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Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

Fuzzy Mammal posted:

cwhfs: walking around the lake in the sunshine



Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.


Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

The Management posted:

lol my parents are going to die


Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.


I just don’t have no G’s

and the P’s are showing their early boomer age

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

PIZZA.BAT posted:

not gonna lie this poo poo is starting to look scary and a lot of my coworkers are in the 55+ bracket. i don’t think we’re getting through this without losing one or two people :/

she’ll be right, mate

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

Some of the boomers I know have been banging on about climate change since the 1980's.

Those boomers just pretty much did gently caress all about it. Well that's not entirely fair. some started very effective white middle-class activist groups like Greenpeace, WWF, CND, the Green Party, Ted Turner's Captain Planet and such. Those effective groups who have really been able to sell that conservation message over the last 30+ years.

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

I walk up the top of the mother loving hill during my wfh lunch breaks its about a 3km roundtrip and its quite a high hill #notafarmer

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.


Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

ShadowHawk posted:

"Voluntary WFH" and I was gonna still go into office today

Got paged out of bed at 11am and took until 9pm to resolve it

Will attempt to not WFH tomorrow

work faster tomorrow

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

Sometimes I work from home. Had to sell pretty much all of the cattle due to the current drought. Means I have some more office time though which is good because they have a shower there that isn't reliant on rain water.

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

I suggested to my elder boomer parents, who both still work preventing the melins from two good paying jobs - one in education, the other in medicine - that they might want to wind it down a bit and sort of isolate themselves from the riff-raff for a bit because you know, they are the viruses target group.

“nah, we never get sick”

O K B O O M E R :xd:

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

also my job instead of wfh just allocated 14 days more sick leave to us and then set it as “planned leave”.

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

I’m working from home today because I got poo poo to do on the notafarm trying to dig up water from what’s left in the spring and my kid is sick and home from school probably with Covid who knows :shrug:

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

I’ve sold 90% of our livestock and if the southeaster doesn’t provide at least 100-150mm of rain over a few days next week then I will probably get rid of all but a couple.

winter feed is pretty much gone.

water is at a critical low level.

we have about 5k litres for the house left, probably 3k of that is actually safe to drink.

ground is drier than it has ever been since records began.

shits getting real. we need these animals to eat once we get quarantined for several months because of the beer virus

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

yeah but no pants though

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

what they won’t know won’t hurt them

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

I plug all my piss poor dollar keyboard and monitors etc into my work laptop

currently using my 3rd replacement laptop.

Citrix is a bitch.

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

ours just said any international travel is no longer covered by corporate insurance regardless of destination

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

you forgot seeds, mother fucker

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

too soon

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

she’ll be right mate

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.


Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

pretty sure everyone was making GBS threads their pants about measles a few months ago. it’s still around and now also the mumps but no one seems to give a poo poo about that anymore even though there are like five beer virus cases here

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

imagine if you operated a educational home dispensary

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

echinopsis posted:


imagine if my country closed its borders? we have less than ten confirmed cases. we could have even kept it lower

but no. aggressive boards of cash won’t let no lame rear end disease stop us. nz bows down to eat china’s rear end there ain’t no way we’re gonna do anything but open armed gently caress every diseased guest that comes onto our shores

I’m more worried about the outbreaks of mumps, measles and rheumatic fever that seems to be spreading through this land. I’m not over 65 so I don’t really care about a contagious flu. I am more worried about god drat measles mumps and TB

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

his master’s feet

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

echinopsis posted:

the antibodies we create that recognise pathogens require unique antigens to identify. once our immune system can identify an antigen it can usually take care of it very well

our immune system is mental. it was described in university as something like a random protein generator and those proteins will “stick” to things and are antibodies and they act like tags for other immune cells to swallow up. it was described as if the protein stuck to our own cells it could tell so it didn’t use them (this always felt like an obscene simplification when it was taught) that’s what an autoimmune disorder is, where our immune system tags our own cells for destruction. it’s possible type 1 diabetes results from the body creating antibodies for some kind of virus and those antibodies also bind to the beta cells in the pancreas so that the immune system attacks the beta cells thinking it’s a virus. it’s possible we will be able to immunise against this in the future

rheumatic fever can lead to a similar situation there the antibodies will bind to cells in the heart (to do with the valves?) and so the immune system will attack the heart so that’s why you get this weird situation where rheumatic fever leading to CV problems

the H and N in flu strands like H1N1 represent the two most common antigen families expressed on the flu virus, although they aren’t the only ones

I’m not sure why some immune responses last longer than other though. why we can give the immune system dead cells for some things and live attenuated for others

and it’s also worth nothing most viruses don’t target all our cells but just a limited number. things like coronavirus attack the respiratory cells.

measles is nasty because it attacks our immune cells itself and is one of the worst viruses because it can “erase” some or all of your immune “memory”

most common cold are either rhinovirus or coronavirus. why this one in particular is much more deadly is something I’d like to understand

also sometimes in healthy people we can get situations where our cells lyse and release huge volumes of viral particles into our body and our immune system sees this as an extreme attack and can have something called a “cytokine storm” and lead to shock and this is how you get very healthy people dying of flu, different to vulnerable people dying from respiratory failure from the flu

just some ill-remembered info for ya. it’s probably all wrong now

nice effort post mate

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

sad that c&c remastered won’t be ready before the inevitable 14 day self-isolation order is given

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

ban for anime etc etc

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

SmokaDustbowl posted:

wash your hands before you hit the report button

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

the Spanish flu killed millions.

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

my chair at home sucks rear end to work on for hours at a time I want to break into my work and take my work chair that is at work which is not a farm.

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

gently caress I hate webex

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

stop resource hogging my seriously out of date office issued HP laptop

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.


Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

also I hear rats rooting in the ceiling I bet they wouldn’t do that in an office working environment

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

gently caress yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

Seriously I bought this chair from Office Max for $10 about 10 years ago and I thought I am never going to need an office chair because I am Mr. farm man farmer man but noooooooooooooooooooo and I can't be rooted getting a proper chair so I will just have to get used to this ten buck disgrace unless I break into my work and get my super awesome chair that my employer spend hundreds of cold hard kiwi bucks on just for me

they care for me, my office superiors.

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.



Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

Progressive JPEG posted:

how many times have you been on country calendar?

Only once mother fu cker

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