Resting Lich Face posted:ROTJ is one of the weaker films in the series. OT sanctity be damned; a really good fight scene (Luke vs. Emperor + Vader) doesn't make for a good movie (Maul vs. Jinn + Kenobi proves it). On the other hand ROTJ is the second best movie of the 9. Best fight scene in the series, and best space battle in the series, best aliens in the series(Jabbas Palace). The Ewok fight is alright if you look at it in way of they were only distractions really. Eventually the Empire was going to overwhelm Han and Leia at the bunker. They were never going to be able to get in and Chewie was the real savior when he stole the AT-ST.
# ¿ Apr 20, 2020 03:09 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 02:43 |
The Jedi probably arent as different from the Sith as they like to think, the Jedi mind trick is a bad guy kind of power not a good guy power. Messing with peoples minds and forcing them to do things against their will is evil!
# ¿ Apr 28, 2020 03:13 |