Did anyone else do the november solo album writing month thing?
# ¿ Dec 6, 2020 07:48 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2024 15:08 |
NonzeroCircle posted:UPS are dicking me around (no surprise there) but will post plastic thuds when I get it You have to watch the video manual for the SR-16 (I think that's what you said you were waiting on... I can't remember!!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYdYTR_FAqM It's done with the guy who designed the machine and a guy who plays drums. I got one in 2008, but never really learned how to program it, just used the presets for practicing guitar. I program it now, but that's with a Beatstep Pro. Also, did anyone else do anything for February Album Writing Month? I did this monstrosity: https://spacehoers.bandcamp.com/album/looking-at-jupiter You'd think I'd have this out of my system by now, but noooooooooooooo... I can't loving stop. https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/pat-the-cat
# ¿ Mar 6, 2021 06:18 |
NonzeroCircle posted:Made a Godfleshy thing with my SR16 I thought I knew how to do this, but I guess I don't. Anyways, I like your track. Makes me wish I could play guitar better. im_sorry fucked around with this message at 23:06 on Mar 7, 2021 |
# ¿ Mar 7, 2021 23:03 |
It's good stuff. Keep doing what you're doing. I did a dungeon synth. I added some reverb and Soundtoys' Little Radiator, so it sounds like you're right there, in that dungeon, skulking past those bryophytes. https://alonetone.com/spacehoers/tracks/skulking-past-the-bryophytes I also did this: https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/5-day-weekend im_sorry fucked around with this message at 02:52 on Apr 28, 2021 |
# ¿ Apr 28, 2021 02:47 |
I made this while reading about the buttcoins crashing. https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/laughing-at-cryptocurrencies edit: I found a sample that I just had to add to it... im_sorry fucked around with this message at 04:25 on May 22, 2021 |
# ¿ May 20, 2021 20:31 |
Zaxxon posted:trying out some simple dawless stuff with my homemade synth, Here is a pretty repetitive acid thingy. It's just the one synth a volca beats with the snare sound modded and a memory man delay pedal. I like it. It makes me want to step away from my computer and hit the "on" button for my hardware setup.
# ¿ May 25, 2021 05:42 |
I just uploaded this yesterday. For some reason, it has already gotten more likes than anything else I've ever done.. which makes me kinda sad, because I still think that "Driving Back from High Prairie" is the best thing I've ever done. https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/actual-ufos I used Mishby on it, and according to the support team, "MISHBY is great for disappointing loved ones and sabotaging, well, any relationship really." You can steal a copy yourself and disappoint your loved ones even further at https://freakshowindustries.com/crime-hole-mishby
# ¿ Jul 10, 2021 00:53 |
Penisface posted:that's a nice track, how much did you use that mishby effect on it? Thanks! I only used it a little bit, to give a bit of a broken tape effect. I only pulled the lever until the face started to bleed. I also used it on this track. Mishby seems to work best if you only use it a little bit.. I used it on the drums here, although it can do some serious destruction if you let it!! https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/up-against-today im_sorry fucked around with this message at 18:40 on Jul 24, 2021 |
# ¿ Jul 24, 2021 18:36 |
echinopsis posted:i’m entertaining the idea of busking with my synth. maybe get a second synth so i can deal with voice changes If you're comfortable with playing your synths live (I'm not there yet, although mainly from lack of practice), try livestreaming first. It's like busking, but even people half a world away can watch and give you money. I have a two day hotel stay coming up. I actually got off my rear end and came up with a portable synth setup using a Tascam DP-006 as the mixer/recorder, and have actually done a couple test runs with it. There's also a well stocked synth store near where I'll be staying, so I might leave with more synths than I brought....
