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Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Mine is a literal "dream," where after DS9 Sisko returns to the station and battles dukat, and everyone is there, but since that can't possibly be true it's revealed it's a vision sisko and possibly dukat are having within the wormhole, to which the rest of the crew is somehow metaphysically linked. It is like the concept of the nexus crossed with the episode where their imaginations run wild, the movie (just one movie) is cartoony and involves poo poo like the federation's greatest enemies (balok, harry mudd, the old man admiral who wants the fountain of youth, q, etc) coming to wreck havoc on the station, willy wonka's chocolate factory logic where halls don't make sense and each room is a surprise.

Like in one scene, O' Brien is cornered by "weyoun" in a hall of mirrors. it turns out to be three weyouns but he couldn't tell, it was a hall of mirrors. So he drinks some ketrisol white and the popeye music starts playing, and he starts beating the crap out of the weyouns, and bashir who is there on the adventure is like cheering him on, then we cut to keiko doing the same off in another room somewhere, then the rest of the cast individually and like picard, picard is making the fists like "yeah, yeah, punch him like that."

Then other stuff too, Quark is probably trapped in a hell of perpetual pleasures by his malfunctioning holosuite, vic fontaine becomes a real boy. Theoretically someone else could play odo but he could also look like a ps1 graphic as a mockery of saccharine cgi recreations of dead actors. Sisko chases Dukat like elmer fudd the whole time, or vice reversa, and they end the movie with a serious reexamination of how they are handing their conflict and perhaps finally each "join" in spiritual understanding with the prophets. Like this film is sort of their purgatory.

As for other star trek, I want optical effects, monsters that are a laser pointer being shone at a crystal, the entire cast should look and behave like the 3+x stooges.


Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

dudeness posted:

Vash would be there, I can tell you that much.

Vash seduces Bashir and leaves him four times, and then Ezri Dax hits him on the head with a rolling pin

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

Pick posted:

vash seduces ezri dax. she still hits bashir on the head with a rolling pin.

Jadzia, Ezri, Kurzon, and the rest team up with Vash and they all take turns hitting him with a rolling pin, or a microscope in Tobin's case.

Is this red dwarf? Who is this.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
If CGI technology was just three years more advanced, the female changeling would have done a groovy, wavy dance in the star trek finale. Like shrek but she's breakdancing and turning into a spinning top or bear on a unicycle. This is my dream.

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

Statutory Ape posted:

odo turns into an OO-Mox vibrator

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

Statutory Ape posted:

geordi is no longer jealous that data gets laid more

also maybe geordi is less creepy about dating he seems like a really nice guy, like, i WANT to root for him butttt hes kinda creep status

E: geordi is the type of guy that actually would meet a woman that wants him to carry a printer to her quarters, but he would gently caress it up and just use the transporter instead

In Geordi's defense, I believe that the ship's computer was explicitly trying to manipulate him into falling for her by taking the form of Lea Brahms

Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.

Bogus Adventure posted:

The Enterprise computer wanted Geordi for itself.

She wanted to fry him in her warp core


Mar 28, 2010

Your vitals soar.
Speaking of the voyager doctor, there are thousands of them from all the timelines that voyager returned to earth from over the next 200 years. He was the only consistent survivor, there are multiple others but more in the score of hundreds of persons.

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