blink polyfill posted:I've been slowly turning up the wfh days in an attempt to quietly fade into full wfh. So, I took the opportunity to go full WFH. I'm not coming back until they say something, and then I'll probably two-weeks. I find coworking spaces help with a lot of these (although you will have to wear pants). They rarely have good snacks and you can pick one nearby so that it's a nice length walk.
# ¿ Mar 8, 2020 13:47 |
# ¿ Sep 12, 2024 03:20 |
PIZZA.BAT posted:we are completely hosed in the US Don't worry there will be help from the government for those who need it most: oil companies
# ¿ Mar 10, 2020 20:44 |
lancemantis posted:yeah my home ergo sucks One trick is that you probably have lots of different bad places to work at home, so you can switch between them to reduce the badness
# ¿ Mar 11, 2020 08:20 |
all the schools and universities etc are closing in France from Monday, taxes for businesses for March are being deferred, and they're encouraging the use of temporary unemployment for businesses which can no longer run (gov pays some large portion of salaries for a period of time)
# ¿ Mar 12, 2020 21:07 |
Problem with being remote normally is that you can't just start doing gently caress all during mandatory wfh like everyone else
# ¿ Mar 12, 2020 21:18 |
the police have closed the beach near us, it was entirely empty all day long, maybe 10 people walking on a 2kmx100m stretch. Seems pretty nuts to me but maybe it was a big transmission vector? idk how sustainable the lockdown is going to be if safe activities aren't allowed to continue
# ¿ Mar 19, 2020 18:52 |
You also fill out a form, and after initially saying you could do it on your phone you can't do that anymore. you can write it out and cut off the bottom each day to put a new one in though
# ¿ Mar 19, 2020 19:21 |
burning swine posted:possibly that was in response to the video going around yesterday showing thousands of Possibly? I saw the gendarmes cruising along the road by the beach in their car yesterday so I'm not going to risk it, they love a bit of aggressive bureaucracy. They are definitely a lot more visible than normal, probably saw about 1 gendarme for every 20 people when I drove to the supermarket. E: at the click and collect point at the supermarket they had a good system in place, you opened the boot, put your order number in the boot, then got back in the car, they put your stuff in, then you go and close the boot. I hope that the approach over the next few weeks is to do things like that and try to find new ways of doing things which are safe. distortion park fucked around with this message at 19:34 on Mar 19, 2020 |
# ¿ Mar 19, 2020 19:24 |
Penisface posted:you talking about france? i haven't tried this thing out yet but it sucks if phone version is not ok anymore Yep, not ok anymore: http://www.leparisien.fr/societe/confinement-non-l-attestation-de-deplacement-n-est-pas-valable-sur-smartphone-18-03-2020-8282709.php I'm not sure why, maybe they felt like people weren't doing it, were seeing someone coming to fine them, then whipping out their phones and filling it in? I've learnt not to think too hard about why you have to fill out forms here though.
# ¿ Mar 19, 2020 19:48 |
our HR department has really ramped up their workplace morale efforts, which i suppose is a nice idea, but i'm just finding them patronizing and sanctimonious and have really started to disengage from their programs. the work itself is still fine, is secure for the short term and i like my colleagues so i'm pretty lucky overall i guess.
# ¿ Mar 20, 2020 09:14 |
unpacked robinhood posted:I walked 300m and hid between rocks because I don't want a 135€ fine, very cool. I hope they innovate on the lockdown a bit - be allowed out if your house number is even and the day is in low risk areas, lotteries by commune for passes, idk there are loads of options for making the lockdown more sustainable safely, and there are a lot of people out of work so it should be possible to administer even the most beaurocratic schemes.
# ¿ Mar 21, 2020 09:59 |
I've actually seen very good compliance overall, except for homeless people but that isn't their fault . distortion park fucked around with this message at 10:02 on Mar 21, 2020 |
# ¿ Mar 21, 2020 09:59 |
Stereotype posted:that’s not just a danger, that is absolutely going to happen. the question is how many people get trapped outside of hospitals with no hope of care, which we can hopefully keep to a minimum. Hopefully over the next few weeks studies start coming out examining how effective current treatment protocols and refining the group that are actually helped by hospitalisation. Ventilators are extremely bad for your health and it's likely that many people given them now would be better off without them (and possibly the converse) - identifying these groups accurately will be critical for outcomes. As the article says, we have almost no knowledge of the best way to treat it at the moment or much high quality data about the disease at all.
# ¿ Mar 22, 2020 10:39 |
idk if I agree with his conclusions, by the time we know the answers it'll be too late, but he's right that a lot of the current measures are full of guesswork and I desperately hope that there is a lot of high quality research about which ones are and aren't effective going on right now.
