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mind the walrus
Sep 22, 2006

TLJ mostly ruled and the salt over it is delicious. It's got some major execution flaws, but the script is rock solid and it's a better actual "movie" than every other Star Wars flick save 1977. Luke was perfect. The Rey and Kylo stuff was really well-done. The only absolute mistake it made was doubling-down on putting the audience off-balance with the Holdo plot, and it needed a few more beats to establish Finn's ambivalence of fully embracing the Resistance. I'm willing to bet that if Holdo wasn't there and the plot was more about Poe being a reckless leader the Nazis wouldn't have taken over the discourse.

The Vader sequence in Rogue One ruled on a technical level, but is absolute thematic garbage. It would have been an amazing fan-film. It's terrible as canon. If you liked it because it was official, you are absolutely part of the problem.

Literally no part of any Star Wars film has lived up to the promise of that McQuarrie art where a masked Luke is fighting Vader:


mind the walrus
Sep 22, 2006

It's really good, but there's something about Luke in full cowboy mode getting ambushed by Vader that speaks to that serial effect that none of the movies ever really capture, despite constantly shooting for.

mind the walrus
Sep 22, 2006

New take: If y'all think you hated cheesy jokes in Star Wars before you are gonna hate what Taika Waititi comes up with for the new one.

mind the walrus
Sep 22, 2006

MJeff posted:

There was a scene that very, very clearly established Finn's position as "fully left the First Order, but hasn't joined the Resistance"...and it got deleted. this too! For some loving reason!
Pacing. Definitely pacing. That scene should have been in though, I agree. They should have made it work.


imo, that movie's biggest mistake was splitting up Finn and Poe. I will defend a lot of stuff Rian Johnson did in TLJ because I honestly think his heart was in the right place for almost everything else in the movie but he tragically misunderstood Finn. The fact that he wrote a scene where Finn had to learn from another character that war is bad and war negatively affects children, you know, Finn, the child soldier was wack as gently caress.
I don't think the intention was that Finn discovered that war was bad, as much as discovering that he wouldn't be allowed to opt-out of the war and that even places that seem divorced from politics are built on the exploited backs of kids like him, and Benicio Del Toro's opportunist was to let him know that he can't change sides on a whim or fence-sit, he's got to commit.

The execution was horrible.

It would have been trite, but more effective to show like, Finn trying to integrate himself into the Casino Planet and "move on" from the war and use a simple visual motif like his ID tattoo on himself and the kids and/or have some snooty rich people act classist toward him. You know, just connect the dot a bit harder.


And yeah the Holdo stuff was super clunky and I don't understand why but at least the hyperspace kamikaze ruled.
It's another one of those things that works really well on paper and you can see the intention, but the execution doesn't work. So much of TLJ is gambling on short-term disappointment leading to long-term payoff and RJ is the kind-of writer who is really in-love with parallel storylines that hit on similar themes so it's a lot of immediate disappointment. I think the movie holds together but it's a rougher sit than it needs to be and not all of the payoffs work.

The most key stuff-- Luke, Kylo, Rey, Leia/Poe--works, but the rest really doesn't. Swing big, miss big, I guess. I can respect that a lot more than Rise of Skywalker.

And Luke was absolutely perfectly done. I get not liking where Luke ended up I don't think you were supposed to :ssh: but I never bought that it was a betrayal of his character or unbelievable.

mind the walrus fucked around with this message at 10:35 on May 20, 2020

mind the walrus
Sep 22, 2006

There is that scene from the Special Edition where Han literally talks with Jabba. I think it's just bad writing all around.


mind the walrus
Sep 22, 2006

Give Lynch a short film. He'd kill on it.

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