Barudak posted:The episode involves helping pursue an escaped criminal on a planet the federation want to bring into the fold but is officially neutral. The species of the planet are evolved from speed hunters and rub against what they perceive as slow humans both physically and the beaucracy humans love. Quickly it becomes a race to track down the escapee with the federation crew forced to work on their own after multiple times the federation gets near the eacapee only to have him sprint away from their slower moving away lead officer. good good. this is classic trek. this is trek to the core of trek. this is star trek, a star trek episode
# ? May 7, 2020 03:19 |
# ? Sep 12, 2024 16:15 |
geordi is no longer jealous that data gets laid more also maybe geordi is less creepy about dating he seems like a really nice guy, like, i WANT to root for him butttt hes kinda creep status E: geordi is the type of guy that actually would meet a woman that wants him to carry a printer to her quarters, but he would gently caress it up and just use the transporter instead Worf fucked around with this message at 09:47 on May 7, 2020 |
# ? May 7, 2020 09:44 |
A new series set in the late 25th Century featuring the crew of the brand new Enterprise H as they go on weekly adventures around the galaxy. Have some vague overarching plotline that ties the season together that isn't the end of the multiverse due to a naughty computer program. Featuring a cameo of Riker/Troi/LaForge/Worf in old person makeup for one episode. They can call it Star Trek: The Next Next Generation.
# ? May 7, 2020 13:24 |
keiko finally stops being jealous of julian
# ? May 7, 2020 13:29 |
Statutory Ape posted:geordi is no longer jealous that data gets laid more In Geordi's defense, I believe that the ship's computer was explicitly trying to manipulate him into falling for her by taking the form of Lea Brahms
# ? May 7, 2020 16:37 |
FunkyAl posted:In Geordi's defense, I believe that the ship's computer was explicitly trying to manipulate him into falling for her by taking the form of Lea Brahms The Enterprise computer wanted Geordi for itself.
# ? May 8, 2020 02:36 |
Bogus Adventure posted:The Enterprise computer wanted Geordi for itself. She wanted to fry him in her warp core
# ? May 8, 2020 03:27 |
the leah married to geordi in the all good things future is the self-aware enterprise-d computer, transferred into a mobile emitter derived from the voyager dr’s
# ? May 8, 2020 03:39 |
Speaking of the voyager doctor, there are thousands of them from all the timelines that voyager returned to earth from over the next 200 years. He was the only consistent survivor, there are multiple others but more in the score of hundreds of persons.
# ? May 8, 2020 04:54 |
The crew is sent to investigate a remote federation station situated over a world lost temporarily during a previous war and not yet repopulated when a small satchel of unmarked gold pressed latinum is discovered on the station. The crew begin their investigation, with a small away team exploring the ruins of the world for clues while the rest stay on station. As the mystery unfolds it becomes clear some of the station crew have been salvaging material from the planet but all of the material is ultimately accounted for on the station itself. At the same time, while the station gets unusually high traffic from Klingons their logs and docks are fully in order, not one has ever visited the planets surface. At the end of the episode it is revealed the salvaging crew is selling data from the surface to the klingons in exchange for the latinum. Before they arrest the crew, it is revealed the data they are selling is something that is illegal to create or sell in federation space, but not illegal to possess so no crime has technically been committed. The data is ancient archival footage of the human bloodsport "american football". As a closer, it is revealed the gold pressed latinum is being sent to one of the station crews mother who, not understanding why it is valuable has decorated her house with it.
# ? May 8, 2020 07:11 |
Farmer Crack-rear end posted:Deep range probes have detected what appears to be a gateway, located in a distant star system, that either leads to another galaxy or to another dimension entirely. As the probe neared the system, interference increased until the probe could no longer maintain communications, and the probe has not been heard from since. This demands investigation: is it a gateway? Where does it go? What lies beyond? I unironically love this idea a lot. Especially because it would give the opportunity to explore crews on multiple ships. drat, now I'm sad it'll never happen.
# ? May 8, 2020 14:34 |
Bogus Adventure posted:The Enterprise computer wanted Geordi for itself. i wonder if that made things awk in engineering after broccoli made his sex dungeon interface link in the holodeck on that one episode E: jk, it definitely made engineering awk
# ? May 8, 2020 15:36 |
Statutory Ape posted:i wonder if that made things awk in engineering after broccoli made his sex dungeon interface link in the holodeck on that one episode It's Engineering, it was already awkward as gently caress.
# ? May 8, 2020 20:15 |
A TNG reboot where Picard is played by Tom Hardy but as ripped and shirtless as he is in batman/bronson. He's still the same philosophical Jean-Luc we all know and love but occasionally he'll just tear one of the bad guys of the week in half like Captain America tearing that log.
