echinopsis posted:fucken hell I have a girl that works under me who is going to break quarantine and spend easter in a coronavirus hotspot and come back to the pharmacy to work next week rarely do I advocate this but bastards might they be, but in this case it's time to unleash the pigs
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# ¿ Feb 13, 2025 13:41 |
CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:the hard part about harvesting humans is all the poo poo they eat beyond just meds makes their meat gross unless you keep them in captivity for awhile and flush their system with nothing but water. also adrenaline ruins meat so before slaughter they can't be aware of what's happening. it's way too complicated when you can just force them to work your farm plots. or to become part of your farm plots billionaires make good ethical fertilizer
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fifteen hundo for an epiphone explorer? jeez, the situation in nz is fuckin *dire* I'm thinking of getting a gibson sg standard. gotta get that sweet crunchy sustaaaaaaain also want a boogie mark iic+ or a mark v but I also want to be able to pay rent
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fart simpson posted:thats some weak rear end sexhaving well, yeah. america is a 17th century puritanical wasteland where the only intentionally procreative sex is two joyless minutes of missionary with the lights out, the covers on, and you're still wearing your socks so as to hide your sins from God
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canada is having mixed results because we're one country with many nations in it -- alberta just wants their oil to be worth a positive amount of money again, ontario is dense in more ways than one, quebec probably thinks this is anglo-canadian biological warfare against french canadian culture, and BC is staying at home as much as possible so the number of active cases has basically flatlined
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rumour mill here is tech staff are back in the office by end of May, sales guys wfh indefinitely
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Arcteryx Anarchist posted:well its May Day so today this thread should be the coronavirus Don't WFH day crew takin extra naps today, jabber status set to do not disturb
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Arcteryx Anarchist posted:lol month to month rent in the Bay Area is absurd pandemic will be on for another year. move to the desert, get fibre, and move back when you have to start working in the office again
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SamDabbers posted:depression and anxiety are natural when your situation is bad and you don't believe that you have any power to change it. a lot of people actually are powerless to change their bad situation in this society, and us culture reinforces the idea that that's an individual problem, not something to be addressed systemically. it's a fuckin dice roll down there in freedomland when it comes to getting sadbrains sorted out. a friend of mine in virginia finally got some help (combination of therapy and lexapro) after 30 years of depression and anxiety. it's only been a week and he's feeling infinitely better ![]()
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psiox posted:i might have to start churning out yaml soon syntactical whitespace is the eighth cardinal sin sorry for your loss
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Jonny 290 posted:open up this weekend, kill a bunch of people in two weeks. june 10 re-lockdown, lift after a week. Enormous death toll right on the 4th of july, which is when the civil war starts the BFE states that secede over their demand to be able to not wear a mask at walmart will call it "re-independence day", calling it now
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the "joke" is that lead paint caused the predicament we're in now but I think that if things don't turn around in the next couple years and anything is left of America in a couple generations what passes for "smart" in the wastes will make your average 2020 qanon chud look like a loving brain surgeon imagine what happens after two generations of magas homeschooling their children and their grandchildren, holy poo poo
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ShadowHawk posted:misread this as "Besty Ross" and wondered when we'll all be learning how to weave from our parents so we can make american flags in our homes the handmaids will figure out how to do a right proper lookin stars and bars before they turn nine and get married off shortly thereafter oh lawd but we got country pride / simply because we were able to escape starvation in the richest nation in the history of the world
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carry on then posted:i am so goddamn tired of hearing how hard isolation is on people who have houses, family, pets, home gyms, back yards, etc seriously, like... do they know "outside" extends past their 4000 square feet of suburban fenced-in grass? pick a direction and walk in it. turn around at some point. couple that with fewer super sizes and baconators and you'll eventually look and feel like a normal functioning human being instead of an ambulatory jabba the hutt HAIL eSATA-n posted:if i'm walking around outside or riding my bike i'm not wearing one. but if i'm near other people i definitely am. when hiking i've found that everyone just stands on the side of the trail and turns their back to whoever is passing. coronavirus has forced the development of new and in some respects arguably better trail etiquette
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it has always amazed me that the nation with the highest number of firearms per capita and some of the most relaxed law regarding firearms acquisition in the world is also the nation where all the people who want radical changes such as "stop turning the country into an 18th century backwater" are unable/unwilling to affect them
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Jonny 290 posted:it turns out that you can suppress 90% of the actual political energy of the chuds by letting them explode watermelons and lawnmowers with .50 cals that and systematically convincing anyone left of maga that guns are evil and discourse and debate and appeasement will win every day of the week until they believe they're batman and that guns are only the tool of the enemy
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Karen is going to to faux outrage about this in between breaths while screaming at the local barista when she can't get her pumpkin spice mochaccino within thirty seconds of ordering because the starbucks franchise owner cut everyone down to two people per shift for "social distancing" reasons
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left verging on far left, the post-split OIRA (69-72) was full on marxist-leninist but the provos (69-05) and sinn féin (70-present) were/are democratic socialist
