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Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
Reading Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory by Caitlin Doughty. It's about her experiences as a 23-year-old crematory operator. Excellent so far.


Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me

nut posted:

I finished Breaking Things at Work by Gavin Mueller yesterday which starts with the Luddites but argues that the struggle directly between the worker and the work they do has always included sabotage up to today. instead of trying to push some idealistic instructions for change it looks at what people actually do and have always done and build some cohesive insight out of it. it was very enjoyable, is short, and is v fun to learn about some of the ways workers rebel against their workplaces.

Thanks, I just bought this and incidentally a poster about the Luddite movement has been on its way to my house for like a week now!

Bilirubin posted:

I am reading a collection of short stories by J.G. Ballard called Low Flying Aircraft. A bit dated and twee as a result but good nonetheless

I have a collection of his stuff but I've really only read High Rise and that one about the people that inhabit an abandoned median in the middle of a highway? They were pretty enjoyable though. The High Rise movie wasn't bad either.

Man, I LOVED The Road but the movie was terrible.

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
I'm currently reading the factory service manual for a 28-year-old pickup truck in order to find this ONE STUPID WIRE THAT ISNT WORKING

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me

fart_man_69 posted:

I'm re-reading Blood Meridian, what an amazing book

I think that's my favorite book.

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
listened to an audiobook of The Stranger on the work commute

i've read it before, like 10 years ago, but enjoyed it much more this time

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!

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