Fart Sandwiches posted:wow I didn’t know this platform had time travel abilities. it’s 2005 in there It looks very legit. I actually expected that these profiles would be all owned by people our age but it appears to be teenagers doing a very good job of pretending to be in 2002
# ¿ Jul 12, 2023 18:08 |
# ¿ Sep 10, 2024 09:23 |
Leperflesh posted:[pre] /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ https://realitycheckbbs.org/
# ¿ Jul 12, 2023 18:29 |
nudgenudgetilt posted:i just remember some article about making drugs from banana peels in the oven Lol this was a total troll hoax and Max Scherr should get some kind award for penning that poo poo in 1967 before I was even born getting me to dry smelly rear end banana peels in a 5.25 disk holder with a case fan hooked up to a battery in my bedroom 26 years later! When the peels were finally dry enough that it was possible to burn and smoke them thankfully it was too gross and I quietly slipped the entire experiment into the dumpster on trash day. I guess the guy died in 1981 so he really puts most better known and celebrated trolls to shame.
# ¿ Jul 12, 2023 19:32 |
The_Franz posted:ken silverman has one of those web pages that's straight from the 90s still up I like that has a download for a qbasic number guessing game he wrote when he was 14 with accurate file dates.
# ¿ Jul 17, 2023 14:58 |
Am I the only person who liked my 3dtv?
# ¿ Aug 5, 2023 14:34 |
njsykora posted:probably, i knew one person with a 3dtv and like everyone else they basically used it to watch avatar and never put the glasses on again I have to admit I didn’t use the 3d a lot. Mostly when I wanted some novelty. One movie or maybe a play session of a game every few months. I had a 3d phone and it was cool to see my pictures and videos in 3d too.
# ¿ Aug 5, 2023 15:26 |
Sagebrush posted:i said "decent" graphics card, not ultimate poopsock gamer grade. alyx is very well optimized and you can run it with a 1060. (7 years old) Can you really? When it came out I could run it just fine but by the time I did a major overhaul on my pc it barely worked. Though I suspect it was bound by my quad core
# ¿ Aug 5, 2023 20:19 |
njsykora posted:people don't impulse buy 4-figure products, and tvs are a thing where if you care enough about it to care about 8k you're doing a full week of research and ending up with 40 rtings tabs open at least TVs are one of the most impulse purchasable items out there. Even when I was relatively poor I walked into Sears and went into the TV aisle realizing I had enough money in my pocket I nearly bought one until I remembered I didn’t even have cable and hadn’t turned on my giant CRT TV in over a year. I impulse purchased my last round of PC upgrades because it was prime day and I’d just impulse purchased a new video card at best buy a week before. I got horrible deals on all of it. Im generally pretty good about agonizing over major purchases but sometimes I like to say gently caress it and go for the quick dopamine hit.
# ¿ Aug 7, 2023 13:11 |
Powerful Two-Hander posted:gotta sort out the bathroom that looks great until you get close up and realise all the hosed up stuff I feel this pain my whole house is filled with pretty decent renovations that variously require hours or days of labor to fix various minor acts of laziness or stupidity. I get the feeling that the guys who flipped the house spent the whole time getting wasted.
# ¿ Aug 9, 2023 15:45 |
Sagebrush posted:i'm baffled at any yosposter who has an unregistered copy of windows with the shameful nag text in the corner. you know you can buy a license for 10 bucks from a goon in sa-mart right? don't be pathetic. You can run a kms server on almost anything that runs linux or python and will allow you to install your own software. As a bonus it will let you use a ton of other microsoft products too.
# ¿ Aug 17, 2023 14:35 |
Wild EEPROM posted:there’s one command you can type into powershell and it does it all permamently too Microsoft will do anything to get people to using powershell.
# ¿ Aug 17, 2023 18:02 |
4dos was the bomb so much more powerful than plain batch. Dr-dos was the bomb, especially with multitasking and somehow using some video memory to give you nearly a full 640k on boot. I never used it except once or twice in a VM but desqview/X was sooo under appreciated and came close to making DOS into a respectable single user no-security platform. Absolutely criminal that nobody used it. I wish it was at least successful enough to get an x11r6 compatible release. At R5 it just barely falls short of maybe supporting some really useful modern apps. dd was a great colorful dir replacement anyone else remember those drivers that would let you get nearly 2 megs on a floppy? I remember making massive bootable archives for my friends that would start up, load the driver and start dearchiving like 40 floppies worth of crap to their hard drive.