# ? May 11, 2020 21:30 |
I want a show just about Vulcan. All the characters are Vulcan, we see Vulcan society with Starfleet, it wasn't blow'd up because this is Picard universe or whatever. But tie in all the other, surviving version of Vulcan, they got the big soul-backup rocks and computer-voice meditation games and penny-curtains like in the movies and they wear upholstery fabric and mill about in bazaars like in TNG, and there's sabre-tooth tigers for pets like in the animated series, just all the great Vulcan poo poo in one show about our first contact species and how they see Starfleet. If you got tired of being on a planet and want to get back to trek basics Defiant-style, make it a crew of all vulcans and one human who is like Anti-spock, he's always trying to get everybody to lighten up but there's frequent lessons about how he ought to embrace Vulcan ideals. Their Vulcan doctor calls him a red-blooded barbarian but the captain keeps his council for a valued different point of view, it'd be fun. Edit- instead of having Spock calculating odds, the Vulcan captain would always ask his human first mate "what does your human 'gut' say, number one?" and the Vulcans treat it like human magic being able to make calls without enough information. BoldFrankensteinMir fucked around with this message at 21:52 on May 11, 2020 |
# ? May 11, 2020 21:46 |
Full-on Harry Potter-style Starfleet Academy show. Make it loving happen.
# ? May 11, 2020 23:27 |
mind the walrus posted:Full-on Harry Potter-style Starfleet Academy show. Make it loving happen. They actually got as far as concept art for this
# ? May 11, 2020 23:31 |
There's no way not to. On an unrelated note why isn't that like the very first idea JK Rowling went with when designing new Harry Potter instead of all this "Fantastic Beasts" garbage? Hogwarts is literally all most people care about in Harry Potter whether they admit it or not, so just send some new kids there. I say do Starfleet Academy for the moralizing, do Star Trek: Andromeda like suggested above to get the astropolitical stuff out and get into exploring and survival and the moral quandaries that arise, and then do a show on a Starbase in the post-VOY era trying to deal with all of the ludicrous bullshit expansion and geopolitics of DS9, VOY, and even Nemesis/2009. Hits all three prongs I want out of Trek without any one overwhelming the premise of the others
# ? May 11, 2020 23:34 |
I feel like I saw it upthread but a Trek that is extremely outside of Starfleet. Like lean even harder into DS9, but without even the pretense of navy nonsense. All diplomats and anthropologists and botanists.BoldFrankensteinMir posted:I want a show just about Vulcan. All the characters are Vulcan, we see Vulcan society with Starfleet, it wasn't blow'd up because this is Picard universe or whatever. But tie in all the other, surviving version of Vulcan, they got the big soul-backup rocks and computer-voice meditation games and penny-curtains like in the movies and they wear upholstery fabric and mill about in bazaars like in TNG, and there's sabre-tooth tigers for pets like in the animated series, just all the great Vulcan poo poo in one show about our first contact species and how they see Starfleet. I'd really like this.
# ? May 12, 2020 02:02 |
I want to see the immigrant experience in the Federation. There's gotta be a ton of refugees and political exiles and people who are just tired of working for wages who think moving to Earth or Vulcan or a Starbase or whatever is a good idea. Gimme that culture shock.
# ? May 12, 2020 16:51 |
I know people don't want a war heavy show, but I do think making Photonics an antagonist faction could be pretty cool. Their "ships" would just be small computers that the Federation can't track very well, and then they'd turn on holo-emitters and a giant ship appears. Besides, sentient Photonics leaving the federation would 100% track due to how they're used. Especially since they seem to be created and discarded so causally.
# ? May 12, 2020 18:39 |
paragon1 posted:I want to see the immigrant experience in the Federation. There's gotta be a ton of refugees and political exiles and people who are just tired of working for wages who think moving to Earth or Vulcan or a Starbase or whatever is a good idea. Gimme that culture shock. so ds9
# ? May 12, 2020 19:06 |
Statutory Ape posted:so ds9 No.
# ? May 12, 2020 19:50 |
I see potential there-- like showing that sure you don't have to work but there's an insidious social pressure to avoid being indolent, and how stuff like "Keeping up with the Joneses" manifests in a world where you can both have equally excellent wardrobes and toys. Snotty and snobby people who twist Federation Values into a way to avoid integrating immigrants they don't like. Hell you could even get topical and focus in on social media as a form of currency in a post-scarcity society.