# ¿ Mar 22, 2020 10:45 |
https://www.statnews.com/2020/03/21/coronavirus-plea-from-italy-treat-patients-at-home/ This pints to a possible explanation for the high death rates in Italy - high transmission rates in hospitals leading to an already ill population getting the virus (obv that is just speculation based on a qualitive article). Got my papers checked by the police on my run today. Was the closest contact I've had with anyone all day, neither had masks, one had gloves, they physically handled my document and talked to me from about 1.5m. I saw them doing the same to several obviously solo and seemingly compliant people. Seems like they should only be checking people who look like they are rule breaking, or at least just checking you have documents, what's the point of giving them a careful inspection?
# ¿ Mar 22, 2020 18:02 |
Powerful Two-Hander posted:it's actually pretty clear that the UK government has bungled this. Maybe spending 4 years telling everyone experts are wrong, you shouldn't listen to "the Westminster elite" and facts don't matter has had a negative effect, who knew? I'm amazed how well people seeming to be following the spirit of the rules in France. I have seen a few people breaking them, but none in a way which could spread the disease. Even in Paris where there are some photos of markets etc with lots of people the traffic figures suggest that people are mostly complaint. I just hope they continue to refine the special measures, it's no good saying people shouldn't go outside for more then 20m if the police are all turning into super spreaders and there is massive transmission within hospitals.
# ¿ Mar 22, 2020 18:07 |
Stereotype posted:I hope you are right, because I'm freaking out. Read the CEBM link above, it's very clearly written and gives some cause for hope. They estimate the actual IFR to be probably less than 0.24%, and go over lots of the causes of uncertainty. The big mystery to me is why it's so bad in Italy but not bad in Japan. Some of it is probably different statistics methods, but there aren't loads of stories about Japanese hospitals being overwhelmed like in Italy. Mask wearing and social practices might also be relevant, but you have to wonder if the way hospitals are treating patients is not-optimal in Italy, if they can't provide top quality care then is taking an I'll person into the company of lots of other I'll people actually helping anyone? E: the overall theme of the article is that the disease is dramatically worse for the old and already ill. The kids will be fine: quote:Mortality in children seems to be near zero (unlike flu) which will drive down the IFR significantly. distortion park fucked around with this message at 08:36 on Mar 23, 2020 |
# ¿ Mar 23, 2020 08:27 |
I don't want to downplay the pandemic, it's obviously very bad, but the impression you get from actual medical statisticians is very different (significantly worse and a bit different from seasonal flu) from all the "this FRONTLINE intensive care doctor says HALF the cases will DIE" stories that propogate on twitter. They're tabloid headlines in disguise.
# ¿ Mar 23, 2020 08:44 |
Sagebrush posted:There's no question that it's healthier to be out and active while staying away from people than to just hole up entirely. For these total lockdown orders you can thank the morons who were told to stay away from crowds but immediately went to party on the beach or started packing the grocery stores. I still think that they should have banned access to the outdoors on a more targeted basis. Here (France) everything is shut (except public toilets) including the beaches/basically all outdoor spaces and you aren't meant to be outdoors for more than a 20m solitary jog. They have fairly heavy enforcement, including handling and speaking to obviously compliant people (they were polite to me but I'm a white guy). There seems to be no benefit to that over just asking for papers from groups of people. Is outdoor transmission to strangers even a significant mode of transmission?
# ¿ Mar 23, 2020 17:56 |
qirex posted:you mean the people of marin "measles cluster" county aren't taking an infectious disease seriously? It's not just about rich people not going to the beach (although I personally am upset that I can't walk on a previously deserted beach). Vast numbers of already isolated, frail and vulnerable people are becoming even more so and so far there has been no movement towards finding safe ways to reduce the impact of the lockdown safely.
# ¿ Mar 23, 2020 18:00 |
haveblue posted:not really. so far as we know the virus does not hang around in the air for very long after being sneezed or coughed out so as long as no one does either of those things directly at you you should be ok. the primary means of transmission is thought to be surface contact. hence the emphasis on washing your hands, not touching your face outdoors, and sneezing/coughing into your elbow, the most effective stifling maneuver That's good to hear. I read a thread on twitter about how most transmission was from prolonged contact indoors but idk how much evidence they had I'm in a moderately well to do area but people have been really good about leaving loads of space, facing away as they pass etc. It would be cool if there was a convention of "walk on the right hand side" pavement, "walk around this path clockwise" etc
# ¿ Mar 23, 2020 18:05 |
The police have found the superspreaders https://twitter.com/DerbysPolice/status/1243168931503882241?s=19
# ¿ Mar 26, 2020 20:51 |
DELETE CASCADE posted:experiencing a modicum of pleasure during bleak times in a way that causes no harm to anyone: NOT ESSENTIAL I get why they would go and check but they should probably not have then turned the footage into a PSA
# ¿ Mar 26, 2020 21:10 |
my coronovirus experience is not being able to go home, someone sending my post from home, then discovering i owe an additional 5k in tax. thanks crow virus!
