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Name Change
Oct 9, 2005

LOTR supplanted Star Wars as the best Star Wars, complete with its own lovely prequel trilogy that is still somehow better than the actual Star Wars prequels

Disney's project to turn Star Wars into MCU #2 probably would have been saved by a two-hour movie of Emperor Sheev being the Senate.


Name Change
Oct 9, 2005

There's like 20 minutes of Temple of Doom that aren't completely painful, as opposed to Return of the Jedi, which rules start to finish

Name Change
Oct 9, 2005


If you go back and re-read the original Thrawn trilogy

With all due respect and much love, I am not gonna do that.

Name Change
Oct 9, 2005

Disco Pope posted:

Nothing in Star Wars has ever been improved buy explaining it, and the the setting actually shrinks the more attempts are made at expanding it.

I think the best example of this outside of midichlorians (gently caress midichlorians!!!) is probably Force lightning and how everyone can do it if they've gone up the Force Lightning skill tree.

Name Change
Oct 9, 2005

Big Beef City posted:

Nothing in this says that Jar-Jar wasn't swayed by the dark side to infiltrate and sabotage the gungan army in the first place, and failing in that, insulted the queen to get kicked out, found the Jedi, and manipulated them to fight each other, and upon losing THAT, returned to his master in the Senate to do his bidding once more.

No no no, Jar-Jar was the Sith master

Name Change
Oct 9, 2005

Laterite posted:

The Special Editions really should have clued us in for what was to come with the prequels. I watched all of them in the theater as they were released and everything added was both incredibly distracting and incredibly superfluous.

They add very little to Empire Strikes Back. Like the most noticeable thing to me is a new Darth Vader line.


Name Change
Oct 9, 2005

Bogus Adventure posted:

I liked the Special Editions... :smith:

I know that the Jabba song is a bit much, but I liked the tentacles added to the desert's butthole.

Also, I saw this gif. It made me lol.

The original is a very silly execution of an already very silly concept, but the problem is that as with all of the special edition CG and quite a lot of the prequel CG, it looks terrible. Like even the worst stuff from the original cantina has far more longevity than the CG that looked bad even at the time.

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