# ? May 13, 2020 00:18 |
mind the walrus posted:I see potential there-- like showing that sure you don't have to work but there's an insidious social pressure to avoid being indolent, and how stuff like "Keeping up with the Joneses" manifests in a world where you can both have equally excellent wardrobes and toys. Snotty and snobby people who twist Federation Values into a way to avoid integrating immigrants they don't like. Hell you could even get topical and focus in on social media as a form of currency in a post-scarcity society. Thanks for reminding me that "The Player of Games" ruled
# ? May 13, 2020 06:33 |
mind the walrus posted:I see potential there-- like showing that sure you don't have to work but there's an insidious social pressure to avoid being indolent, and how stuff like "Keeping up with the Joneses" manifests in a world where you can both have equally excellent wardrobes and toys. Snotty and snobby people who twist Federation Values into a way to avoid integrating immigrants they don't like. Hell you could even get topical and focus in on social media as a form of currency in a post-scarcity society. Yeah! And like how it ends up impacting the internal dynamics of incoming groups. How do Mr. and Mrs. Klingon keep their kid going to bat'leth practice and upholding the family honor when they're surrounded by a culture that sees those things as a hobby at best? What happens to groups that see themselves as bound together by wealth when they move to a place where that just isn't a thing? What, if anything, do they replace it with?
# ? May 13, 2020 14:10 |
Squizzle posted:if paramount called me tomorrow to let me do any trek project i wanted, no questions asked, i would do an assignment earth spinoff that was barely recognizable as trek but was fuckin awesome Secon ship is the premise of the cartoon, so it's partially there.
# ? May 13, 2020 14:15 |
I want Star Trek with more alien crewmembers, and species that are not just one-offs. Especially Tellarites. Tellarites make me laugh, and I can imagine having one as part of the core cast would rule. They are grumpy pig-dwarves for whom arguments are an art form. What I'm saying is that Tellarites are goons, and that I want to be in a Star Trek show.
# ? May 16, 2020 11:42 |
Bogus Adventure posted:I want Star Trek with more alien crewmembers, and species that are not just one-offs. Especially Tellarites. Tellarites make me laugh, and I can imagine having one as part of the core cast would rule. They are grumpy pig-dwarves for whom arguments are an art form. Your desires are bad, you smell awful and your romulan ale is just synthehol
# ? May 16, 2020 14:56 |
the female changling becomes the alpha & the omega
# ? May 16, 2020 17:22 |
AntherUslessPoster posted:Your desires are bad, you smell awful and your romulan ale is just synthehol Turn on your viewscreen and activate your maintenance and cleaning system.
# ? May 16, 2020 18:32 |
My dreamtrek would be a 5th season of Farscape.
# ? May 16, 2020 18:43 |
Does NuTrek still produce things like books of ship blueprints? Things like that were my favorite parts of Star Trek and Star Wars, looking at carefully drawn exploded diagrams of engines and pinpointing where all the black boxes that run on fairy magic are.
# ? May 16, 2020 18:44 |
My DreamTrek is basically "Star Trek: The West Wing" a little after the Khitomer Peace Accords and well before TNG. In short, we follow the newly elected president of the Federation and what his administration does in relation to the Federation as a whole. Yeah a human and probably due to producer leanings it'll be a Martin Sheen stand-in so let's just call the Federation president Martin Sheen for this DreamTrek. Maybe Martin Sheen is from the old school of thought but is actively learning and embracing the new order of the universe, or perhaps he's the first wave of what the TNG Federation would become and he's trying to get people to embrace that future. But always at the core of every challenge or problem, is the investment of the beliefs of diversity, knowledge, and peaceful resolutions. How did the early days of the Federation-Empire get along? Where did all these notable TNG near-historical figures come from, from a wider perspective? Diplomacy, Alien-of-the-Week, the graduation of technology from TOS to TNG, questions about the greater good or the individual right, moments of light brevity, interpersonal drama, analogies to real world problems. It's all applicable to this "better version of ourselves", at a slower more well adjusted wider scale than trying to crush the problems of the world into a single moment of a frantic bridge crew spat. Of course, there's going to be a push for a "big bad". What's our old Klingons? Or our pre-Borg? As a main antagonist, the Romulans are kinda an easy out, but I'd prefer they'd just be a worthy chess opponent you don't take your eyes off of for one second. I'd honestly say, there should really only be a small but obvious pushback on progress from within the Federation, meaning our biggest bad is "ourselves", or at least our worse tendencies that surface every now and then. But as far as a big drama arc, I give you the Season 2 and 3 big arc: Andoria is Burning. One of the things that I wonder is why TNG and beyond didn't have a lot of Andorian presence. Sure ENT made something work