Fuzzy Mammal posted:
plz repost recipe (I bought flour from Costco weeks ago anticipating this happening with the intention of finally teaching myself how to bake bread)
# ¿ Mar 6, 2020 21:26 |
# ¿ Sep 12, 2024 04:19 |
I had a trip to Disneyland already planned so I rolled the dice and went because I'm an absolute idiot. Things you'd expect:
None of the above, because per the people who worked there, that would ruin the happiness. That didn't stop them refusing to touch things on the ride and having the attendees do it instead. Jimmy Carter fucked around with this message at 00:42 on Mar 9, 2020 |
# ¿ Mar 9, 2020 00:40 |
because who knows how long this is gonna last, I just signed up 4 other WFH friends to take this opportunity to band together and haggle with local office liquidators to buy some aerons since SJ is never short on companies going under and we might as well be adults and upgrade from gaming chairs
# ¿ Mar 11, 2020 05:43 |
DELETE CASCADE posted:can i get in on this I had huge success in searching my local CL for 'office liquidation', 'aeron', and 'Herman miller'. currently trying to get a couple of people down from $350 to $200 by offering to show up with cash and take 5 off their hands.
# ¿ Mar 11, 2020 18:48 |
burning swine posted:just drag a cat5 cable down the hallway honestly the thing in my household that has solved more Tricky Situations for me over the years than anything else is just having a 50-foot bundle of Cat5
# ¿ Mar 11, 2020 20:46 |
wfh day 1 update: My ergo situation is kinda hosed right now because my home desk is slightly too high and I don't wanna adjust it, but if I use a sleeping dogge as a footrest things feel much better. he is confused and angry though that I'm home and not providing hourly walks though.
# ¿ Mar 13, 2020 07:17 |
my dumbass sister was out on a bar crawl in Wrigleyville last weekend. When I texted her to please for the love of god go home because you're actively participating in the slaughter of thousands, her response was "nah its ok". We are hosed.
# ¿ Mar 16, 2020 16:45 |
a coworker popped up on video conferencing with a Blue USB mic on an arm so now im trying to figure out if he's a podcaster or streamer
# ¿ Mar 20, 2020 05:36 |
WFH has really been not chill for me and has been even harder to get work done so I decided to finally look up the symptoms of Adult ADHD and welp like 2/3rds of the symptoms were word-for-word from my last performance review. I have a telemedicine appointment with my doc tomorrow morning to see what specialist they can hook me up with in These Uncertain Times.
# ¿ Mar 31, 2020 06:59 |
I got a call from my flight school that they're reopen and I they're doing lessons again and while I really want to get this over with so I can toot around, COVID cases have stayed low but steady in my area for a few weeks now and you can't socially distance in a Cessna so uhhhhhhhhhh
# ¿ Jun 4, 2020 05:48 |
chromeo at least dropped some bangers for this https://youtu.be/9SH7vYg6dTk
# ¿ Jun 20, 2020 04:48 |
last week I had a complete breakdown from stress at my job and my manager said 'stop answering emails right now, call me tomorrow with what you want to do' and at which point they immediately granted my request for several weeks of time off and said that I should work from wherever in the country I feel the most comfortable, especially if I can be with family. it feels extremely weird that I was mentally expecting anything other than this but many years of being told 'sign this paper acknowledging you're being put on documented coaching because you're late regularly. No we don't care that you take the subway, maybe leave home earlier' I don't know what to feel any more.
# ¿ Jul 6, 2020 19:53 |
MononcQc posted:can you vote if you're homeless in the US? yes. The degree to which it may be a pain varies. In some places you're required to say where you live, but you can put a park in the location field.
# ¿ Jul 6, 2020 19:54 |
a photo of Ghislane Maxwell and my old boss hanging out at a party got dug up by an old coworker of mine who now has way too much time on his hands. that picture got me re-connected and chatting with so many old friends and coworkers and the talking is good
# ¿ Jul 17, 2020 05:29 |
despite the whining in Crain’s about it, when NYC implemented mandatory paid sick time, flu transmission rates dropped like 40% and 25% never used any sick time anyway, and the vast majority don’t use up all their hours. But we can’t have that nationwide because it’ll somehow cripple the economy.