# ¿ Aug 19, 2023 17:18 |
Leperflesh posted:doctor dos sucked, it was missing random utilities and it was a lot less stable than ms dos. What utilities were missing from drdos? Are you sure you weren’t exposed to an older version? How can any DOS be unstable? It’s barely even an OS. Internet Old One fucked around with this message at 13:00 on Aug 21, 2023 |
# ¿ Aug 21, 2023 12:54 |
Leperflesh posted:I was hoping nobody would ask this because I don't remember very well. We had programs (games, probably?) that would crash on dr dos for sure, and we used to gently caress around with esoteric dos utilities but gently caress man, it was over 30 years ago and my brain just isn't what it used to be I guess I’ll buy that. Also the only version of drdos I used was pretty late in the game when it was already opendos and most people were using windows95. I had a machine in my room that didn’t have the ram for 95 or linux and drdos + win 3.1 was what I used. I remembered feeling like I wish I’d had drdos when I was a bigger dos user but its entirely possible that early versions of drdos weren’t anything to get excited about. I also dual booted various versions of minix but recall they were all useless until I could get x11 on minixvmd and for my effort I was rewarded with a dog slow X11 experience but I took what I could get.
# ¿ Aug 21, 2023 19:34 |
I had pretty good luck with toothpaste and disc doctor too. If you did it right it looked like your disc was dull totally hosed but it would be improved with no new bad spots.
# ¿ Sep 4, 2023 21:17 |
Kitfox88 posted:To be fair a properly secure website was really suspicious back when ie6 was introduced! In the ie6 days the more badges and buttons a site used to claim security the more likely it was crawling with intestinal parasites and zootopic brain worms.
# ¿ Sep 5, 2023 16:13 |
Beve Stuscemi posted:I think you might be arguing about two different things. pocsag if I recall is mostly on-prem and very well served by the antenna on the roof blasting RF down into the building I am surprised to hear about pogsag still being a thing. It was def in use as a metro area paging protocol and I used to sniff it back in the 90s and use the gleaned information to make prank phone calls. I didn’t know about any local or campus area pogsag until you mentioned it but i guess it makes sense.
# ¿ Sep 11, 2023 14:13 |
AlbertFlasher posted:I was thinking about thinkgeek.com this morning and how they sold caffeinated soap. I had a bit of a lol. I had that. It seemed like maybe it worked and had a cleaner feeling stimulation. But it could also have been the peppermint oil which felt really refreshing and is rumored to have stimulant properties of its own, the fact I wasn’t getting dirtier stims present in coffee like theobromine, or just the good clean high of a convincing placebo. Would definitely buy a bar if I saw it in stores.
# ¿ Sep 14, 2023 15:24 |
Powerful Two-Hander posted:peppermint shower gel is great but hoooo boy does it freshen up some places Your scrotum wishes to inform you that you are now fully awake.
# ¿ Sep 14, 2023 15:30 |
Schwawa posted:this just unlocked a memory of someone in the evangelical church I grew up in telling us that satanists would record demonic messages onto tape, then the leave the tape scattered around. I guess to do the devils work somehow? Bizarre. I love these kinds of stories and wish the people who made them up had to have them printed under their drivers license picture. “I was 29 years old when I said there were 100s of miles of tunnels under our suburb where the devil would molest kids with the owner of a local fast food restaurant”
# ¿ Sep 25, 2023 14:04 |
Remember speaker.drv that froze the whole system while playing audio on the pc speaker?
# ¿ Sep 28, 2023 03:14 |
Remember when web browsers got background images and web pages started making embossed tiles out of all kinds of things? Remember how it somehow blew your socks off? 1994 me would have never believed a visitor from the future if he told me tiled backgrounds are usually poo poo and the emboss filter was always poo poo. Remember internet in baby? The imagemap of a kid that would take you to different popular websites and that somehow was a funny parody of internet in a box? Remember when people discovered that gozilla or getitrite or some other download manager had telemetry and it was actually a big scandal? Remember running xsnow?
# ¿ Oct 9, 2023 19:40 |
xevil was a surprisingly good game.
# ¿ Oct 10, 2023 12:47 |
Anyone remember the brief like two week period when myspace tried a funky rebrand to my____? Those big brains at newscorp hitting that youth demo.
