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SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
I'd forgotten how gross 480i looks via composite on a low end tube TV.


SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
HP HPUX workstation stuff from the late 80s/early 90s is my favorite aesthetic. It's amazing how a little styling goes a long way to hide the fact something's a metal box functioning as a faraday cage.

Regarding clear side panels. I believe I owned this bad boy in fall semester of 2003:

SYSV Fanfic fucked around with this message at 15:30 on Dec 11, 2021

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
In it's natural habitat, circa 2005

Edit: drat, there's my visor cradle in the picture too.

SYSV Fanfic fucked around with this message at 15:33 on Dec 11, 2021

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

shoeberto posted:

So did the pot hold ramen or mac and cheese?

Ramen. Definitely Ramen.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

Jonny 290 posted:

some ham folks (not all 80 year old grognards, curiously enough) still use teletypes for RTTY on the air. super vibey

Yeah, I was talking to some hams - they'd save punches for when the satellites would pass over and re-transmit them as favors.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

Presto posted:

You kids and your :airquote:compact discs:airquote:.

Let me tell you about 8-track tapes.


Any eight tracks you got are probably gonna need to be reglued soon.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

Achmed Jones posted:

when i got a cd player for my 89 buick back in high school my dad REALLY wanted me to get a trunk cd changer instead. he thought they were way better. i disagreed and never regretted my choice

Haha, man. Makes me think of all those lovely GPS systems that had a DVD player in the trunk or something.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
SCSI on PC was considered Cadillac. SCSI everything cost so much more compared to IDE/Parallel/Serial. I don't think I used a single PC with scsi anything while it was still relevant.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

Wild EEPROM posted:

three buttoned mice like what did the middle button even do

If you want to find out, try pressing down on your scroll wheel. Lotta mice have a third button hidden under there. Mine copy/pastes under x.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

Sweevo posted:

the third button was a decoy to stop you discovering the hidden fourth button

Oh, you mean when you tilt your mouse wheel left or right?

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

Wild EEPROM posted:

i don’t mean modern 3 buttons i meant like a logitech mouseman for AT compatable pcs, ones which used an aopen motherboard and an s3 video card

Application defined under Windows. Can't remember if OS/2 presentation manager had a default but probably not (could be used for hotkeys/chording) since it was kept close to windows. I think the default for Unix was paste.

When you say AT compatible... Your talking about the form factor right? Not like an IBM PC/AT?

edit: middle mouse was usually double click on OS/2.

SYSV Fanfic fucked around with this message at 23:48 on Dec 26, 2021

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

oh my god riscOS that's what we had at my school and why I remembered 3 button mice from about 10 years before I ever saw one anywhere else

U can run it for free on a pi one, two, three, or zero. I really dig the ability to fall into a full screen basic interpreter.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
That's a game? Looks like an attempt to use schoolchildren to brute force the traveling poutine salesman problem. Like the plot of toys, but for canadian light industry.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
I just got the rank of trail guide on the ibm dos version. Astoundingly all I did was make adult deciscions and my entire family made it to oregon alive.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

Captain Foo posted:

sounds like you pressed return

to size up the situation
This made me laugh so much harder than it should have. Thank you.

Achmed Jones posted:

you were in your forties when you played it though

I remember playing it in grade school in the computer lab on apple 2s. Kid me was dumb as hell. Rivers 8 feet deep, 200 feet wide? Hmm, let's ford. Queue third grader surprise and panic when the wagon floods.

One kid figured out you could move around while hunting and it was like he'd independently discovered general relativity.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
Ahh zip drives. Click of death.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

The_Franz posted:

i've always heard of this but never experienced it despite using zip drives for almost everything from 1997 until whenever usb thumbdrives became ubiquitous, including through university where they spent the entire time in my backpack when not in use. maybe it's because i always kept the disks in those plastic clamshell cases :iiam:

mr backup z64 was superior to the doctor v64 since it loaded faster and saved games to the zip disks instead of needing some extra memory cartridge

I was managing editor of the high school paper one year, and our publisher's zip drive killed our disc and that was their reason we needed to send another.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
Click of death mostly impacted zip drives from the first year or so. Abrupt power loss could damage the mechanism that positioned the head - the original design called for hardware mitigation (a "crash cushion") and they removed it to save some bucks. Many failed within the warranty period and were replaced, but some of them were in production for awhile before the fail condition happened.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
I think iomega knew from the beginning that their product would only have a market for five or six years max. Why build a long term brand?

