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Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
The University is going online only after spring break like many others. We're all on fire watch, after we get the grad students to understand they're probably not getting much work done.


Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
Got sent to full wfh

I expected the VPN to fall over now that pretty much everyone has been kicked off campus minus our skeleton crew, some random staff, physical facilities people, and whatever poor grad students with lovely advisors- but networking actually got a bunch of money and hardware. Something somehow sort of went right.

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
it's cool, trump is very upset about the number going down so its time to sacrifice the poors and olds to try and make it go back up (it will not go back up just because people get forced to go back to work)

Fabricated fucked around with this message at 12:04 on Mar 24, 2020

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
I'm fukken bored

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
Outside of research and some business office people the university is pretty much shut down at this point so now that we've gotten a lot of wfh issues ironed out it has been pretty quiet.

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
I took next week off because I have no desire to do anything

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
kinda bored

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
I've had a multiple major/minor surgeries and had bad reactions to anesthesia a couple of times that caused me to experience tachycardia

did you know getting defibbed while you're awake hurts like hell? because it hurts like hell

graph posted:

just got our 'austerity will be enforced on the staff' email yesterday :(
Our arch-conservative dickhead university president is so happy about this plague because it has given him an excuse to basically get down to ripping the copper wiring out of the walls.

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

carry on then posted:

every post itt on this topic has convinced me to just never have surgery because goddamn
surgery is easy, they put you to sleep and you either wake up or you don't

recovery is what sucks

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
my aeron is finally arriving today, hoping none of its parts were somehow broken in transit

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
Aeron arrived intact. Review: It's an aeron

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
Everyone's gonna come back to campus and no amount of plexiglass is gonna help keep people safe. It's gonna be a disaster

That being said, I'm probably gonna be able to work from home for the rest of the year if my director can help it

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
current garden status: goddamn hornworms got on my jalapeno plants and ate drat near half of each plant overnight. Peppers are untouched though

Fabricated fucked around with this message at 22:32 on Jul 22, 2020

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
You quite literally cannot beat it into Americans' heads that everything has to stay switched off for over a year and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it no matter how upset they get

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

rotor posted:

america is organizationally, legally and culturally incapable of dealing with something like covid well.
The coolest part is that this is juussst bad enough when unchecked that the consequences cannot be powered through by just screaming everything is normal and trying to twist peoples' arms into going back out by killing unemployment benefits/eviction moratoriums. The powers that be really counted on just telling everyone to go back outside and pretend life is normal working and it's not, and they clearly didn't expect it.

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
We're bound and determined to bring the students back on campus.

University President fellated himself with his big plan of requiring the students to pass a COVID spit test before coming back on campus and we already have some students who came in with clean tests who are now positive for it. lol

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
My director's goal is to have as many people as possible working from home until January but reality is starting to creep in because we already had to have 5-6 people volunteer to come back in so we can get stuff ready for our incredibly ill-advised start of the fall semester, and it's not enough

It's going to be a disaster and we'll probably end up having to immediately shut down.

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

Kazinsal posted:

the longer this whole poo poo goes on the more I wonder if it's ever actually going to end

like, I don't think the united states is going to ever actually be able to get rid of this and there's just going to be a third wave and then a fourth wave and then a fifth ad apocalypticum. this means the rest of the world (especially your northern neighbour) is going to just be hosed forever because for better or worse we can't just cut off freedomland

the only way this ends is if everyone who refuses to wear masks etc croaks of it and that's going to kill tens of millions of people who *are* taking precautions
Third wave? We haven't finished the first.

Supposedly the general agreement among experts so far based on the current various vaccine tests is that an effective vaccine for covid is very likely. I have a feeling that you're not gonna see a lot of anti-vaxx poo poo gaining traction after another 5-6 months of this before the vaccines start showing up.

For capitalism in America to really function properly everyone needs to be able to go back to work without people just randomly causing outbreaks which shut your businesses down for weeks at a time- if the human misery doesn't get the dumbest loving people in our country to get vaccinated, our glorious corporate overlords will MAKE them get it by making vaccination a requirement for employment (they will also not pay for it).

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
I used to think luddite professors were the worst people to deal with, but the ones who love every new stupid piece of tech junk that comes out are actually worse

we're ordering a bunch of these for an area

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
First day of classes and all of the :yayclod: stuff is falling over- Zoom, MS Teams, etc.

Also one of the pizza places that gives out free breadsticks for campus on-boarding for students that was done the last couple of weeks had a positive COVID case. lol

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
It's nice when the semester starts, everything is broken, and you know you're doing a ton of work that will ultimately not matter when a big covid outbreak happens and shuts campus down

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
Campus network just completely fell over. Glad I don't work on it but I'm baffled how we have these infrastructure issues every single august

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

The Fool posted:

having worked on university campus network infrastructure I can unreservedly say it’s because they have no budget
Probably. It's pretty loving irritating because thusfar every single obstacle to my group's work has been 95% from campus infrastructure we don't touch.