# ¿ Aug 10, 2021 02:46 |
I decided to try dicking around with a 16 step loop on the Beatstep Pro and some software synths, and run the whole thing through Mishby. I think it turned out OK. https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/synth-jam-01
# ¿ Aug 24, 2021 19:52 |
Penisface posted:came to post a track i am happy about finishing properly after 2 years in limbo https://soundcloud.com/trent-hawkins/9421a I will check this out, since I like krautrock. Have you ever heard of Cloud 9 and the Vitamin C? A really obscure band from Germany that broke up before doing any proper releases... which was actually sad as gently caress, since their music ruled. One of the members of the band archived a bunch of their stuff (http://homemade-lofi-psychedelic.blogspot.com/search/label/artist%3A%20Cloud%20Nine%20and%20The%20Vitamin%20C%20%28GER%29 and https://homemade-lofi-psychedelic.blogspot.com/search/label/artist%3A%20Cloud%20Nine%20%28GER%29) Anyways, I did some things too. Hopefully, someone likes them. https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/speedrunning-the-permian-triassic-extinction https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/dairy-queen-the-cane-toad
# ¿ Oct 18, 2021 01:54 |
Penisface posted:holy poo poo there is an entire magical world in there, thanks a lot! The whole HLFP blog is great.. it was a huge push towards me releasing my own music. I've been following it since about 2010, and discovered sooooo much good music as a result. It went dormant a few years ago, but they started posting occasionally again. The first thing I discovered here was http://homemade-lofi-psychedelic.blogspot.com/2009/12/full-dimensional-exhale-usa-1995.html - I'm pretty sure at least one of the links to the download still works. This album is loving great, and for years was the album I'd play when I harvested my weed plants.
# ¿ Oct 20, 2021 07:43 |
Kernel Sanders posted:I’m at a point in life where I’ve come to terms that my “musicianship” is purely masturbatory - I simply enjoy making sounds for myself and having to make “songs” makes the whole thing into a project and kills all the fun. I once heard the term "narcissistic musical jack-off project" for stuff like this, and I proudly refer to my own project as "my narcissistic musical jack-off project". Please don't steal the original NFT art.. I haven't put it on the Cosbycoin blockchain yet.... https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/you-must-be-explaining-it-wrong
# ¿ Nov 15, 2021 22:26 |
akadajet posted:I should probably get lessons instead of butchering music on my own like I’ve been doing for years Me too. I could really use keyboard lessons. Too bad my work schedule is *totally* out of sync with real life... it's some weird 7 days on/2 days off/8 days on/4 days off thing, with start times all over the place, so scheduling *anything* is a goddamned nightmare.
# ¿ Dec 11, 2021 03:48 |
Penisface posted:i have played piano a lot in my life and taken lessons and all, but when it comes to getting a real piano i still can't justify it to myself if only for the space it will occupy in my apartment Sounds like you need phenazepam.
# ¿ Dec 11, 2021 22:49 |
I just discovered the time signature function in Reaper. It's kinda neat. But I think my Beatstep Pro might be locked to 4/4 just because of how sequencers work... are there ways around this? https://alonetone.com/spacehoers/tracks/two-dollars (done without my trusty Beatstep Pro) im_sorry fucked around with this message at 04:47 on Dec 28, 2021 |
# ¿ Dec 28, 2021 04:44 |
Penisface posted:lowkey wishing that this thread was more about making music, not janitoring your music making stack Here's a short live synth jam I did, with my parrots as the audience. https://alonetone.com/spacehoers/tracks/synthesizer-jam-with-added-bird-
# ¿ Jan 17, 2022 19:46 |
Woohoo! Got six lovely tracks done for February Album Writing Month. Only eight more to go. I paid for file hosting this year, so they can be found at https://files.fawmers.org/FAWM_2022/spacehoers420 if anyone actually wants to hear it. I'll come up with song/album titles later. im_sorry fucked around with this message at 02:50 on Feb 12, 2022 |
# ¿ Feb 10, 2022 05:50 |
Up to track 12. Working on track 13 right now, but I've decided that I'm not going to use the Beatstep Pro on track 13, and track 14 will be a live hardware synth jam (Beatstep Pro included) which will likely also have a parrot or two in the audience with commentary. (https://files.fawmers.org/FAWM_2022/spacehoers420/)
# ¿ Feb 21, 2022 07:11 |
Good Sphere posted:i've been enjoying these. i also like how i can play more than one at a time. i don't know anything really about Sonar X3, but i remember the name Sonar. i'm guessing it's like a sequencer with a piano roll and built-in instruments. i'm getting Plaid vibes a bit on some tracks. that just may be me. 07 is awesome, and dig that beat which sounds like 3/4 Thanks for checking it out! Sonar X3 was the DAW Cakewalk put out, but Gibson sold Cakewalk to another company, and I switched to using Reaper. If you've never worked with digital audio workstations before, you can download a free trial of Reaper at https://www.reaper.fm/ and watch some tutorials on Youtube to get the basics. There are tons of free instruments in VST format you can download, and the website https://bedroomproducersblog.com/ helped me a lot when I was starting out. I've been messing with the time signature on some of the tracks, as it's something I've never really done before, and I like how it's been turning out. Someone in Goontube is helping me come up with song titles, which rocks, because I'm not very good at it. They called track 7 "Escape the Metaverse", which totally fits.
