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Jun 3, 2008

yeah thats pretty good

Terry Farrell hitting Rick Berman over the head with a chair.


Jun 3, 2008

yeah thats pretty good

I feel like I saw it upthread but a Trek that is extremely outside of Starfleet. Like lean even harder into DS9, but without even the pretense of navy nonsense. All diplomats and anthropologists and botanists.

BoldFrankensteinMir posted:

I want a show just about Vulcan. All the characters are Vulcan, we see Vulcan society with Starfleet, it wasn't blow'd up because this is Picard universe or whatever. But tie in all the other, surviving version of Vulcan, they got the big soul-backup rocks and computer-voice meditation games and penny-curtains like in the movies and they wear upholstery fabric and mill about in bazaars like in TNG, and there's sabre-tooth tigers for pets like in the animated series, just all the great Vulcan poo poo in one show about our first contact species and how they see Starfleet.

If you got tired of being on a planet and want to get back to trek basics Defiant-style, make it a crew of all vulcans and one human who is like Anti-spock, he's always trying to get everybody to lighten up but there's frequent lessons about how he ought to embrace Vulcan ideals. Their Vulcan doctor calls him a red-blooded barbarian but the captain keeps his council for a valued different point of view, it'd be fun.

Edit- instead of having Spock calculating odds, the Vulcan captain would always ask his human first mate "what does your human 'gut' say, number one?" and the Vulcans treat it like human magic being able to make calls without enough information.

I'd really like this.

Jun 3, 2008

yeah thats pretty good

mind the walrus posted:

I see potential there-- like showing that sure you don't have to work but there's an insidious social pressure to avoid being indolent, and how stuff like "Keeping up with the Joneses" manifests in a world where you can both have equally excellent wardrobes and toys. Snotty and snobby people who twist Federation Values into a way to avoid integrating immigrants they don't like. Hell you could even get topical and focus in on social media as a form of currency in a post-scarcity society.

Thanks for reminding me that "The Player of Games" ruled

Jun 3, 2008

yeah thats pretty good

A Ferengi learns that latinum is replicable, it was all a lie to avoid disrupting Ferengi culture too much.

Bogus Adventure posted:

My dream Trek has a ship exploring strange new worlds and lost civilizations. It's crewmembers are friends who are able to argue and joke with each other. They visit defunct civilizations that were brought down by things like unrepentant bigotry, blind faith in false gods, the pursuit of unsustainable pleasure over the survival of the planet. They meet bizarre, inscrutable aliens whose encounters challenge their ideals. At the end of the episode, the crewmembers get to talk about how these encounters affected them. Perhaps they faltered from their ideals. Perhaps they looked into the abss and blinked. However, the camaraderie they have with each other pulls them back from the brink, and helps them heal and become better than they were before.

I want a Trek where my characters are heroes who beat challenges by being good people, not antiheroes who defeat the villain of the week by becoming worse.

Hell yes.

Jun 3, 2008

yeah thats pretty good

The vast majority of cop shows suffer from a problem of "a case opens on Monday and is solved by Friday," which is somewhat necessitated by the structural constraints of keeping things episodic but creates the sense that there's 5000 active serial killers in the US and such. True Detective and Twin Peaks are deliberately surreal shows that manage to have a pacing that makes more sense of taking a very, very long time to solve a complicated case.

I don't think True Detective: Starfleet would work super well, but I do think that True Detective: Cardassia, True Detective: Ferenginar, and True Detective: Qo'nos are all great ideas. A cop show where some Ferengi spend an entire season investigating a complicated financial conspiracy would be particularly fun.

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