It's not always the central group's fault though- in the last 4 weeks we've had 4 unscheduled mass power outages from poo poo like the campus utilities people accidentally almost blowing up a building loving around with breakers, power company fuckups, storms, and just today someone crashing a dumptruck into power lines.

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

graph posted:

its dns op

turns out its gigapop issues

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud posted:

Aldi has jalapeno pimento cheese and I can't stop eating that poo poo
in quarantine boredom I grew a few jalapeno plants over the summer- pickled most of them and they turned out so good I'm going to keep doing it

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

Sagebrush posted:

same. software we bought in april still hasn't been installed on the license servers and none of the students have VPN access.

apparently there are currently about three full time IT people working the department and 20 temps and students, for a campus of 18,000 all online.

We're getting buried in poo poo being caused by a series of lovely turnkey solutions and backend network stuff that my group flat out does not administer. All of our misery is from stuff we have no control over and it's real basic poo poo. VPN issues, Gigapop issues, DNS issues, etc. Just nonstop.

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

The Fool posted:

work just announced a program to cash out pto

I have 200 hours right now, think I might take advantage of it
The literal single good benefit I have left remaining is time off and I never use it because I am extremely stupid

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

Kazinsal posted:

how the gently caress did you accumulate almost half a year of sick days
If you're salaried at the university I work at you just get a lump of sick days that reset on a rolling calendar. You start with something more sane sounding (like 2 weeks) after your probationary period, then it basically doubles every year until it hits a cap that's about what you see there.

Midjack posted:

work at the same place for a long time and don’t get sick. i have like 1400 after 18 years of employment and no major illness.
It's actually more insane because that total you see resets entirely every year. that's not accumulated over years- you just get X amount of sick days a year that reset when the calendar for them rolls over. If I got hosed up and took like 700 of those hours this fiscal year, when the calendar rolled over I'd have the 850-something hour cap again.

Fabricated fucked around with this message at 00:33 on Oct 10, 2020

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
my truck is old enough to drink and I still don't plan on replacing it until it likely ends up killing me

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
the vast majority of white trash I knew and know living in the midwest don't vote or give a poo poo about anything political

the people who're pro trump to the point they're riding around with gigantic trump flags and poo poo and trying to start fights everywhere were always like that and there weren't a lot of them, but you got this impression there were a lot of them because they were super loving obnoxious

the big contingent of Trump voters that actually swing this poo poo are white suburbanites who don't dress up in plus-size 5.11 gear and get in shoving matches, but rather go in large groups to protest low-income housing

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud posted:

Allegheny General Hospital just opened a clinic specifically to study people reporting long haul covid symptoms.
Apparently getting vaccinated has helped a lot of people with long-haul symptoms which is interesting

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
My mid-70's parents got their second shots a few days ago and have had zero side effects. My first Pfizer shot made the injection site slightly sore for about half a day and nothing otherwise.

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

kitten emergency posted:

does still exist
I still don't really know what does

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
Well that doesn't seem great

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
I figured it would be the case but the cspam covid thread is a bunch of mentally ill people transferring their arzy poo poo from the election to covid, incredibly dire

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

Fortaleza posted:

c second shot s: oh Christ, oh Christ almighty this sucks
My second shot is tomorrow and it seems like everyone, everywhere I go is getting their second shot and getting taken the gently caress out. lmao, not looking forward to it at this rate.

My parents, my brother, and my sister in-law had zero reaction to either shot though. The injection site was slightly sore for part of a day for shot #1 for me and that was it.

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
Okay yeah looking at it, the CSPAM covid thread should probably just be closed since it's like a couple dozen people making eachother severely mentally ill

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

fart simpson posted:

i haven’t read that thread since february 2020. hows it going these days
It's walls of people posting graphs they don't understand how to read between the plane av guy who was really bad in the trump thread saying "this variant escapes the vaccines 100%" every time a new variant is revealed

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream

Achmed Jones posted:

sometimes i get nostalgic for the guns of my youth.

also i guess ive been a gun owner for something like 30 years now. that's kinda insane. my pops got me started young
My brother and I have basically a small armory apiece because most of my family going generations back were farmers/hunters/military and passed all their guns down. I haven't bought a single gun in my life.


Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
I got like a half dozen relatives with lots of open property in the middle of nowhere and their own ranges with proper backstops. I don't feel like cleaning any of the firearms though :effort:

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