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May 1, 2013

I've been worshiping Christ for 15 years. But my life keeps getting worse. I've been praying also, for the 15 years. Whatever is going on with the virus I don't understand. I'll just listen to my death metal and hope the world ends soon.


Squashing Machine
Jul 5, 2005

I mean boning, the wild mambo, the hunka chunka

Spacegrass posted:

I've been worshiping Christ for 15 years. But my life keeps getting worse. I've been praying also, for the 15 years. Whatever is going on with the virus I don't understand. I'll just listen to my death metal and hope the world ends soon.

Sir I appreciate your candor but this is frankly out of my scope as a Verizon employee

Sep 14, 2002

by Fluffdaddy
Have you considered an apple phone. They are god's phones.

Mar 13, 2001

Spacegrass posted:

I've been worshiping Christ for 15 years. But my life keeps getting worse. I've been praying also, for the 15 years. Whatever is going on with the virus I don't understand. I'll just listen to my death metal and hope the world ends soon.

Have you tried turning it off and then on again

lmao like the IT crowd did anyone watch that show omg it s like me and my friends xd

Mar 15, 2006

Spacegrass posted:

I've been worshiping Christ for 15 years. But my life keeps getting worse. I've been praying also, for the 15 years. Whatever is going on with the virus I don't understand. I'll just listen to my death metal and hope the world ends soon.

Well can I interest you in some Islam or perhaps a bit of Buddhism? If you're on a budget I have some lightly used Judaism in both orthodox and reform if you want a change but not too much change...

Of course what most people in your situation decide is just to go with a Christianity with a different OEM skin, in which case I'll need to know more about what you've been using.

By popular demand
Jul 17, 2007


After reflashing my Judaism firmware I can definitely recommend. provided you keep up to date on the community patches.

Jose Oquendo
Jun 20, 2004

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a boring movie

By popular demand posted:

After reflashing my Judaism firmware I can definitely recommend. provided you keep up to date on the community patches.

How do you deal with your phone not working one day out of the week?

Endless Mike
Aug 13, 2003

Sounds like you got too many Body Thetans. You need an audit.

By popular demand
Jul 17, 2007


Jose Oquendo posted:

How do you deal with your phone not working one day out of the week?

Dude that got resolved with the Sec-U-L0r ROM in like day 1.


Island Nation
Jun 20, 2006
Trust No One
Which religions are compatable with the GPL (God's Protection License)?

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