I've never eaten at "Church's Chicken" because I am not of North America but its international equivalent fuckin whips bones dude. For some reason I always assumed it was one of those regional things like white castle but apparently it's all over the US? That's cool. They also got it all across the middle east, southeast asia, and the former USSR, as well as a bunch of other extremely weird and unsavory places like New Zealand. This is what the Texas Chicken menu looks like. My understanding is that KFC in the US doesn't give you the option of either regular or spicy chicken, which is so insane and awful that I am having a personality disorder just from thinking about it, but I'm looking at the US menu now and it looks like churchy chicken does fill that niche for Americans, which is a relief. This is the Mexicana Burger. It's probably better and MUCH less dreary than your preferred chicken sandwich. They also got these jalapeno bullshit bites and they're not super unique or anything but I think that the Texas Chicken version is just really good. Please go to Texa's Churches Chicken! It will make you happy and solve your problems
# ? Mar 3, 2020 07:05 |
# ? Sep 18, 2024 13:04 |
Pretty good posted:
I dunno... if I head out that way I'll probably get mugged.
# ? Mar 4, 2020 02:41 |
I had a mexicana burg for dinner last night, and let me tell you, being accosted and brutalised in the pursuit of that sandwich is absolutely worth it probably.
# ? Mar 4, 2020 03:05 |
I have had Churchs Chicken in Texas and its oily heat lamp garbage from a den of health violations bone app the tit
# ? Mar 4, 2020 03:19 |
I've been to a Church's once. It was aggressively forgettable and shared a parking lot with a whoopass Jamaican restaurant.
# ? Mar 8, 2020 04:43 |
Had Church's once, in Texas appropriately enough. It was memorable, and the fact that I only went once despite it being within walking distance of my apartment is not an accident. On the plus side, I did find a feather in the box, so I at least know that the meat was probably a chicken, despite the fact that my nose and stomach seemed to disbelieve that.
# ? Mar 12, 2020 19:21 |
aniviron posted:Had Church's once, in Texas appropriately enough. It was memorable, and the fact that I only went once despite it being within walking distance of my apartment is not an accident. On the plus side, I did find a feather in the box, so I at least know that the meat was probably a chicken, despite the fact that my nose and stomach seemed to disbelieve that. That's how you know it's fresh.
# ? Mar 12, 2020 20:20 |
I'm glad it makes you happy OP, I wish it was that good in the US. I do like their mashed potatoes but am hesitant to order anything else on the menu. They had a "bourbon rotisserie chicken" as a limited time offer last year and it was really good but after that month it was back to only going there if I wanted their mashed potatoes.
Rick fucked around with this message at 19:17 on Mar 18, 2020 |
# ? Mar 18, 2020 06:05 |
Yeah I was kinda looking forward to going looking for a churchs next time I go to the US but after reading people's responses ITT I am probably never gonna do that actually. Texas Chicken is really really good and if you ever end up in Saudi Arabia or Belarus or wherever you gotta get it. Their mash does kick rear end, plain stuff is already solid but their Thailand/Malaysia/Singapore menu has this incredible green curry mash bowl thing and I am deeply rumbling thinking about it
# ? Mar 18, 2020 10:30 |
churchs is good af and kfc is poo poo tier
# ? Mar 18, 2020 17:17 |
I'm glad people enjoy church's chicken but every one around me loving sucks and the workers can't delivier quality friend chicken
# ? Apr 19, 2020 02:05 |
ANUSTART posted:I have had Churchs Chicken in Texas and its oily heat lamp garbage from a den of health violations The place that took over the spot is expensive and slow and now the Love's has a Chesters (well, did, that part is closed due to the 'rona) so bone up the teeth
# ? Apr 20, 2020 03:30 |
Not my favorite fried chicken but they do in a pinch because there was one that was less than a mile from my old house and you could get a box of chicken for half the price of KFC or Popeye's.
# ? Apr 21, 2020 12:20 |
chicken sucks, but sometimes i'll get a large fried okra to bring to parties (bush's chicken is better all around tho)
# ? May 13, 2020 11:02 |
i say swears online posted:chicken sucks, but sometimes i'll get a large fried okra to bring to parties (bush's chicken is better all around tho) this is why I go to Church's instead of Popeye's on some days gotta drive out into the sticks for Church's but they got okra
# ? May 17, 2020 00:37 |
yeah popeyes not having okra is pretty egregious but i guess it wouldn't sell in the north
# ? May 17, 2020 09:57 |
The smoked chicken is back but not as good as last time. It has a funny smell too. I still like it better than their normal chicken though.
# ? Jul 3, 2020 21:52 |
Church's was easily the worst of the various fried chicken options when I was in alabama, which seemed to be like the poo poo fried chicken capital of the world or something. They had one right off base, and I would still rather go across the street to the taco bell where a marine had been shot in the head during a car jacking in the drive through. Even their biscuits sucked, which puts them behind the other truly poo poo-tier chicken joints like KFC Give me Zaxby's/Raising Cain's or give me something else!
# ? Jul 16, 2020 06:12 |
Raising Cane's is the hot new sh*t here in Southern California. They've just come on the scene a few years ago and now they're everywhere. They're also doing really well, too, even through the pandemic. I usually go to the one by my work, but now another one opened up near my home, which is good because of the pandemic. Haven't gone recently but I really should go. Better than chic-fil-a, that's for sure.
# ? Jul 16, 2020 10:07 |
On the other hand, I really want okra with my fried chicken, and raising cane's sides are just fries, slaw, and toast. Unless you just want to chug down that sauce. Church's chicken for life, but only when convenient. It's like 30 miles from here.
# ? Jul 16, 2020 10:13 |
starbucks hermit posted:On the other hand, I really want okra with my fried chicken, and raising cane's sides are just fries, slaw, and toast. Unless you just want to chug down that sauce. Yeah, Cain's sides are pretty lame, especially the texas toast. It's just not the same without proper biscuitst! The chicken itself is pretty good (I don't generally get the bone-in chicken, so I don't draw a line between places that only do boneless like some people), and the sauce is decent, but the sides really keep it from being top tier. Also it's pretty damned expensive, comparatively. I would still eat it almost every single day if the only alternative was Church's
# ? Jul 18, 2020 06:07 |
# ? Sep 18, 2024 13:04 |
I think Churches is worse, but I'd rather eat there than Cains because RC is like tender-shaped flavor-free food bars with orange dye cheap mayonnaise sauce and 90s oven-baked fries put in a deep fryer and lightly brownded wonder bread. At least I know I ate something at Church's .
# ? Jul 22, 2020 05:33 |