on that, and Disco at least has some background dressings with Andorians, but after ST6 it seemed like Andorians were exceedingly rare. This would be my attempt to create a reason for it. Andoria, is a stand-in possible-analogy for America right now: Fighty, mouthy, brash, often non-cooperative. But at least in Star Trek terms, they understand the importance of the Federation. For some reason, that changes. Andorian politics get more isolationist and antagonistic. They don't like being at peace with the Klingons, and old dogwhistle slurs start to pop into their diplomatic exchanges. They withdraw from agreements and treaties, while demanding more authority over "security" matters. Feud fights get more frequent, and more deadly. Andorian politics begins to split the race in two main factions vying for control of Andoria's future. And then, civil war erupts on Andoria. The rest of the Federation is beside itself trying to figure out how to stop this ethically, without a full peacekeeping invasion, suppression, and occupation. Martin Sheen has to still play nice and smile for both factions, because Andoria never seceded from the Federation, and while he'd prefer the side that's more sensible, both have their chances at pissing him off. At a point, the Federation has to make a choice of who to back militarily to end the bloodshed. It turns out to be a bad move, because the opposition gets desperate and uses WMDs. The fighting stops soon after the war crimes, but the damage is done: 60% of Andorians are dead. They aren't endangered, but they are a shadow of what they once were. No one wins. And yet, Martin Sheen still believes in the value of Andorian life, and publicly asks the Federation and allies for help. Because it's the right thing not just for them, but for everyone. That we'd lose something that makes the Federation so special, even worth dying for, if the Andorians were left to die out, out of indifference or spite, for causing so much trouble. On the other hand, this also leads to the amended articles of what TNG referred to as the Prime Directive, so that the Federation never makes the same political mistake again. Those are the kind of things I'd see explored, in what I'd call Star Trek: Federation.
# ? May 16, 2020 20:57 |
Ainsley gets an office in a warp nacelle
# ? May 16, 2020 21:01 |
BoldFrankensteinMir posted:Does NuTrek still produce things like books of ship blueprints? Things like that were my favorite parts of Star Trek and Star Wars, looking at carefully drawn exploded diagrams of engines and pinpointing where all the black boxes that run on fairy magic are. Aside from Discovery's re-imagining of the original Enterprise and Disco itself, most of the ships in NuTrek kind of lackluster and stink of "video game NPC asset reuse that you're not supposed to see on screen for more than three seconds" compared to the post-First Contact non-hero ships. So they're not really the stuff you can publish metatextual blueprint books on or make Eaglemoss models out of.
# ? May 16, 2020 22:44 |
nine-gear crow posted:Aside from Discovery's re-imagining of the original Enterprise and Disco itself, most of the ships in NuTrek kind of lackluster and stink of "video game NPC asset reuse that you're not supposed to see on screen for more than three seconds" compared to the post-First Contact non-hero ships. So they're not really the stuff you can publish metatextual blueprint books on or make Eaglemoss models out of. e.g: "Why would we want to do that nerd poo poo?" attitude that permeates the first two NuTrek movies. Although to be completely fair the economic considerations did change pretty drastically from the late 90s. Print book margins are slimmer than ever, so why go in so hard on drawing up fictional blueprints and selling them?
# ? May 16, 2020 22:57 |
nine-gear crow posted:Aside from Discovery's re-imagining of the original Enterprise and Disco itself, most of the ships in NuTrek kind of lackluster and stink of "video game NPC asset reuse that you're not supposed to see on screen for more than three seconds" compared to the post-First Contact non-hero ships. So they're not really the stuff you can publish metatextual blueprint books on or make Eaglemoss models out of. It was such an elegant system, you see a movie about spaceship models, you build those spaceship models. Eventually you make your own movies with your own spaceship models and it repeats. I don't think moving to CGI models should necessarily have made us care less about where the bathrooms and secret compartments in the pretty little ships are, should it? Edit- mind the walrus posted:e.g: "Why would we want to do that nerd poo poo?" attitude that permeates the first two NuTrek movies. I would totally buy E-books of that stuff too. But I see your point. BoldFrankensteinMir fucked around with this message at 23:02 on May 16, 2020 |
# ? May 16, 2020 23:00 |
a'ight, a'ight, careful, we're getting good dreamtreks in there, I am 100% on board with ragging on the new ships, but this is a thread for dreams and joyful thoughts
# ? May 16, 2020 23:02 |
# ? Sep 12, 2024 16:15 |
My dream trek takes place at Star Fleet Engineering and stars a class of wacky upstarts who dunk on the old ship designs all day, while Dean LaForge tries to keep order despite a campus-wide prank war!
# ? May 16, 2020 23:45 |