# ¿ Jul 19, 2020 18:25 |
today in Friendship Tech Support: helped 3 different people root their Pelotons so they can do Zoom calls and Netflix from them.
# ¿ Jul 20, 2020 17:33 |
Samuel L. ACKSYN posted:on a similar topic, whats a good program for MacOS to capture UVC video inputs? QuickTime player for lowest-effort, ffmpeg for least GUI, or OBS for max fanciness.
# ¿ Jul 27, 2020 05:19 |
Progressive JPEG posted:if/when a vaccine is available in the US, i'm expecting several additional years lost to dysfunctional distribution before there's enough coverage for it to become effective something like 20% of people polled said they won't be getting the vaccine even when it's available. Meanwhile in China, everyone's got a QR code on their phone to prove you don't have the 'rona which gets scanned before you can enter a building, and if the guy taking temperatures at the entrance finds you're running a fever you get immediately flagged on a Governmental Level
# ¿ Jul 28, 2020 18:03 |
extremely anecdotal evidence but a bunch of people at work, within the span of a few weeks, announced that they/their partner is pregnant and they'll be taking New Parent leave in a bit. One guy I work with decided to gently caress off to his In-laws place in Canada for it and I cannot say I blame him.
# ¿ Jul 30, 2020 05:15 |
my sister is still having her wedding in Miami in 2 months because she ‘wants to get it over with and all the venues are booked out for 2021 anyways’. when I told her I was concerned about going because my GF has had on-and-off bronchitis and pneumonia for the last 6 months and would probably die if she got The COVID, the response was ‘no you come here and leave her home and quarantine when you get back this is important’. Now I’m just gonna send a case of wine their way and just take the vacation time to go to like Big Sur.
# ¿ Aug 10, 2020 07:21 |
https://twitter.com/MOOMANiBE/status/1292871341134102529 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKxw_NwF5pE
# ¿ Aug 11, 2020 06:34 |
CA was too crushingly hot/on fire to do anything outside this weekend so it felt like a good time to power through all of Long Way Round in one go. now im even more sad because i am not outdoors and i do not own a motorbike.
# ¿ Aug 17, 2020 23:08 |
the heads of my toothbrushes have NFC tags in them so I went and made a Shortcut on my phone that runs my morning cyber-routine when it gets tapped because I am a massive nerd
# ¿ Aug 26, 2020 17:31 |
having so many things tied to a not-easily-changeable phone number is such a dumb and stupid thing. Debt collections via phone is just preying on your desire to be accessible to friends by proxy. anyways what im trying to say is never give any company your actual phone number ever. They either get Google Voice or the non-emergency phone number for your local police department.
# ¿ Aug 27, 2020 05:06 |
current wfh status: the wifi6 Ubiquiti AP showed up solved the problem where my router's radios were failing and I had to run a 50 foot ethernet cable across my apartment so I could work. Now I can make 20 SSIDs to complain about being kept up by my neighbor having loud sex with the windows open too.
# ¿ Sep 8, 2020 21:06 |
COVID has been such a massive net benefit for me and it is extremely hard to square that circle with the knowledge that people I know/the world just are suddenly turbofucked. I had a complete breakdown at work and all that happened was me getting to take time off and discovering that I've actually had a mental disorder for the majority of my life and it's extremely treatable and now i'm better than ever. the stock portfolio is doing gangbusters and I get to putter around and get my pilots license while people I know are going 'welp there's another round of layoffs coming let's see if I make it this time'. it is also unsurprisingly extremely difficult to talk through this with friends.
# ¿ Sep 14, 2020 06:00 |
its better now and tbqh these day's you're kinda supposed to run it with the apps that just auto-download things the moment they're out, because it's the future and hard drives are cheap
# ¿ Sep 15, 2020 20:31 |
I haven’t been able to exercise in a month because the air is either dangerously hot or dangerously full of piss
# ¿ Sep 16, 2020 08:29 |
I knew in the back of my head that The Kids are hosed but then I actually went to my alma mater's website to see what tuition is like these days. In the ~decade since I've graduated, the cost for in-state has somehow tripled, wtf
# ¿ Sep 23, 2020 01:46 |
I found the news article where my lovely state school says they're only raising in-state tuition by 25% over 5 years (justified by the College Price Index aka what other universities are charging). This is A Deal For Students, because if you went to a public college in another state, you'd be paying 2-4 times as much!
