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Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Hed posted:

I also remember using CDRWIN for bin/cue files and if you tried to crack it, it would act like it worked then silently create coasters :xd:

yeah and that murdered their market share and gave alcohol 120% or w/e the lead, well done on the self dickshot fellas


Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
i absolutely hated private trackers. i would seed and seed and seed and nobody ever downloaded anything from me so i could never actually use the site

they said 'seed popular stuff!' and i went down this rabbit hole of trying to automate seeding of like garbage pop albums and poo poo in 320 flac and just ended up filling up my hard drive with garbage that i deleted
i'm sure there's a way to effectively use them but i'm also pretty sure that way involves being a loving torrent piracy nerd staring at a computer monitor for four hours a day

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Silver Alicorn posted:

remember when the main feature goal for cell phones was making them smaller and this thing took the cake

lol that's amateur hour

nokia 7280 gang

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
most likely it was because people were starting to yell about waving the horrible hammer that is sesta/fosta at them

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

it was purely self-inflicted

Just pretend i fishmeched you with two google searches here. it's saturday, i'm lazy.

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

i know yospos is full of sad masturbating men

so just remember every time you click a link on pornhub you are making money for human traffickers

you make yourself an active participant in a system of rape and slavery

All good bro, I run adblock. Actually costing them money. Sort of a lowkey justice warrior thing tbh

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
its almost as though the story of both koreas is a super good cautionary tale against becoming a puppet state, no matter which side

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
i didnt understand why kpop videos are so absolutely thirsty until i learned that basically all porn is banned in south korea

thats the best they got, folks

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
everything is once you think about it!

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
artificial intelligence, aka switch statements

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
we talkin about cool appliances?

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
he's just so loving gross that we don't even want to rubberneck and gawk at his miserable, cursed, hateful existence

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
the Audrey

and that whole wave of lovely computers that you could only do email and basic browsing (MAYBE) on

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

MononcQc posted:

opera mobile proxied traffic and compressed it into tiles that rendered faster

then brave took that model to adblock the rest of the industry and sell premium ad space in those empty slots lmao

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
turns out purposely muddying the waters re: online privacy and tracking between the adtech and actual malicious profiling datamining that gets people killed markets helps both sides

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
> funy tech poo poo u just remembered v2.0. 56k-safe

when intel was good?

im ordering parts for a new machine and it's lol AMD all the way

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
I remember that

Fun fact, WD did that on purpose with a model once

I had ordered some 500gb WD Green drives for the comp shop and got a batch of them formatted to 808.8 GB

i went what

did a bit of searching and basically 8 is a lucky number in China so they short stroked a bunch of 1T drives in the firmware for a chinese new year celebration product. Then just sold the leftovers at 500gb pricing. lol

anyways on computer building, it's funny how 20 years ago my video card was the size of a pack of cigarettes and my hard drives took up a bread loaf's worth of space. this new machine will have a video card the size of a cat and a 1TB drive the size of a stick of gum

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Schadenboner posted:

I'm concerned about what kind of sauce-spray you'd get from a celling fan/pizza impact?


ceiling fans are super low torque. it'd just be a wet whap and the fan would stop. i think.

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
divx, the rots-upon-opening best buy disc format

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP


whats the distinction between divx the disc and divx the codec? same company?

the codec came later and is technically named DivX ;)

because nerds are insanely smug

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
for 400 bucks you can get an ipad vanilla and a keyboard+cover thing. there is your netbook

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

mystes posted:

real software.


linux in a vm

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Gentle Autist posted:

it was really common in nz in the 90s for white trash peeps to have leather necklace bic lighter holder things so they would be able to spark up a durry or cone at a moments notice

the best way to keep a firestarter in your go bag is to buy a bic, buy a lighter leash, then put the lighter in backwards so the business end is protected from the elements. when you need it just pop it out of of the rubber thing and light up that mansion. also your poo poo's on a string now so it wont get lost in the bottom of your bag

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Pooper Hero posted:

whatever happened to them? are they even still around?

acorn -> arm :thejoke:

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

i got so mad when i got the joke behind that name

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Achmed Jones posted:

what's the alcohol joke? ISOpropyl?

its this

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

akadajet posted:

lol I'm going to get in trouble sharing this with some coworkers with certain hair styles

as a longhair this is funny af

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

mystes posted:

Was there something dumber about that than other AIOs?



Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
that one's smaller but the idea is the same. they thought they could drive sales by having people schlep one big stupid gorilla arm touchscreen around their house and drop it

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Samuel L. ACKSYN posted:

do u all remember AMR slots?

for some loving reason part of my mind is forever filled with the knowledge of AMR

i sure fucken do

remember the multi io cards that had 2 serial ports, a printer port, ide and floppy all on one?

fucken game changers

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
they have been replaced by pcie x1 slots, which have such potential for random cool poo poo, but nobody ever uses because serial ports are dead*, everybody just uses onboard sound or an external USB sound interface, and all the good nvme cards are x4 or higher

* my x570 board has a serial header and you're god damned right i bought the little backplate + ribbon cable to hook to it

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
just lmao if you don't have an RTS pin on a db9 ready to trigger the push-to-talk line on your ham radio

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
i still use the Propaganda tile pack that shipped with enlightenment for my desktops, set to rotate every 30 mins

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

PIZZA.BAT posted:

lol i just got a notification that someone followed me on ello

i got a like on my one and only ello post from six years ago last week

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Gentle Autist posted:

my posting career started here

hell yeah still got my account there

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
So true!

> usenet is great but in the year of progress 2021, the client landscape is decidedly not


Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Chumbawumba4ever97 posted:

Why did torrents destroy hard drives? I never heard of checkpoints before.

basically constant seeks back and forth as blocks got retrieved from a bunch of diff seeders

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