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Dec 13, 2011

i got an inconclusive once and told my boss I wasn't coming in that week to be safe. PCR was negative. novid lyfe


Dec 13, 2011

my one saving grace is I have no siblings and few other relatives so as boomers start croaking in my family the Old Money (TM) will start reaching me and I can eventually one day consider moving to civilization

Dec 13, 2011

at the rate america's going there won't be any need for an american invasion of canada in a decade for control of the north american water supply

Dec 13, 2011

list of countries most likely to be hosed up by american visitors, descending order

Dec 13, 2011

still haven't gotten it, g-d bless the pacific northwest

transit? no problem. costco? no problem. blues concerts? no problem. turns out all you need is to live in the developed world

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