# ¿ Feb 22, 2022 04:09 |
Just finished the February album. I ended up calling it "Escape the Metaverse", and having an AI generate a cover based on the title with the random number seed of 42069. https://spacehoers.bandcamp.com/album/escape-the-metaverse-2
# ¿ Mar 1, 2022 00:43 |
I just upgraded to Soundcloud Pro, so I can upload a bunch of stuff I've made since I ran out of space. The AI image generator at https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1n_xrgKDlGQcCF6O-eL3NOd_x4NSqAUjK helps a lot for coming up with cover art.
# ¿ Mar 13, 2022 05:56 |
echinopsis posted:hehe kinda cool. does the power google lends you compare with a decent home computer? like, if I ran it on my own pc would it be better? I really don't know.. I just run it in Chrome in the background while I do other stuff, and it eventually finishes. I like what it came up with for https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/vaguely-discontent
# ¿ Mar 14, 2022 02:23 |
I just impulse bought Dreamsynth because it was on sale. Why do I keep doing this? I don't know squat about sound design and just end up using presets anyways. Anyways, I still can't stop making music. Latest attempt at https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/phoned-this-one-in I think I have a problem and need help. In the non-teaching season, my wife is doing an owl survey, which involves putting recorders in remote forested areas to record at night, and I'm like, "This would be useful for dungeon synth!!". im_sorry fucked around with this message at 02:53 on Mar 19, 2022 |
# ¿ Mar 19, 2022 02:49 |
Penisface posted:thanks, really glad to hear someone getting this track in much the same way as i do I thought it was pretty cool, too. I need to start practicing actual hardware so I can do cool jams like this. Instead, I just make stuff like https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/making-blipverts-for-fun-and-profit .
# ¿ Mar 20, 2022 21:07 |
killhamster posted:i plugged my tb-03 back into the computer for the first time in months and a goa happened This is Good poo poo.
# ¿ Mar 31, 2022 05:01 |
Kazinsal posted:one of these days I will figure out how to program drums and then I will finally be able to write and record music You can always do what I did at first... get really wasted, buy a bunch of drum pattern MIDI files, and play with the drum vst settings, effects, and bpm. Then start chopping them up and rearranging them.
# ¿ May 1, 2022 06:43 |
echinopsis posted:write a meta song about how you can’t write a song I tried that once. https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/running-out-of-ideas The problem is, you can only really do it once.
# ¿ May 3, 2022 01:46 |
I'm thinking of getting an Arturia Microfreak. If someone has an opinion on whether or not this is something I should do, I won't get paid for a few days, so you have time to plead your case. Also, much like you get fries with a burger, what sorts of effects pedals go with it, if any?
# ¿ May 15, 2022 06:46 |
NonzeroCircle posted:Microfreak is good. I will probably buy one tomorrow, then. I already have an old Boss DD-3 delay pedal that I've been using for guitar.. I wonder how it would sound on this? I should try it on my Minibrute 2, too. That might be pretty awesome. I really need to start using the Tascam DP-006 and making music with hardware.. but I don't seem to have the attention span to learn how to play out a full 3 minute or whatever piece on different instruments.... is my setup, although it now has a mixer with effects. im_sorry fucked around with this message at 05:11 on May 17, 2022 |
# ¿ May 17, 2022 05:07 |
I gave into the gas, and bought the Microfreak. I'm just now trying to figure out what I've gotten myself into. I also picked up a Fathom reverb and a Boss volume pedal, so I have everything I need to start getting into ambient guitar. I've actually been playing with this setup more than the Microfreak today. Ambient guitar is an interesting rabbit hole to get lost down.
