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Apr 24, 2008

if paramount called me tomorrow to let me do any trek project i wanted, no questions asked, i would do an assignment earth spinoff that was barely recognizable as trek but was fuckin awesome

if they said, squizzle, no, plz make it an actual star trek, we beg of you, then i would go for a ship specializing in “secons contact”. like after first contact has been made, these guys come in and spend the long weeks needed to really get a civilization up to speed on what being a participant in galactic culture means. technology, political situations, etc. prob short arcs for each planet, the occasional one-off ep. absolute requirement, non-negotiable: deltan officer as a main character


Apr 24, 2008

Olewithmilk posted:

i would now like a mini-series now where sisko returns to his physical form ¬20 years later, and him having to deal with his son and partner ageing and whatever the hell has happened to the Federation in the intervening time period. like that episode where the lonley kid alien makes Riker think he has amnesia and he's forgotten 10 years, but also with the Defiant and some good ship battles for some reason.

I misread the thread idea, because it's late and I've had wines and beers, I will think more on this.

no the ideal sisko return is that after jake stares forlornly at a tiny doll chair, he and kassidy take a walk around the promenade to clear their heads for a few hours. they decide to go back to her quarters for a quiet family dinner to remember ben, and when they get there, ben is already there and has spent the entire afternoon while they were walking around preparing a giant spread of cajun food

Apr 24, 2008

FunkyAl posted:

Theoretically someone else could play odo but he could also look like a ps1 graphic as a mockery of saccharine cgi recreations of dead actors.

Apr 24, 2008

dear star trek plz hire me to do assignment earth

it would be so fuckin good (to me)

xoxo, squizzle

Apr 24, 2008

hard counter posted:

yeah, pretty sound overall

if you were to do a war-heavy trek the ethical/moral issues at stake when someone wants to come and kick over your delicate utopia are those you'd want to thoughtfully focus on to maintain the trek spirit, especially in contrast to just focusing on the spectacle/thrill/dread of war and disappearing into the spirit of straight military scifi

Apr 24, 2008

Pick posted:

thank you. i believe that trek should only explore war as it explores ethical conduct in wartime situations (where war should absolutely be a last resort and, imho, the federation should absolutely never ever ever ever be the instigator*)

* this is because, despite what some people might think from my Hot Takes, the federation is GOOD and represents the GOOD that society and civilization and etc is capable of. perhaps some PEOPLE can fail "the federation" and what it stands for in whatever capacity they represent the Federation, but the Federation ITSELF is just, and good

anyone who tries to corrupt the federation, should be shown to be wrong, and the federation should be shown to be its most powerful when it ultimately chooses to be ethical even under the greatest duress

star trek shows a future where our better nature charts the course of humanity

Apr 24, 2008

he turns into a golden intimacy cloud you craven solids

Apr 24, 2008


Apr 24, 2008

the leah married to geordi in the all good things future is the self-aware enterprise-d computer, transferred into a mobile emitter derived from the voyager dr’s

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