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I got a priority 1 "everything is on fire" phone call before I had even put my glasses on this morning and it was literally just for one person's VPN loving up but apparently they went to someone who wears fancy suits and has a new porsche every model year instead of calling the service desk think it might be time for a nap
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Jonny 290 posted:lol topical aw gently caress I forgot about that one time to get lost reading SCPs for the rest of the workday ![]()
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haveblue posted:also known as the "post preview screen"
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I had to go into the office to do some hands on stuff and it was just me and a buddy there for a solid four hours. I should have brought back my work keyboard and stuff, thinking about it now since god knows when we'll be back in full time
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the day that america ceases to exist will be the greatest day for mankind
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coronavirus is going to save us a bunch of time when we finally get to line these fucks up against the wall
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I want to believe that the impending threat of nationwide mass evictions on the scale of seven digits will get the american public started on direct action but watching crisis after crisis turn from "hey this sucks let's burn something down" into "please sir may I have some more" in the span of two weeks makes me worry that all that it'll result in is a quiet footnote in a textbook 20 years from now about a curious and unexplained drop in the population of the united states in the year 2020
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trunk makes more sense than master just in context of a system that branches off a primary source the fact that switching from master to trunk is making Not Racist But people show their true colours is a happy side effect
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prefect posted:i think it's still the tree metaphor, but i wanted to mention it because it's one of those words that i was always around and never really understood, like "pbx" which itself is part of the tree metaphor it's trees all the way down
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qirex posted:my corner dive bar just announced they're gone because the property manager wouldn't negotiate on rent our dives are okay but all the artisan cafes and the like are falling apart and one of them is trying to sell outright for $75k I took a look at their site and their business hours are 9am-3pm Tuesday through Saturday, lmao. it's frankly amazing that they didn't collapse sooner
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yeah, that's before the roni. I've never been in there but I took a look through the window the other day and the place is maybe nine feet wide by 40 feet deep including the prep area. absolutely baffling menu too. twelve dollar antioxidant smoothies and the like prominently featured with regular ol coffee in small print near the bottom of the drinks, right before the fifteen dollar egg salad sandwich with microgreens. if they weren't trying to sell, I'd assume they were a front
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this better end with someone having a donk chair with 30 inch chrome rims
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echinopsis posted:maybe outside of this country yeah america's hosed forever but so long as everyone else walls them off poo poo'll go back to normal. there are fewer new cases per day in BC than there are cancer deaths. we're still being diligent as hell about it all but for developed nations there's probably actually an end in sight
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EIDE Van Hagar posted:ridiculous hours chat: house park bbq in austin is only open 11-2:30 mon-sat and has been that way as long as I can remember. now *that* sounds like a front seriously if I had a couple hundred g laying around I'd go buy that ridiculous hours cafe for 75k no questions asked. unless the building's cursed a street-facing cafe (albeit with a parking lot in front) on the main drag of a major suburb shouldn't be a failing operation, assuming you're not running it for exactly only the hours of the day that people are at work.
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PIZZA.BAT posted:i just want to hear a story about expensive poo poo breaking, man witnessed someone drop a 24x100G line card for an MX10008. juniper was cool about it but that was briefly a $2.5m oopsy
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Cold on a Cob posted:they've started offering white collar professionals 2 weeks vacation here in canada and pointing at the usa and saying "hey they got it worse" in fairness, BC has had mandatory paid vacation on the laws for ages. the rest of the country is just figuring this all out now
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Jonny 290 posted:it's pretty provable that america is not on its deathbed because newt gingrich hasn't filed for divorce from it yet good lord jonny
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fart simpson posted:the way i think china will do it is like, they won't require you be vaccinated but your office, your apartment complex, restaurants, shopping malls, etc will all ask to see proof of vaccination before they let you into the building if america tried that it would only be required for black people
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my productivity probably averages to about the same because I can usually work in bursts and then just check out at 2pm. lets me also jump in to help other people out with poo poo which makes my boss happy and causes him to ignore my poo poo for like a week it's kinda like performative productivity sometimes
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Stereotype posted:it's beer for people who don't like beer. It's a mixed drink in a can. It's essentially just Shmirnoff Ice or wine coolers or hard lemonade which were super popular in the past but are lame now. gah, smirnoff ice. I had one of those about a year ago and it was just like drinking pure sugar. I think I got a sugar buzz more than anything off it. that must be why 19-year-olds like it
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why would you drink any of that wine mom in disguise bullshit let me introduce you to a man named james beauregard beam and the distilled essence he and his kin gave to the world
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# ¿ Feb 13, 2025 13:41 |
yeah the push to get boozy poo poo into every store in the US except in states where booze can only be sold in eg. state stores meant compromising the hell out of premade cocktails like 20 years ago the canadian version of smirnoff ice was 8% or something like that and it would totally get you hosed up but they wanted to save money and unified the product line across the border so now it's the same 5% malt whatever with the sugar content of an FDA-approved serving of chocolate frosted sugar bombs
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