# ¿ May 18, 2022 22:41 |
Woolwich Bagnet posted:i just make stuff for fun and don't care if people listen to it or not. it's a fun creative outlet hobby. i wouldn't want to do it professionally even if it was offered to me That's about how I am with it... I mean, I like it when people listen to my stuff, but I do it because it's fun. Also, I don't have to do it if I don't feel like it. I haven't really done anything musically in a couple weeks because I just haven't felt like it. But I'm starting to feel like it again.
# ¿ May 30, 2022 20:04 |
One of my ultimate goals in life is to do awesome stupid videos for my music, sort of in the style of Petunia Leibling Macpumpkin (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAS70CF5244). So far, I've bought a horse mask, but I haven't figured out what to do next. I know how to add music to a video, but that's about it. im_sorry fucked around with this message at 03:20 on May 31, 2022 |
# ¿ May 31, 2022 03:11 |
I've been feeling kinda off for a few weeks, but managed to come up with this - https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/searching-for-owls I found some weird phonetic speech-y samples, and stuck them together for a sort of a vocal track, and then distorted the hell out of it.
# ¿ Jun 1, 2022 20:04 |
Pollyanna posted:let’s do the same thing over and over again oh golly gee I love it Upload the mf'er already geez!!
# ¿ Jun 3, 2022 03:38 |
Pollyanna posted:bad news: i have no idea how to arrange individual patterns into something interesting. i tend to make about 2 bars worth of everything i have and then just randomly turn patterns on and off or introduce them randomly This is about what I do, as well.. although I often set my Beatstep Pro to 64 steps, and just eff around until something comes out, and then randomly turn patterns off or on or introduce new ones. I found a sample pack of public domain samples, and ended up creating this for some reason. https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/high-pressure im_sorry fucked around with this message at 04:17 on Jun 6, 2022 |
# ¿ Jun 6, 2022 04:15 |
Pollyanna posted:share pack pls also dope track!!! would be dope to vary up the beat put down by the base synth, and to take advantage of the quiet part towards the end to introduce a melody of sorts and extend from there Thanks! The sample pack I used was https://www.samplescience.info/2022/06/sounds-of-public-domain.html
# ¿ Jun 6, 2022 22:04 |
Jonny 290 posted:i swear by renoise and it is the only piece of music software i have ever paid for. i feel that strongly about it When Cakewalk got sold, I bought both Renoise and Reaper. I actually learned how to sort of use Renoise, but I got really into Reaper and totally forgot how to use Renoise. The last thing I did with Renoise was https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/mopping-the-dog-piss I'm thinking that Renoise would be perfect for my old 2013 era laptop, so I can make music in hotels. im_sorry fucked around with this message at 06:01 on Jun 9, 2022 |
# ¿ Jun 9, 2022 01:51 |
Jonny 290 posted:i made a whole rear end EP with renoise on my work laptop entirely on my 70 minutes each way commutes to work when i first moved to Denver I'm listening to it now, and it's pretty cool. I wish I had gotten the hang of making music on a laptop on the bus back in the day, but I was always so self conscious.... I've often been told that my music sounds like video game music, so I'd probably be better off with Renoise, but I can't seem to get the ambition to relearn it, even though I printed out the manual. Reaper was kind of similar to Sonar X3, which I learned on, so that's probably why.
# ¿ Jun 9, 2022 06:10 |
# ¿ Sep 7, 2024 15:08 |
I just did a thing. The samples came from that sample pack, plus a sample from Clock Tower 3. A hopeful and optimistic track, full of ambitious plans for the future. https://soundcloud.com/the_door_is_scary/this-is-the-end
# ¿ Jun 11, 2022 19:43 |