# ¿ Oct 10, 2023 20:33 |
rotor posted:big old companies dont adapt well to change, thats really all there is to it. I’m not saying you’re wrong because that’s def true but they were already pretty big and old when they launched prodigy with it’s online shopping service. It seems like they had the right stuff for the transition at various times, just not when they needed it. They were still innovating during their decline though. Sears was the first major company I’d ever seen that tried to entice consumers into downloading malware for a coupon.
# ¿ Oct 10, 2023 21:35 |
So RealPlayer is still a thing and claims that it will let you download youtube videos.
# ¿ Oct 12, 2023 20:33 |
Beve Stuscemi posted:Imagine living literally anywhere and worrying about what other people think of where you live. You shouldn’t worry about what other people think but if people talk a lot of poo poo about where you live you might want to turn a critical eye to your town.
# ¿ Oct 23, 2023 15:59 |
cheque_some posted:I Definitely had kind of a middle aged dad vibe, he even had an ieee.org email address. I told him all the other stuff I had and he bought it from me, too. A real OG
# ¿ Oct 28, 2023 19:28 |
He looks like he’s been cramming that Data Structures and Algorithms book all weekend.
# ¿ Oct 31, 2023 12:20 |
Beeftweeter posted:the goofy ps3 cpu is basically the goofy xbox 360 cpu. a bigger difference would be nvidia vs. ati i guess Nah the xbox didn’t have the SPE coprocessors. It’s my understanding that these didn’t get used very well but I’ve heard a ton of hype about them. If anyone can tell me how they’re different than APU shaders or if they’re actually good in any way I’d be curious.
# ¿ Nov 2, 2023 18:17 |
Sweevo posted:that's why i like the zx spectrum and amiga - because nobody gives a poo poo about original media, and never did. everything is dumped and available online I really hate people who think their investments are other people’s problem despite the obvious risk. Lol be on anyone who thinks a ROM isn’t getting dumped before the Nintendo generation can waste their 401ks.
# ¿ Nov 3, 2023 12:52 |
Sweevo posted:weren't like 80% of the stories just "user asked for help, so i deleted all their files out of spite" quote:As I pulled up to the McDonald's drive-thru and gazed at the death- See also: The complete works of Richard Kyanka.
# ¿ Nov 4, 2023 16:51 |
So since we’re talking about BOFH, I guess The Register still hosts and publishes new issues or at least did until surprisingly recently.
# ¿ Nov 4, 2023 19:37 |
Who here knew the joys of hitting someone with talkd “flash” and watching them spew out lines of zmodem jibberish before saying “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY COMPUTER I WILL CALL POLICE” ? (response always in all caps)
# ¿ Nov 14, 2023 19:33 |
Quaint Quail Quilt posted:Ahem, I had the 2nd tower or a knock off. I was just thinking the same thing. It's funny that that was a period where Alienware was basically charging a massive markup for novelty cases and some of them were just normal cases painted green.
# ¿ Nov 17, 2023 13:35 |
QuarkJets posted:i remember being a dumb teenager reading slashdot, god drat what a lovely site good thing it's not around anymore Slashdot was pretty good back in the day. It's still around but it's owned by a SEO company who uses it to slyly promote its' clients, because it's supposedly "self moderating" it's filled with spammers and astroturfers complaining about Biden and Hillary. The owners don't care because the quality of the comments aren't important to making sure that the site gets heavily indexed by search engines. The same lovely company also owns the once fantastic Linux Journal.
# ¿ Nov 17, 2023 13:42 |
Sagebrush posted:Jennicam “#hack can kiss my rear end” Unfortunately the image seems to have been forgotten by the internet.
# ¿ Nov 20, 2023 02:15 |
GWBBQ posted:just for practical purposes, I wish there were more boring camera feeds like this for stuff like seeing if the beach is flooding during a storm, or whether or not the drawbridge before the Whitestone bridge is stuck open again. Lol my dad played treeloot for like an entire saturday even though he he was rich. loving boomers.
# ¿ Nov 21, 2023 13:05 |
Progressive JPEG posted:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA2CC5CtAYI I went through several of these. They were good phones for like $80
# ¿ Jan 23, 2024 13:57 |
# ¿ Sep 10, 2024 09:23 |
Neito posted:it persisted a bit cus there was an apple ii model that used adb so apple printed the key for years afterword. i think it even made it over to a few of the early usb macs. I'll bet they dropped it to discourage keyboard vendors from making crappy approximations of their trademark.
# ¿ Feb 8, 2024 16:52 |