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Nov 7, 2008

It's always nice to return to my sweet little ha-ha-hacienda.
A new hope: 1.99$, it ain't a bad movie by any means but even if by some miracle you've not already seen it you've definitely seen ten billion things ripping it off and through cultural osmosis you probably will have no surprises in store for you.

Empire: 4.99$, Widely considered the best star wars and also usually on lists of best movies of all time somewhere. I personally think it's really really good, easily worth 5 dollars.

Return of the Jedi: 99 cents, once you get onto endor and you realize han solo is just gonna be phoning it in the entire time you'll thank me for this price point. The sequence where he realizes how much incest has been going on in the franchise in the previous two films is pretty funny and even as a lil child I loved han's face work in it but of course like all great things it's free on youtube.

Phantom Menace: 35 cents, This is as high as I'd be willing to go for a prequel movie. Only buy these if you can find the spare time to go pick up change that fell out of people's cars as they were walking around in the parking lot of a store somewhere.

Attack of the Clones: -35 cents, if someone offered to buy me a copy of the phantom menace but only on the condition that I watched this as well I might go for it but only if the phantom menace was cheap enough that I didn't feel I was ripping anyone off.

Revenge of the Sith: 25 cents, if this movie wanted to be worth another dime they should have explained who general grievous was. gently caress it they even wasted count dooku.

The Force Awakens: 1.00$, the plot sucks but at least it's trying not to take a huge poo poo on you the way the prequels were. Hypothetically this story has value in a way the prequels did not because you already knew the ultimate outcome of the prequel trilogy and artistically the prequels were completely devoid of anything justifying their existence. This isn't that but it ain't all that much better.

The Last Jedi: 80 cents, This movie might have gotten a slightly better price point from me if it had been given a proper followup. Really from a writing perspective it's more of a first film for a trilogy than a second which is a huge weakness because Disney didn't have the balls to change directions and try to make star wars interesting. This movie introduces more dumb ideas than good ideas ultimately and spits on traditional trilogy structure at any opportunity which it turns out was a dumb thing to do. Kylo Ren is the most interesting he will ever be in this.

Rise of Skywalker: 25 cents, This is the disappointing capstone to what was a basically empty story constructed to please soccer moms and corporate shareholders. Ultimately it failed to please either. May be worth a quarter if you want to see palpatine again.

Cost of original trilogy: 7.97$

Cost of prequel trilogy: 25 cents

Cost of sequel trilogy: 2.05$

Total cost: 10.27$


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