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
DVD +/- you could at least figure out. BDR LTH vs HTL, that was nonsense.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
Funny tech poo poo I just remembered - kid in high school had his parents pre-order a p4 system. Then the benchmarks came out.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

Jonny 290 posted:

yospos poster emeritus sneaking mission came through here

Why does this man look more content in these pictures than I've ever felt in my entire life? BRB, switching to amberpos.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
Holy poo poothe wrongly convicted is a riveting read.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
IDK if any of you guys have ever read confederacy of dunces, but holy poo poo.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

The_Franz posted:

and how the hell did he think that going around the jail and jimmying cell door locks with a toothbrush was a good idea? how oblivious do you have to be to think that doing something like that would end any way but badly for you?

Same sort of person who thinks having a room mate that's currently in high school is going to work out well.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
Of course the narrator is unreliable. The whole narrative is nuts. When I read it I tried to imagine the sort of person who puts the emphasis that what they needed to clear up was that they went to a school for the gifted, not the disturbed navigating each and every one of those scenes. In my mind's eye it got incredibly close to the character of Ignatius Riley throughout. That might have been deliberate, but then you're dealing with someone who doesn't realize Ignatius was a joke throughout.

The character telling the "wrongly convicted story" comes across as someone with HFA and Narcissism navigating the criminal justice system.

eschaton posted:

get yourself an amber VT420 to use as a posting station

(just don’t pay eBay prices)

edit: actually this one is decent and I bet you can talk the seller down further

then you just need to get an LK401 keyboard and to make a couple two-wire MMJ to DB-25 or DE-9 serial adapters (a couple since the VT420 supports two simultaneous sessions, with windowing and copy & paste!)

This is tempting. Do you know is DEC was putting the strontium and stuff in the glass to block x-rays at this point? They ever figure out the whole x-rays and CRT thing?

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

jammyozzy posted:

We inherited a Dyson vacuum and despite being horrid & plasticky the stupid thing is a decade+ old and refuses to die. My brain cannot allow me to spend £ on 'just' a QOL improvement so I'm gonna be lugging this piece of crap around until it breaks irreperably.

My family was using a 1963 canister electrolux in 2002. It could be awhile.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
Anyone remember how small monitors used to be? Like usually 10" visible.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

carry on then posted:

i honestly have no idea how i would even be productive programming on like a mac se/30

Ring binders full of documentation.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
You could use a modem and connect to the "online" of the day. There are still dial in unix shell services out there, so with a terminal emulator, there's a way.

Not going to lie. I still use dial up for the hell of it sometimes. My parents have POTS service and I watch their cats when they vacation. I take my last dial up modem over there and dial in to BBS that are still up. Or at least I did. My parents got rid of their long distance the last time I used it.

Edit: My dad has free POTS dial tone for life at his address as an AT&T retiree. It was in the contract he started under back in... 1970 something.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

Skinnymansbeerbelly posted:

How does this work with the phone companies ripping out copper lines?

The house is one block away from the CO. They can't get uverse because it's too close, and AT&T doesn't sell faster internet out of the COs so resellers can't offer them. Here it's less they're ripping them out and more they're refusing start up service. When there aren't any clients left on a cable they cut the trunk off. My dad got the joy of malicious compliance when he tried to tell a new second level that the engineers were wrong, there were still 500 lines on this trunk. He was told to cut it and he did.

I asked him and he said he'd probably have trouble if he changed his address. My guess is they'd offer him an apology and a $500 check as a settlement for being unable to uphold the contract. He'd just transfer the number to a cellphone he left in the house probably.

There are still air blown, paper insulated cables in service. My dad is mostly doing air crew stuff while waiting for the paper work for a medical retirement. The phone company has some extremely long term contracts and obligations so they'll have to figure out a 100% compatible alternative - including power from the CO to stop using copper completely.


SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

this happened to me years ago. I was close enough to the exchange that I was (copper) wired to it directly instead of a local cabinet and for some obscure UK reason, it was not allowed to put the new generation DSL hardware inside an exchange so I was stuck with an old sub 10mpbs connection.

My heart tells me the "obscure UK reason" was AT&T had made the manufacture add a warning "for outside use only" to keep US telecom resellers from suing about the no CO thing.

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