# ¿ Sep 23, 2020 06:58 |
when people were still calling it The Wuhan Flu and rushing the supermarkets, I went to 99 Ranch which was dead quiet thanks to racists. I bought about a month's worth of frozen dumplings and a brick of hotpot base to share with my friends once this all blows over. the brick of seasonings is still in my drawer
# ¿ Feb 16, 2021 07:49 |
I am still utterly shocked I have not yet gotten it, so I'm going to blame that on only using (K)N-95 masks from day one. I let myself get guilt-tripped by my family and went to my sister's goddamn wedding in goddamn Florida in goddamn October and it's one of the things I will regret to the end of my days. Somehow haven't gotten it from continuing to work on my pilots license, but to be fair you're gonna get some good air circulation when you open the windows in a Cessna at 120 mph
# ¿ Mar 7, 2021 07:07 |
EIDE Van Hagar posted:the shortage is always the nurses who are doing the actual poking. this was a drive thru with 6-10 lanes depending on traffic volume, so enough nurses to staff that from 8 am to 8 pm, and a doctor on site too. then you need people to handle everything else so that the nurses can keep doing an injection every 2-3 minutes. has anyone built a bot for CA to find volunteer slots yet?
# ¿ Mar 10, 2021 18:57 |
lmao talked to a bunch of people at my office who are gonna quit once RSU vesting season hits. The "hybrid model" isn't going to last long in the face of people leaving because they're tired of the wage theft via Bay Area commute.
# ¿ Jun 16, 2021 18:40 |
for team meetings I mount my webcam next to the dog's bed so my video is just him snoozin' and occasionally yawning
# ¿ Jun 16, 2021 20:17 |
I fight back against the landlord scourge by Amazon-ing a key for the coin-op laundry machines in the building and giving myself free laundry because gently caress dryers that require running 3 cycles to get your towels dry
# ¿ Jul 13, 2021 01:20 |
H.P. Hovercraft posted:they just enacted crisis standards of care in idaho Tbqh they’re downplaying the severity of what they’re doing in that quote and honestly it does a terrible job conveying the fact that they’re now in the same mindset as if a chemical plant exploded upwind of a city or there was another Las Vegas mass shooting. Are you not actively dying? You won’t get an ambulance. You are? Can you take an Uber to the hospital by chance? If you’re probably not gonna make it, here have some morphine, we don’t have time for CPR. congrats you got your death panels.
# ¿ Sep 8, 2021 07:28 |
DELETE CASCADE posted:if you gently caress up your taxes unintentionally (ie not tax fraud), you will not go to jail. you might owe the irs money though. there are three reasons why filing taxes is so complicated. the first is rich people: the more complication, the more chances for your accountant to find deductions. the second is intuit. the third is republicans, who want every american to have the experience of typing in their w-2 so they can have that moment of thinking "wait a second, i paid HOW MUCH in taxes this year??" and then a smug older man appears and says "welcome to the republican party" it is my firm belief that most of people's hatred of Big Government comes from the 2 institutions that everyone interacts with: the DMV and the IRS. Fix those and we're like 40% of the way to socialized medicine.
# ¿ Nov 5, 2021 00:13 |
Going into the office was bullshit because 90% of my meetings consisted of going to a conference room to video-chat with someone in another conference room. I'm contributing the exact same amount now, it's just that sometimes I'm browsing the halal meat section of Costco Business Center which is a net benefit.
# ¿ Nov 30, 2021 03:08 |
# ¿ Sep 12, 2024 04:19 |
are rapid tests just generally poo poo? My luck finally ran out after going to a NYE party that only had 4 other people who all rapid-tested negative immediately before, but the next day one guy and his GF both rapid-tested positive, and within 48 hours the other 2x swabbed hot Meanwhile I'm out here with a scratchy throat and generally feeling wavy and both of my cursed lollipops are negative, wtf
# ¿ Jan 5, 2022 07:11 |