apr 30, 2005
You know he's the villain, because he's got shifty eyes.

echinopsis posted:

i had to send some info about how to get funding for an epi pen to the medical centre across the road so i put the paper in the auto feeder pressed fax pressed their number on the pre programmed number thing then go. took me less than 3 seconds from putting paper on the feeder. try scanning and emailing that fast :smugmrgw:

the printers at work scan and email poo poo for us?? works just like a fax except you put an email address instead of a phone number

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

The big thing about faxing in healthcare is it is believed to be more secure than email, not because its really better or more efficient in any way

Apr 26, 2006
its not that people "believe" its more secure, its that its grandfathered in under hipaa (same w/ paging)

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

Which leads luddite doctors and nurses to clutch their faxing pearls because HIPAA SECURITY

Apr 26, 2006
microsoft should add a single, tenant wide setting to require TLS for all email and then set a deadline for a year from that date when it will be forced on for all tenants.


Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Shaggar posted:

microsoft should add a single, tenant wide setting to require TLS for all email and then set a deadline for a year from that date when it will be forced on for all tenants.

can u imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth lol

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