# ¿ Apr 1, 2020 16:02 |
i'm glad that the crow virus means that lying in bed at home and telling people what to do on twitter is finally being given to respect it deserves
# ¿ Apr 3, 2020 07:48 |
Corla Plankun posted:i was really incredulous of this because that seems like it must be some kind of artifact but then i saw this map and now i feel like it is probably accurate I think it's also something to do with the average density of the places people live, it's kind of a meaningless metric anyway, since just traveling a longer distance than someone else isn't a risk factor, it's about the variety of number of people you are in close contact with. Distance traveled or change in distance traveled might be OK proxies for that when comparing within NYC or LA or rural North Dakota, but I doubt they are useful between them.
# ¿ Apr 7, 2020 08:14 |
Psyched for the 4 day weekend I'm going to make so many bad glowy things in blender
# ¿ Apr 9, 2020 12:08 |
Penisface posted:what about the social safety net that allows people to self-isolate without being afraid that they will be fired? paid sick leaves etc? I think that's slightly harsh on France - the government has at least said it'll do something for the self-employed!
# ¿ Apr 13, 2020 11:09 |
Penisface posted:does all the gig delivery and scooter collection count as self employment though? i no longer feel like giving the french authorities any benefit of the doubt so i'd assume that it only covers self employed earning more than 60k eur as lawyers, accountants or journalists or something dumb like that. i'm fairly certain that police officers are the main transmission vectors at this point, they've slowly restricted people's ability to go outside (in the middle of nowhere!) to the point that i have more close contact with people on the one road we can walk on and the constant police stops now than before the lockdown started there's one road where you're only allowed to walk on one side! distortion park fucked around with this message at 14:08 on Apr 13, 2020 |
# ¿ Apr 13, 2020 14:06 |
the latest stop had a young police guy who clearly thought the whole thing was bullshit too. neither had masks or gloves.
# ¿ Apr 13, 2020 14:06 |
Jabor posted:you should probably talk to a therapist. "better help" advertises on a lot of podcasts, no idea if they are good or not but they are the only ones i've heard of.
# ¿ Apr 13, 2020 15:07 |
Penisface posted:yeah i live in paris proper and i have not really seen police at all. of course i have only been outside maybe 4-5 times this past month The exact rules vary by region and don't always make a lot of sense - one bit of path near us is banned for no apparent reason and there's no sign (the police say they've asked for one but the council hasn't put one up yet - doesn't stop them hanging out there and dining people). Others are busier (still safe though - like one group per 40m and it's really wide as there's perpendicular parking) and technically banned but the police aren't fining people "as everyone walks there". I get that the council probably doesn't have the capacity or knowledge to implement rules sensibly, and that they have generally good intentions, but they don't seem to be improving of them or checking on the sanity of the implementation.
# ¿ Apr 13, 2020 15:18 |
fart simpson posted:some employers are apparently cutting worker pay by $1200 to steal the trump bux gonna have to fight the landlords for it
# ¿ Apr 15, 2020 13:12 |
echinopsis posted:i can’t imagine how well optimised that game must be it's so impressive, feels like it's orders of magnitude more efficient that other base building games.
# ¿ Apr 17, 2020 09:50 |
ShadowHawk posted:"The Chinese have better internet connections than we do" should be a major campaign talking point seems pretty high risk as, despite being true in the way it is intended, the obvious retort is that an internet which can't load youtube isn't better
# ¿ Apr 20, 2020 09:06 |
(not having facebook is actually good etc etc but it's also prob not a winning political point)
# ¿ Apr 20, 2020 09:07 |
fart simpson posted:but you’re unable to load youtube really fast is it also fast in some 3rd tier city like lhasa or something? like are buddhist monks getting blazing fast tiktok speeds while losers in pittsburgh are waiting for their local monopoly to stream it frame by frame?
# ¿ Apr 20, 2020 09:12 |
H.P. Hovercraft posted:my wife has not seen a patient over 70 survive it yet My grandmother is like 82 and had it no worse than a bad cold, there's deffo lots of variability even at that age. IDK if it's still current but there were some stats from a while ago suggesting that the fatality rate in old people was very close to their existing one year fatality rate, which is still pretty high! distortion park fucked around with this message at 07:24 on Jun 22, 2020 |
# ¿ Jun 22, 2020 07:22 |
Achmed Jones posted:we have a bird feeder that we just put on the planter by the patio and we have so many bird friends now what birds do you get?
# ¿ Jul 27, 2020 13:40 |
# ¿ Sep 12, 2024 03:20 |
If you're ever feeling insufficiently angry in these trying times, try checking out LandlordZone or your local equivalent! Fun for all the family, featuring hits of the first page such as "How to contact tenant's employer?", "Do bathroom extractor fans need to vent externally?" and many other exciting queries.
# ¿ Jul 28, 2020 18:36 |